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Rated: E · Book · Romance/Love · #1195332
"FIRST DRAFT" of a romance novel in progress (novice writer)
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#477672 added December 29, 2006 at 10:06am
Restrictions: None
Chapter One
She still couldn’t believe she was here! She had always wanted to travel, to do something new, but she had put her life on hold for Adam. Little good it did her in the end, he went on to bigger and better things, and left her behind without a second thought. It had all come as such a surprise; she still felt shocked when she thought about it.

Deciding it was no use dwelling on what could have been, Meg had jumped at the chance to travel overseas and work for New Zealand’s leading Agricultural exporter. She had packed her bags without a second thought and booked the air flight to her new address.

Meg had yet to meet her new employer; she was employed as the Nanny to his two young children. She had been advised by his Personal Assistant that Mr Thomsen was rarely home of late, as he was in the process of opening several new offices around the globe.

Mrs Mavis, his housekeeper, had driven to the airport to pick her up and take her to her new home of residence for the next year. Mrs Mavis advised her that she had the evening to herself, as the children were staying at a friend’s house for the weekend.

She was shown around the house, noting the location of her new charges bedrooms. She was led to her room, in the other end of the wing. Meg deposited her bags and thanked Mrs Mavis for her assistance, Mrs Mavis promising to bring a hot mug of tea and biscuits to her shortly.

Meg looked eagerly around her new room, admiring the view from the door way. The bold colours and vibrant highlights gave the room an impression of warmth, a welcome change to the weather outside.

Removing the woolen jacket she donned to combat against the chilling winds; Meg walked around the room and set about unpacking her bags. Towards the end of the unpacking, Mrs Mavis returned with the promised tea and biscuits.

Meg had taken an instant liking to Mrs Mavis; she was a portly lady with rosy cheeks, graying hair and a ready smile. Meg had an adjoining sunroom attached to her bedroom. Taking the tea tray through to the sunroom,, Meg and Mrs Mavis chatted while drinking their tea, as Mrs Mavis advised Meg of places of interest she may like to visit.

Meg had showered and changed into her favorite pair of slim fitting jeans and a warm jumper. She stopped quickly by the kitchen on her way out, informing Mrs Mavis that she was going sight seeing and would return in a few hours.

Excitement hung in the air, Meg was on her first adventure in over eight years. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d been so happy. She was single, had no idea what the future held – and for once, she didn’t care!

After hours of mindless shopping, Meg had stopped by a coffee shop for a quick cappuccino and a slice of cake to refuel.

While sitting at the counter eating her meal and chatting to the waitress, Susannah, between customers; Meg was advised of some of the local night spots that might be worth a visit.

Continuing on with her shopping, Meg purchased several more souvenirs to send back home to her nieces and nephews.

Having noticed that time had almost gotten away from her, Meg headed towards the car with her goodies. Loading them into her boot, she made her way back to the house where Mrs Mavis would be waiting for the car, so that she could travel into the next town to visit with her sister.

Deciding she’d check out the nightlife, Meg changed into something a little more suitable for nightwear and rang for a taxi; Mrs Mavis having already left for her sister’s house.

Meg had been sitting inside the Ritz Café & Bar for over half an hour, chatting away to the bar staff, when a man in dark blue designer jeans and an open neck black shirt had arrived. He looked like he had stepped off a movie screen, and every female eye in the place was devouring him as he made his way towards the bar. Meg felt something inside her move.

He took the only seat available next to her, “Hey Gavin, how about a scotch and dry?” he asked the bar tender, as he turned towards Meg and gave her the devilish of a grin.

“Coming right up. Great to see you again. How’s business?”

“Likewise Gavin and business is booming! It’s all starting to come together.”

“Great to hear” the bar tender replied as he turned to Meg, “another refill ma’am?”

“Yes please, that would be lovely” she replied. Her gaze was drawn back to the mystery man seated beside her.

He had noticed her as soon as he had entered the room, and would have still made a beeline for the chair beside her, even if the others hadn’t been taken. She had a striking appearance, with rich auburn hair, emerald green eyes and a mouth that seemed to scream kiss me.

“You’re not from around here, are you? I haven’t seen you before…” he enquired, knowing he certainly would have remembered her if he had met her.

“Um no, I’m not.” She replied, looking down at her gin and tonic, “in fact, I have just arrived today.”

“Ah, and what do you think of our beautiful town so far?”

“I really couldn’t say, not having been here before…” the butterflies in her stomach were going hell for leather now. You should be so over this by now, you’re a grown girl! She silently chided herself, as she turned a dazzling smile on him and flirting back “but I like it so far.”

As the night wore on, Meg and the mystery man beside her seemed to be drawn to each other. They had danced and flirted and had a few more drinks together before they realized that Gavin was closing up, they being the only patrons left in the once crowded room.

Held in his arms as they danced on the floor, she realized just how comfortable it all felt – dancing with Adam had always felt awkward; yet this felt so right.

“Hmmm” she mumbled, as she moved closer into his arms, “do you realize we don’t know each other’s names yet?” she enquired, gazing up into his amber eyes.

His eyes crinkled at the sides as he returned her gaze with a look of amusement. “You know ma’am, I do believe that you’re correct!” removing her from his arms, he bowed “Good evening ma’am, Trent at your disposal milady”

Grinning, Meg put out her hand, “Good evening Trent. You may call me Meg” she replied in a haughty voice, stifling a giggle as Trent bowed low over her hand.

“A pleasure, ma’am” suddenly grabbing her hand and turning it over, he placed a kiss in her palm as he gazed hungrily into her eyes.

