Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/477299-Chapter-10---Trust-the-Cook
by ryc
Rated: 18+ · Book · Fantasy · #1114631
So we know a few things now... or do we? Continuation of The Empress's Man (Book 2).
#477299 added January 1, 2007 at 9:25pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 10 - Trust the Cook
Kyle, having just gotten back from Sev3n, stared at the two silhouetted giants dancing nimbly between forms. He immediately recognized the forms as Jonas moved the growing blade from ‘The Landing Swan’ to ‘The Ravens in Flight’ in an impressive display of swordsmanship. Ben, who had been the one to test the lad, skillfully evaded and delivered his own attack. While the two mercs were well practiced, and perhaps as good as he, it had been their weapons that had given him pause.

It’s like the weapons are alive, he thought as Ben’s dagger grew to a full length sword and back.

Ben blocked Jonas’s dagger that had appeared out of nowhere and shifted his weight, pivoted his hip, and sent Jonas sprawling over his shoulder and to the ground. Kyle let out a stifled warning when Ben brought the short sword down onto Jonas’s back. Instead of the blade cutting clear through the man, the now long sword glanced off harmlessly from the oddly dark blue tented black short sleeved shirt.

Ben immediately stopped his assault and Jonas slowly stood up, hand to back. The younger of the two held a look of wonder and pain. “How did you…”

Ben gave him a sly grin before saying, “You are quick, and even stronger, than you look but you need to learn how to use more than just your sword. Both mind and body.”

Jonas simply nodded at the advice before they both turned to Kyle who had been silently watching the duel--until the end at least.

Knowing he’d been caught, Kyle came out of the shadowed hallway. The light was dimming by the minute and the slaves were just starting to light the torches.

“That was impressive,” Kyle said when the two didn’t speak right away.

They were frozen in place for what felt like a whole minute until something broke between them. Kyle noticed for the third time that day how the mercs seemed to communicate without words or hand signals. He was now almost positive that they did.

Ignoring him, they both turned their attention back to each other.

Jonas said, “I will have to work on that.”

Ben nodded in agreement before frowning. “What’s wrong?”

His student shrugged embarrassingly before he said, “I thought Top would test me.”

Ben suddenly laughed. “Top?”

“Aye.” It was said almost defensively.

“He doesn’t practice.” And then Ben gave a thoughtful pose. “But that is something I wouldn’t mind seeing. Is something wrong, Lieutenant?”

Kyle realized the giant was talking to him and, another heartbeat later, his body told him he had been starring. Snapping out of his motionless state, he said the only thing that came to mind, “No. I was just wondering how long Lady Lola will be restrained.”

He knew the brat wanted out of the prison they had placed her in, and no amount of luxury would trick her into believing it was nothing less than a cell.

Ben opened his mouth to answer but abruptly stopped. As one, both Jonas and Ben looked off to the right where the hallway Kyle had been hiding started. Kyle tuned to see what they were looking at but didn’t see or hear anything. Turning back to the two, he noticed both men frowning.

“What does that mean?” Kyle heard Jonas whisper.

“Trouble,” Ben replied just as quietly.

They both turned back to Kyle as if just realizing he was there. Ben, acting as if nothing had happened, said, “Four days and we go live.”

Kyle had heard of Lola’s sudden status promotion but hadn’t thought it would be so soon. He knew instances like Poison were a lot more likely to happen when the first Queen in Kalian history took the throne. Having the previous King die mysteriously would only encourage the gossip and the conspiracy theories in the city.

And the crazies, Kyle thought bitterly. Aloud he said, “Why so soon?”

Ben shook his head. “Out of our control.”

“But the work being done to the mansion might not be done by then,” he protested.

When the King’s successor is announced, Kyle knew she couldn’t show any sign of weakness or the people would laugh at her--which meant she couldn’t hide in Sev3n much longer. Now that he thought on it, they were all screwed.

Lola. Queen. He wanted to laugh and cry at the same time. They were all screwed.

Ben let out a chuckle, eerily mimicking the black humor Kyle was feeling, before saying, “That’s every job. Start worrying when nothing goes wrong.”

