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Rated: 18+ · Book · Family · #1201314
Who am I, Where am I Going, and Where have I been? The story of my life!
#480857 added January 12, 2007 at 1:07pm
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Beware! Talking about my kids...lol
Jan 12,2007

Today is not going so well.  It's not that anything has really gone WRONG but I am in a mood.  But we'll get to that in a minute. 

First, I want to share with you a little about myself and my family.  I am almost 34 years old and while some women at my age start dreading the years, I really could care less.  I mean it!  While I will admit that as a child I was known to make sure everyone knew I was 10 and a half...or ALMOST 15, as the years creep by....it just doens't bother me.  That I haven't done more with the years that I have had, does.  I have been married for 13 years to a wonderful man.  Yes, if you subtract things correctly, I got married at 20.  Probably too young, but we've defied the odds and are stil madly in love.  We've had more than our share of ups and downs and many many blessings as well.  We have 2 children who on any given day can be counted as blessings or ups and downs depending on their behavior and our moods..lol....serioulsy though anyone who knows us knows we do believe we are blessed by having our children.  That said let me introduce you to them.  Up first is my princess.  C is 10 years old, conceived during an Ohio blizzard in 1005, born in 1996.  She looks more like me than anyone I think, though she does have some of both grandmothers in her.  She is now and always has been a drama queen.  There is no nice way around it.  Melodramtic to the hilt.  God love her, and it's a good thing He is does, she thinks everything that happens to her is a major event (and I have NO idea where she gets that from, honestly..lol.  She's really a good kid with a big heart who loves to sing.  She's a good student (when forced, I mean encouraged, to study)  She loves people, is great with adults and small GIRL children, and any child who allows her to call the shots.  She is strong willed and one day will make a wonderful attorney. If she survives being a preteen.  The attitudes have started much to my dismay and things have been a bit bumpy lately.  The other night I laid down the law and so far her attitude since has adjusted but I know it's just a matter of time before it rears it's ugly head again.  In the meantime, she has a huge potential for greatness that I want so badly to stoke the fires of...if I can only get through puberty without strangling her first..lol..no true threat to the child meant...parents of preteen girls will understand.

Next let me introduce you to J.  J was born in 2002, just months after I lost both of my parents.  When I prayed on the way home after my mom died that God would give me something sweet and innocent to love...I truly was thinking more along the lines of a puppy...but considering that his conception date is the day my mother died ( and trust me I KNOW that wasn't doing on that day) a friend says Mom must've gotten to heaven and looked up God and told him I needed a baby.  Anyone that knows my mom, knows that could very well be true.  More about mom in another entry.  Back to J.  He is the spitting image of his daddy.  He acts like his daddy.  He is an adorable 4 year old boy, with an impish grin and a zest for life that just takes my breath away sometimes.  He is full of energy and never stops.  Well, on that occasion that when he is sick enough to run a fever of like 105, hurts himself bad enough to draw blood, or exhausts himself to a point of having sleep. Seriously, when our previous pastor used to bless the kids after communion, he'd ask God to protect J from harm as he RAN through life.  PK knew my son would need extra protection from the almighty to survive.  In the first 2 years of life, he managed to burn himself 3 times, have 2 surgeries, be diagnosed with allergies and asthma.  He takes life on headfirst.  He's easygoing, outgoing and very friendly.  Unless you get in his space and don't listen to him tell you not to.  His sister has learned this the hard way.  He bites.  Not often, but he bites.  Only when she refuses to listen to his words.  Not that that makes it right...lol.  Anyway, J is in a developmental preschool at the same school that C goes to.  They love seeing each other in the hallway.  J has some social emotional issues as far as his peers go.  Thus the reason he NEEDS preschool.  But he does very well for the most part and they love him there.  I bought him a tshirt a while back.  It says "Master of Disaster"  and it's so very true of him.  LOL.  At first, he hated it and cried.  Now he loves it.  I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not...lol.  J is a daddy's boy.  Likes to be with daddy, play with tools and get dirty.  He is one of those kids who will eat just about anything but only when the mood strikes him.  Which means he may take 4 bites of supper, be done until the next day.  Or he may eat 3 pieces of pizza and half a bag of baby carrots and want more.  It just depends.  Compared to C who is quite picky about what she eats but eats alot of what she likes most of the time.  The differences in my children astound me.  He is so mellow he can (and has) run into a wall, head first, so hard as to knock a picture off, and laugh while she stubs her toe and you think, from the howls you might be on the way to the emergency room!  She can sit and read a book or watch a movie and cuddle with you for an hour while he thinks he's going to miss something if he has to stop as he runs by to give you a hug.  They are my joy, my life, and my heart.  They are also my fear, my insanity and make me despair of ever having any calm in my life.  Yet I wouldn't change either one of them for all the jewels in the world.  However, I do struggle with molding them into who God would have them to be.  Anybody with me on that?

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