“Ch-ch-charmed, I’m sure” she stuttered as the sensation of his gentle kiss washed over her. He grabbed her and kissed her had on the mouth.

“Your place or mine?” he asked when he finally came up for air.

“Y-your place I think” she replied, trying to come to terms with the sensations rocking her body.

“Do you have a car – did you drive here?”

“Huh? Er, sorry, no. No, I came by taxi”

“No problem, we’ll go in mine”

Before she knew what was happening, he had taken her by the hand and began leading her outside “catch you later Gavin” he called as they headed for the door, not waiting for a reply.

He led her towards a black Lexus parked in the car park, the only other car being Gavin’s rusty datsun.

He led her to the passenger side of the car, “Your chariot awaits you, milady” he said as he opened the door for her. Walking around the car, he slid into the seat beside her. Starting the car and turning on the radio, jazz music filled the night.

“Are you comfortable milady?” he enquired as he reached for her hand.

“Hmmm, very much so” she replied, giving his hand a gentle squeeze, “thank you milord”

“Hmmm now I like the sound of that” his voice filtered to her over the sound of the music.

She couldn’t remember the last time she had felt this carefree, she was enjoying the game they were playing, he made her feel alive. So far, her “holiday” was going rather well.

Arriving at his house from behind, situated on a large acreage, she couldn’t help but compare it to the house she was currently residing in. “You know, I’m staying in a house just like this… it’s on a large property too” she informed him “and it’s utterly divine inside as well” she told him as he led her to the back door.

“Ah… yes, well… I don’t want you to think about my house that way – I’d prefer your memory to be of its owner instead!” he replied, as he swept her up in his arms, making a dash for his bedroom and giving her no time to look around the interior of the house.

“Oh, I don’t think there’ll be any problems there milord – your house may be grand, but my interest is definitely in its owner!” she laughingly replied, the laughter dying off as he looked down at her with a sudden hunger, reigniting the same in her.

“Then it will be my utmost pleasure to ensure you have several memories of its owner!” he informed her.

“Ah, promises… promises…”

“Which I will deliver – your wish is my command!”

“If that’s the case, then stop talking and kiss me!” she demanded, which he only too happily obeyed.

She awoke sometime later to a gentle tickling sensation, opening her eyes to find Trent leaning on his elbow, gently stroking her arm.

“Hmmm good morning milord”

“Good morning milady, did you sleep well?”

“Hmmm, depends on what you define as sleeping” she replied, a smile spreading across her face, “hmmm, I will certainly remember this house by its owner” she replied as he leaned over to kiss her again.

At that moment, there was a knock on the door and an elderly woman stepped through the entry laden with a breakfast tray.

“Good morning Mr Thomsen” she replied as she made her way toward his bed “I have your breakfast for - ” breaking off as she heard a gasp from the bed.

Meg had swung around at the voice and froze as the intruding lady got closer to the bed.

“M-mrs Mavis! Oh my goodness!” looking stunned, she turned her gaze to the gentleman in the bed next to her, “You’re Mr Thomsen?” she enquired, the shock registering on her face.

Not knowing what was happening here, Trent replied, “Yes, Trent Thomsen at your service… why?”

“I’m your nanny! Oh my god… you’re my boss!!” she stuttered as she clasped the bed sheet higher around her, her face a crimson red “I’m sorry…. I… I didn’t know… oh my god!”

“You’re Ms Martin?! Oh… oh… ohhhh…” he broke off as realization of the situation had hit him. At that moment, two excited children came bounding into the room.

“Daddy! Daddy! Mrs Mavis said you weren’t coming back until tomorrow… but we knew you’d come back early!” they screamed as they ran around the other side of the housemaid, jumping onto their father’s bed and into his arms.

“Did you get us anything?! Did you bring us back any surprises?!” they enquired, as they clamoured around their father, the youngest child’s attention coming to rest on the lady in the bed beside their father “Daddy!!! There’s a lady in your bed!!” she squealed as her elder brother finally noticed the lady.

“Did you get us a mummy?! We have a new mummy?!” the brother joined in, confusion flashing in his eyes as his sister’s brightened with excitement.

“We have a mummy again?! Yay!!” she squealed, as she turned her attention to the lady in the bed, “do you like children” she asked.

“Y-yes I do, very much so, but I… I’m not your…” she broke off as Trent finally found his voice.

“Hey you rascals! That’s enough, leave Ms Martin alone… and that’s enough questions! Go wash up and we’ll be down shortly!” he gently shooed the children  from the room, turning to Mrs Mavis who had had time to recover, although she had a look of disapproval, “take them downstairs. We’ll talk later Mrs Mavis.”

“Off you go” he demanded of Mrs Mavis, when she had made no move to leave the room.

When the door shut behind her, he turned to the woman in his bed who had gone very quiet. She was trying very hard to inch her way out of the bed without making a sound.

“Stop! Stay right where you are!” he demanded, as he tried to collect his thoughts. Damn! How was he going to explain this to his children? He hadn’t realized how much they had missed having a mother until now… he didn’t want to upset them… but then didn’t want to give them ideas either.

“Well, we’ve gotten ourselves into a bit of a pickle her” she volunteered, when he made no move to comment further.

“Yes we have. I’ll be honest; I don’t know where to start.”

“If it helps, I’m lost too… I didn’t mean for this to happen…”

“What did you mean to happen exactly? I mean… did you know who I was when we got here?”

“No! Oh god, I can’t believe that this is happening… I’m supposed to be their Nanny!!”
© Copyright 2006 Ren King (UN: renking at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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