Kyle wanted to yell at him, that it wasn’t just a job. A whole kingdom was about to have a rude awakening and they where watching history unfold. Not to mention their necks were on the line. If her succession wasn’t successful--best case scenario was a civil war and they all get hanged. He did not dare what would happen if they failed. A part of him was glad he didn’t have any say in getting Lola on the throne… one of the few advantages he had of being a ‘yes sir’ man.

He suddenly had a desperate need to talk to Captain Turner, to have his doubts squashed, but light footsteps gave him pause. The footsteps came from his right and grew in sound, giving him the creeps. The image of the Ghourdians peering at the exact spot only moments ago immediately followed the goose bumps he felt.


“Do not speak,” Ben whispered the order to Kyle.

He’d long given up on the idea that he outranked the mercenaries and merely nodded. Curious by the man’s instructions, Kyle looked from Ben to the slave who led a shadowed stranger.

“Lieutenant McCard,” Ben said with a great warm smile. “What can we do for the Peacekeepers this evening?”

Kyle immediately recognized the grey uniform of the Peacekeepers as the man stepped out into the light. Tall for a Kalian, almost as talk as the Ghourdians, McCard held an authoritative presence about him like armor.

Upon seeing the mercs knew the man, the elder man in white bowed his head respectfully and disappeared down one of the many hidden corridors used by the white robed people of the mansion.

“Ben,” the man almost sneered. “Has it been a whole moon since I’ve last seen you now?”

“About,” Ben smiled merrily, obviously ignoring the other man’s scorn.

When Ben didn’t say anything else, McCard’s eyes scanned the two other men. When they landed on Kyle, he made a disgusted sound. “What does High Lord Victor want with your kind?”

The comment was directed at Ben but his eyes stayed steadily on Kyle’s.

“My kind? What do you mean?”

“You know exactly what I mean merc.”

Ben rolled his eyes and exhaled like he had had this argument many times before. “We are teachers of The Yaw, not hired swords.”

“Right.” The Lieutenant grumbled. “And I’m the long lost fourth King of Capri. Where is he?”

“He who?” Ben asked innocently.


“I haven’t the faintest. What’s the problem?”

McCard finally broke his gaze from Kyle and glared at Ben.

Something about this… It doesn’t feel right, a small voice in the back of his head warned.

Kyle felt his stomach lurch as the Peacekeeper suddenly smiled, “Last night there was an unfortunate accident with one of Lady Lola’s former lovers. Seeing you here only makes me more certain.”

“Of?” Again Ben managed an innocence in his voice that would have made Kyle believe it if he hadn’t known the truth.

“His murder,” the man’s eyes went back to Kyle almost knowingly.

Steeling himself, Kyle relaxed his posture. Frowning, he said, “Are you accusing High Lord Victor of murder?”

Kyle knew the Peacekeeper type. They would imply anything in hopes of rattling the cages, hoping against hope that something would fall. He also knew that if he addressed the probe head on that they would fold.

Unfortunately, McCard wasn’t the ‘type’.


Kyle could almost hear the “shut-your-trap” from Ben.

He smartly agreed.

“That’s a serious accusation,” Ben said with a hint of disproval. Again, Kyle couldn’t believe the man’s ability to lie.

“Indeed.” The Lieutenant suddenly gave Kyle a knowing smile. “We have a witness, actually.” Turning back to Ben, he asked, “Is Tina around?”

Kyle felt his heart skip a beat and his stomach lurched a bit more. For the first time in a long time he felt cold fear.

He knows… He knows!

Ben frowned in thought. Nothing seemed to faze him. “I think with Top.”

“Which you don’t know where he is,” McCard finished for him.

Ben smiled and nodded, “I’m sorry. Perhaps try tomorrow. I will def—“

“What about Mike?”

Ben, who wasn’t bothered by the interruption, turned to Jonas. “Wasn’t he at High Merchant Castel’s place this week?”

Jonas shrugged deafly. Ben sighed and held up his hands in defeat. “I’m sorry, its been only us two here these past few days.”

McCard’s eyes narrowed on Jonas and Kyle could see the kid’s face being burned into the Lieutenant’s memory. “You have a new recruit?”

