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Rated: 13+ · Book · Fantasy · #1179471
Meet Kennocha, guardian of the door,must travel to the elven world of Tharndor
#477134 added January 4, 2008 at 9:32pm
Restrictions: None
Rite of Evocation
         The meeting room was filled with twelve new faces around a large boardroom type table. Dottie sat against the wall with an empty chair next to her. I started to angle toward the chair when Evelyn leaned over to me and said, “You must stand at the head of the table while the introductions are being made,” then she addressed the elf warrior, “Te’Himear, please take the chair next to mine at the end of the table.” With that, he moved to the other end of the table to where the last free chairs were.
         “My fellow Priests and Priestesses, I would like to present to you Summer McCallum’s daughter, Kennocha Koisidura Teranika McCallum. Our sister, Dorothy cul Bun, called me two days ago with wondrous news of a lost one. As you, I had no inkling that Summer had mated and had a child, but I believe that this is why we did not sense her present,” with that she swept my hair from my ears and turned me. I felt like an animal on display at the zoo. I reddened at the gasps from Evelyn’s comrades. I slowly swept the room with my eyes to see a mixture of surprise and awe. Dottie gave me a reassuring smile. As my gaze continued its perusal of those present, it slammed into angry sapphire eyes. I had little time to consider why he seemed so angered by the knowledge, because the whole room broke into an uproar of voices.
         As fast as the pandemonium came, it subsided when Evelyn raised her hand and snapped her fingers. She again addressed the group, “I realize you all have questions, as do I, but we must have patients. Kennocha has just come to understand some of why she is different, but does not fully grasp the enormity of her situation and its far-reaching effects.” She then addressed the elf warrior directly, “Now, you see why I have been pushing for you to take her to the Gerousia. Her status as an elf gives her the right to have her case be heard by your governing body, before any action is taken.”
         During Evelyn’s discourse, my eyes stayed riveted to the elf’s sapphire ones. I watched as he hide the anger I had first saw there, changing his expression to cold indifference. He seemed to consider her demand that I was an elf and deserved full consideration as one. At last, he acquiesced, “ I do see why you have countered my instructions from the Gerousia. Although, I don’t know how they will view this halfing, who has not been brought up in our ways. She does merit the right to be heard. That said, I will have it known, you will not delay me much longer, so make ready to turn her over to my custody.” He finished with a steely tone to his voice.
         Evelyn nodded slightly, acknowledging his command, but asserted, “Te’Himear, I believe my Brothers and Sisters would concur that you have been above reproach for complying with our ways and wishes. However, I’m sure they would agree that we shall turn her over to your guardianship as soon as she completes her rite of evocation, so she may know and embrace her Wicca aspect.”
         “And how soon can this take place?”
         “Why, as luck would have it, tonight is the full moon,” Evelyn simpered. I noticed there seem to be a war of wills flash between theirs eyes.
         The elf warrior stood and walked back around the table to where I stood by Evelyn. In a quite yet dangerous whisper to me, he said, “Let them do their witch’s magick and make you one of them, halfing. But know this, it will be much harder to be embraced by your elven side.” With that, he marched out of the meeting room.
         I looked at Evelyn; she shrugged and then spoke to Dottie, “ My sister, would you do the honor of making Kennocha ready for the ceremony?”
         I observed a tear in Dottie’s eyes as she shook her head in the affirmative. She hurried to me, taking me by the elbow and shepherded me out of the room. As the door closed, I once again heard the room break into chaos.
         Back in my room, Dottie fix me a bath and ushered me in.
         “Hmm, what is that smell? It makes me feel so relaxed,” I purred as sank into the deep tub.
         “It’s lavender and will purify you for the ceremony. Her let me help you wash your hair,” Dottie worker wonders with her ministrations to me. I was boneless when I finally got out of the tub. She held up big fluffy towel and helped my dry off. “Kenny, I need to prepare you for the ceremony.”
         “I thought that’s what we are doing?”
         “Yes, my child, but there is more. Kenny, you must be open and free of all doubt to give yourself over to the Lord and Lady. Is this what you want?” Dottie seemed to be on pins and needles waiting for my answer.
         After I fully considered what I had learned and felt even in this short time, I was sure this was the right course. I nodded my head and said quietly, “Dottie, I have come to the understand within myself that things are not always what they seem and I must accepted that my life is changing drastically. I have always felt forces trying to guide me to something. That something, I now believe, is to open myself up to what the Lord and Lady wills for me.”
         Dottie took my hands in hers and pulled me into her embrace and whispered, “Oh, my heart, I know I’m not your mother, but I so proud of you. You are truly a woman of deep perceptiveness. I know the Lord and Lady will guide your progress through out your life.” There was a companionable silence, before she drew away from our embrace and blushed, “Now, as for the ceremony, I must tell you that you will be skyclad for most of it.”
         “What do you mean by skyclad?” I questioned as Dottie turned an even deeper shade of red.
         “Skyclad means you wear no adornment or clothing”
         “You mean I’ll have to be naked?” I practically shouted my question at her.
