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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/477011-Swedish-colors-are-red-and-green
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #982524
Online journal capturing the moment and the memory of moments. A meadow meditation.
#477011 added December 25, 2006 at 6:20pm
Restrictions: None
Swedish colors are red and green.
L'aura del campo

EARLY WINTER: 13 Masa'il (24 December) 48º and clear calm.

'é a lua, é a lua, na quintana dos mortos'
♣ Federico García Lorca ♣

Bought my notebook for my on-going journal the second time I walked 10 blocks to get it (the first time I bought food including t-bone steak for a friend - food stamps are great sometimes - and forgot to get the notebook). It's book #13, and plum-colored to replace the yellow booklet for autumn. Cost me 99 cents. Also bought some film, gave a friend $5 and bought coffee. I spent close to $20 today, which is more than I've spent in a long, long time.

I came across the light-blue book #9 from last year. On the 24th, pages 828-830, I wrote in purple and green ink about memories of the orchids of Costa Rica. That my cousin had sold the camp and gotten the money. That it was wet and dingy here, but sunny and mild in Jamestown. Carol had made Swedish meatballs; they had korv, koldormers, eggnog. I was reading the Dhammapada and "S is for Silence" which made the point that once one is accused, life ends. I was at Java Break. Just as I am now!

Today was pleasant. I got to talk to Chris when he wasn't drunk. He'll turn 33 on the 29th, God willing. Around here, life expectancy is about 45, worse than some 3rd world countries, worse than the Rez or Appalachia. So Chris was acting out last night, drunker than drunk. I sat down with him for a half hour until he got in for the night. It always surprises me that I have a calming affect on some folks.

My cousin Stephen Kocsis contacted me today thru WdC. I had mentioned our Aunt Ivaloo in my blog and he saw the reference and in reading my blog figured out which branch of the Hessel family I belonged to. I don't think I've seen him in 30 years ... but I do remember him and his family.

I was just invited over to Linn's house tomorrow ... should I go? Perhaps. I just met her, but what the hell! If she trusts me enough to invite me over, maybe I should go.

Janice is stopping by at 9 in the morning to deliver a gift. This year feels so much more normal than last year. Last year was bleak.

My cousin Betty called me yesterday. Which was great. She just needs to remember to call on the cell phone to save money. We "older folk" can adapt to change, but old habits die long slow deaths. I joked about how she should send me Swedish meatballs. They did them Friday night. She's training a grandson to carry on the family tradition.

Speaking of traditions, I watched "Like Water for Chocolate" again today. Very sensual and worth watching.

Images and thoughts from Gladman Gallery, 14th and Massachusetts:

The sound of tires, tiresome, at the light where traffic stops; weak sunlight on this 24th day the 12th month, 10th month of the old calendar; weeds growing green between the cracks, chickweed, henbit?; black painted brick, red door; across the street a new addition rising behind the old Liberty High School; cigarette butts, cracked concrete steps, silent urn; a pink wall to sit on, no need to tarry.

Are your fans really fans? One thing that I miss about the people of Buffalo is their loyalty. The sport teams: the Bills, the Sabres, the Bisons, know this. John Y Brown screwed the fans when the Braves of the NBA were in town and the town was thankful to see him leave (too bad the team went too). Treat your fans well in Buffalo and they will support you through the tough times and poor seasons and be there in droves in the good times.


O Dawn that lies damp!

O Dawn that lies damp,
your moist saturation wrings out hope
that the sun will come back.
Expectations slowly slowly lengthen the day
strengthen the light that breaks this grey
of December.

Not all is dead or hidden by dark.
The sounds of traffic bring me back
from dreams of afar and far off streams
where noon lies dank and dreary
and the sun must be too weary
to challenge the clouds.

Cloaked in its woe of despair and depression
the soltice gathers its gloom,
continues to sing out of tune.
Release us, O Dawn. [163.513]

Just got a call from Chris Parsons! He's getting married to Miranda on March 16th in Neosho, Missouri. He'll be 30 come April 17th, so it's about time! His son Tristan is now 4. Can't imagine how the time flies. Alissa, his daughter, must be about 1. I asked him whether he minded that everyone knew. I am learning the power of the BLOG! And the internet ... be careful what you say and who you say it about!!!

So my lament about feeling disconnected has been heard and answered by Betty, Stephen and Chris. Not to forget Linn or Janice. Who knows what tomorrow will bring? *Delight*

And by-the-way, "Swedish colors are 'red and green'." It is just a small slice of my heritage, but one I've always known since childhood. Yes, the Swedish flag is blue and gold, but the colors of the homes of Smaaland are red and green. As was ours when I was growing up. It's still red. But now the trim is white.

** Image ID #1134108 Unavailable **
 Kare *Leaf5* Enga

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