Ben beamed proudly as he turned to Jonas. “Aye.”

Out of the corner of his eye Kyle caught Mike’s ghost of a form. The glint of an arrow head rested atop his fist that held a half drawn bow. Ben shook his head just slightly before saying, “Would you like a lesson on The Yaw? I’m sure it’s a lot different then The Way you Peacekeepers learned from the Ce’lians.”

“I never knew you were to be a history buff,” McCard said as he waved a dismissive hand. When Ben merely shrugged, the Lieutenant said, “I’ll be back in the morning.”

Mike’s body seemed to melt into the darkness as the Lieutenant turned back toward the way he had come. Over his shoulder he said, “I can find my way out just fine, thanks.”

“Not a problem!” Ben said enthusiastically before muttering behind a smile, “Asshole.”

He jerked his head toward the Peacekeeper and Mike suddenly melted back into existence, trailing the Peacekeeper back to the front doors.

“That is a problem,” Kyle said cautiously. His fear was still there but it thankfully hadn’t taken hold of him.

“Indeed. Been one for a while now,” Ben said before suddenly going stiff. It wasn’t a big change but Kyle saw it.

Jonas yawned loudly. “Time for the sheets. See you guys tomorrow.”

“G’night,” Ben said as he uncharacteristically wrapped an arm around Kyle’s shoulder. “Let me treat you to a bottle of good Ghourdian wine and tell you about that Imperialistic asshole that McCard was talking about.”

Kyle wanted to ask what the hell was going on but smartly decided against it. For reasons unknown to him, Kyle had a sudden suspicion that Ben was still performing.

But why?

As they made their way toward the kitchens, Ben continued on with his good natured camaraderie. “Did you know how I met Top?”

When Kyle turned his head toward him in askance, he caught the small shift of his hand. It wasn’t much, and he wouldn’t have caught it if Ben hadn’t preformed it again as he said, “I was probably three bottles into blissful Happy World when we met.”


Kyle’s mind reeled. Soldier hand talk?

“That’s another story though,” Ben said with an uncomfortable cough and a grin.

Then there was another hand flash, just a subtle as the previous one.


And then another, “Hears.

“Smartest bastard I know.” Ben continued without pause. “Hell bells, he once out Stoned the Stone Master Fisher. True story.”

Being that Stone Master Fisher was one of the most brilliant tacticians at Stones, Kyle wanted to laugh. Instead, he said, “Next you will tell me he out Tossed Nomis the Third.”

Ben, laughing lines still creasing his temple, laughed heartedly. “Stars no. He died twenty years ago. No, but he is a damn good Tosser. I’d even say as good as he is at Stones. Even Jack won’t bet against him and he’s bested One Armed Freddy.”

“One Armed Freddy?” Kyle asked with half a smile. “Who is that?”

“You don’t know who One Armed Freddy is?” Ben exasperated. “He’s just the greatest Tosser in the known North. Where have you been boy? By the Gods I feel old.”

They rounded the corner and the back of the kitchens came into view, they’d taken the long way to them.

Upon entering the kitchen’s back door, Ben bellowed, “Julia! The woman who owns my stomach! How are you?”

Julia, a woman who had been with the High Lord Victor since he’d been given his titled, smiled motherly at the Ghourd. “Coming back for more? My, my, you are a hungry one. Sit down. Sit down, both of you. Let me get you something. I had the girl fetch me some Ghourdian wine this morning.”

Kyle swore Ben knew everyone already and it was only his second night in the mansion.

As she disappeared through a door, Kyle heard a soft thud near the door they had just came through. Looking back, he saw a man’s distorted form behind a Shade Cloak. The cloak could make anyone invisible who wrapped themselves behind the deep hooded cloak. It had gotten its name because on the wearer’s shadow could be seen, something the few rouge mage’s who could be paid into making it couldn’t seem to fix, or didn’t want to. Being banned by the King and very expensive, it gave Kyle sudden alarm.

Ben breathed out audibly and muttered, “About time.”

Jonas appeared from the shadowed passage, dusting his hands off. “Sorry, sir. Had to make sure it was only him.”