         “Yes, Kennocha, you will wear an old gown or robe out to the meeting area. Disrobe for the Rite of Evocation and be anointed, then you will be give the robe of a new witch. Now let’s go over what will be done and said…”
         Dottie had given me a plain gray robe that looked as through it had seen better days. I now wore it, as I followed two witches that did not introduce themselves. The wind blew softly through my shoulder length hair, tickling my neck with what felt like light kisses. Then as it had happen before my mind felt like someone else was there with me.
         Itrenor is that you?
         Yes, little witch. I wish you peace in your efforts to know your mother’s people. I would also like to encourage you to make a substantial effort to know your father’s people. I would have you know that you may ask my assistance of this at anytime during our travels.
         Thank you, Itrenor. It is comforting to know that there will be someone who will be there to help me understand. I got the feeling from the elf warrior that my father’s people many not wish to accept me.
         Little one, your father’s people are prideful. As with any group, there are those who do not like change. You will find your way, for your heart is filled with courage and love. I knew that when I first saw you fighting the Du-sith.
         So you were at Dottie’s. I didn’t see you there, will you be at the ceremony t…
“Uh!” I ran into the back of the witch I was following. She said nothing but gave me a dirty look.
         No, little witch, I refused to ease-drop on your ceremony. You and I will meet soon. May peace be upon you and no harm done.
         This time I felt Itrenor break the link he had made to me. I became aware of my surroundings once again. We were in the middle of the forest, in a large clearing. I saw an altar at what I was sure was the West side of the circle on the ground. There were two burning white candles at each end of the altar. Immediately in from the candles was what appeared to be a metal chalice and three-legged cast-iron cauldron. Between the cauldron and chalice lay a shimmering length of red fabric. My eyes roamed from the altar in a clockwise manner, at each of the other compass directions lay small blankets with several things on each.
         Evelyn, in a flowing white robe, and Dottie, in blue robe, walked into the clearing. Dottie stopped at the edge of the clearing and quickly smiled, while Evelyn continued to the altar and motioned for me to come to her. When I got to her, she took my hand and squeezed it lightly then whispered, “Are you ready to accept the Lord and Lady’s direction?” I nodded my head yes, and she pulled me with her to the edge of the circle and dropped my hand.
         Everyone became quiet and I could here the sounds of the animals of the woods. After a time, Evelyn said in a loud voice, “Let there be none who suffer loneliness; none who are friendless and without brother or sister. For all may find love and peace within the Circle…” she raised her arms to the sky and continued, “The Lord and Lady well all.”*
         Evelyn then disrobed handing her gown to the woman next to her and sauntered into the center circle. She turned and beckoned me to do the same. I hesitantly undid the robe, letting it slide off my shoulders to puddle on the ground. As I stepped into the circle, I became aware of someone’s gaze burning upon my skin. I looked at those around the circle but all had their gazes on Evelyn, not me.
         As I made it to her side, Evelyn began by stepping to the East and called out, “Guardians of the East, oh honored, Ancient ones of Air! May your gentle breeze blow your daughter, our sister, to always be beneficent.” As she finished, she strode over to the blanket she faced and brought me a wand and a censer or incense burner which she place on the ground facing east.
         She walked a few steps away from me to the South and called, “ Guardians of the South, oh honored, Ancient ones of Fire! May your flames warm and cleanse your daughter’s spirit to hold true her courage and strength.” Again she went to the blanket place there. This time, she brought back what I knew to be an sgian dubh type knife and lightweight sword in sheathes and again placed the on the ground at my feet, these facing south.
         She again moved away, this time toward the altar and called out, “Guardians of the West, oh honored, Ancient ones of Water! May your deluge purify her heart and mind to let flow love and peace.” I only then became aware that someone had moved the chalice and cauldron while disposing of the old robe. Evelyn repeated once again the practice of placing the items on the ground in that direction.
         Yet again she moved away completing the circle and called out, “Guardians of the North, oh honored Ancient ones of Earth! May your forces cultivate in her body to stabilize and nurture all.” Evelyn placed an old-fashion broom and piece of chalk on the ground before me.
         Dottie was now at the edge of the circle with the small bowl of grape seed oil with essential oils frankincense, myrrh and sandalwood dissolved in it. Evelyn took it from Dottie and came to stand next to me. Dottie and I had gone over what I was to say and do earlier, but I was still nervous. With shaking hands, I dipped two fingers into the oil mixture and touched myself between the eyes, saying, “Let my mind be free.” I again dipped my fingers, and then touched my breast above my heart, saying, “Let my heart be free.” Lastly, I dipped my fingers and touch my mons, saying, “Let my body be free.”
         Evelyn walked back to Dottie, who now held the red fabric. She and Evelyn exchanged items and Evelyn came back to me. I saw that the fabric was indeed a shear red robe, which she helped me into and nodded for me to finish my speech. I took a deep, calming breath and raised my hands, “Oh honored Lord and Lady, Gods and Goddesses of Witches, give me protection on my new path.” All those present responded to my supplication with, “So mote it be!”
         Evelyn then gestured to all the utensils on the ground around me, “My these sacred items help you on your path. An it harm none, do what thou will.” Then to the crowd of witches she regale, “Now, let us show our new sister how we toast the Gods and Goddesses.”

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