The man’s limped form suddenly materialized into existence as the cloak lost its enchantment. That was one of the biggest disadvantages of the Shade Cloak, its power didn’t last long and it was easily broken by rain or by even the smallest of tears in its delicate cloth.

“McCard still up to his devious ploys,” Ben said shaking his head. Nodding approvingly at Jonas, he waved his hand back toward the door. “Take him to the Yard. Mike will meet you there to help with getting him off the grounds. You knock him good?”

“Aye. He should be out cold for at least another ten minutes.”

“Good.” He suddenly laughed. “Tell Mike to drop him off at Queer’s Street and dowse him with a bottle or two of cheap wine. Who knows, he might just report nothing happened.”

Jonas grinned too at the cruel joke before nodding and left, well before Julia appeared with two pretty slave girls in tow. As the plates of food and wine appeared, Ben sighed contently.

“We can’t eat all of that,” Kyle said in bewilderment as the tenth full plate was plopped in front of them.

The Ghourd looked at the mound of food and then back to Kyle. “Who ever said ‘we’? Get your own, man.”

Kyle wasn’t sure if the man was joking or not, and was about to ask, when they were interrupted by High Lord Victor’s entrance. Kyle immediately stood at attention but the larger man took his time.

None of them know any respect, he thought disgustedly.

High Lord Victor noticed it as well. “Where is he?” he demanded.

“He who?” Ben asked for the second time.


Ben smiled and said, “Taking care of a problem at the moment. What is it?”

Lord Victor appeared to maul over the idea of telling him, one of Top’s underlings, while Ben looked down at his food longingly. The Ghourd seemed to know the Lord’s buttons for Victor said irritably, “I just heard the Peacekeepers were here asking questions!”

Ben turned away from his food and shrugged. “It won’t be a problem.”

“Not a problem? How is this not a problem?” Lord Victor demanded.

“We’ve dealt with McCard before. He isn’t your typically Peacekeeper. He actually has morals. His superiors don’t like him and his tactics, and he knows we know that. He can’t do anything without proof—which all he knows is that we are involved with you shortly around the time of his death. If he had an actual witness we’d be well into the Royal Court by now. In four more days, it will be the least of our problems anyways. Besides, everyone knows he was an asshole.”

Lord Victor had started shaking his head well into Ben’s explanation, “He was the son of a supporter. A key supporter! You can’t just ignore this! People are talking about how he was Lola’s lover for Gods’ sakes!”

Ben smiled patiently. “Aye, we can ignore this. Have you heard the recent rumor by chance? High Merchant Marcus Crown has put his full backing into the next heir.”

Lord Victor blinked. “What?”

The Lord looked at Kyle as if to reaffirm this. When he nodded, Lord Victor latched back onto Ben. “How? What will it cost us? And where in the bloody hell is Top!?”


The voice came from behind all of them. The blackened hallway seemed to lurch as one of its shadows joined the room of light.


“Nothing?” High Lord Victor repeated in confusion.

The man nodded, “Aye. It costs us nothing. I’ve had to pull a lot of strings but her succession will go forward as planned. We can afford to ignore the short term strategies for now.”

“What of her tutelage?” the noble pressed.

“It’s being covered.”

Seeing that Top was implying he wasn’t doing it, the Lord’s voice darkened. “You said you would teach her.”

Top replied stoically, “I figured High Merchant Anna Crown would be a better teacher. Was I wrong?”

The way he said it, Top didn’t expect that he was….And the way the High Lord’s eyebrows rose a hair, Kyle knew he was right.

“Anna? How in the seven hells did you get that viper to agree?”

Top gave the faintest of smiles and nodded toward Julia who had stopped at the doorway in curiosity. “Don’t ever ask the cook how she makes your food. Just eat the damn thing.”

To Kyle’s amusement, the older woman actually blushed.

Both Top and Ben’s eyes suddenly dilated and, while Top’s features didn’t portray anything new, a look of concerned creased Ben’s features.

“What is it?” Kyle said before he could stop himself.

Grimacing, Ben said, “Trouble.”
© Copyright 2007 ryc (UN: evolvedsaint at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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