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Rated: GC · Book · Action/Adventure · #1176263
Can a 16 year old boy stop the most powerful demons ever from taking over the world?
#481106 added January 13, 2007 at 5:44pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 10: On the Wings of Eris
Chapter 10: On the Wings of Eris

Walking down the dark, cool path, Vaugn was enjoying the silence. Having just been in a battle for his very life, a demon constantly roaring and screaming at him, Vaugn was happy to be in the silence.

Vaugn was in high spirits tonight. Not only did he have a fantastic time with his friends at the Rawuri Resturant, he had just defeated one of the most powerful demons ever. Vaugn had passed the first hurdle that had been thrown at him: killing one of the most powerful demons ever to exsist. 1 demon down, and 39 more to go, easy Vaugn thought. Yes, even after the battle, Vaugn was still in very high spirits. His eye’s alive with excitement, his gentle face wearing a glowing smile in the darkness.

Walking down the stone path showed clear signs of the battle which had ensued. Huge crators dotted the path, stones shattered all around the crators, a layer of dust turning the green grass grey. Huge slash marks in the stone scarred the landscape, looking as if a giant had taken a rake and dragged it through the solid rock.

This path is where Jinkara, and his former follower Dogma, had engaged in their battle for their very survival. Each demon wanting to slaughter the other for reasons that were their own.

Dogma wanting to kill Jinkara for failing to escape Vaugn’s body. Jinkara wanting to destroy Dogma for turning his back on Jinkara.

Vaugn walked through the silent park, his hands in his pockets humming marrily to himself, keeping an eye out for his friends, but not seeing them. Vaugn assumed that Shentin and Nikkai had dragged the girls out of the park and away from the battle just as Vaugn had instructed them to do.

"I wonder where the others got to.", Vaugn said out loud to the silence around him, squinting into the dark trees for any sign of his friends.

"Maybe up a tree?", Jinkara replied from all around Vaugn, his voice purring with amusement.

"I saw that one coming.", Vaugn replied, smiling to himself, and continuing to walk down the path and searching for his friends.

After several minutes of lazily walking through the park, like someone would do just out for a casual stroll, Vaugn heard voices in the distant. Turning his head to one side for a better listen, Vaugn knew who the voices belong to.

"So, do you think Vaugn is okay? I don’t hear that monster anymore. It has to be over right?", Vaugn heard Imari asked desperately.

"Yeah. I’m sure Vaugn is fine. I mean, he’s a tough guy after all.", Vaugn heard Shentin tell Imari in a confident voice, trying to reassure her

Squinting into the darkness, Vaugn saw the backs of his friend walking away from him very quickly, clearly wanting to get away from the park as quickly as possible. Smiling to himself, Vaugn walked up silently behind his friends and followed, all the while listening to his friends wild thoughts of the battle.

"Maybe that monster killed Vaugn. Maybe…maybe that’s why everything is quiet.", Nikkai said to his friends, his voice positively shaking with fear.

The friends looked shocked at Nikkai’s thought. Asuke, recovering first, punched Nikkai in the arm as hard as she could, a dull thud echoing around them.

"Don’t even think that Nikkai!", Asuke said angrily, her eyes blazing with anger.

"Okay, sorry. Damn, that hurt.", Nikkai apologised, rubbing his arm slowly.

Vaugn crossed his arms, smiling to himself as he followed silently, watching his friends.

"I hope we see Vaugn soon. I’m really worried something has happened.", Kihari said desperately, wringing her hands infront of her.

Vaugn looked at the back of his friends heads as they tried to desperately reassure Kihari that Vaugn was okay. Finally, admitting that keeping his friends waiting was cruel, he smiled and spoke out loud.

"So guys. Where are we off to now?", Vaugn asked his friends happily.

Vaugn smiled even more broadly when all his friends jumped about a foot in the air, and whipped around, their faces white with shock, their eyes wide with disbelief.

The friends stared into the smiling face of Vaugn, their mouths moving yet wordlessly speaking. Clearly, they were very surprised to see Vaugn standing behind them, just as much as they were to see Vaugn smiling after what he had just been through.

Finally, stuttering as if her mouth and tongue weren’t working properly, Imari was the first to speak.

"V-vaugn, we thought that…that that thing had…you know it had…but we didn’t want to think that it…", Imair stammered, clearly a loss for words.

"That it had killed me? Yeah, I heard.", Vaugn asked, smiling even more broadly at his friends looks of utter dismay, "You guys really ought to keep your voices down around here. Something might hear you.", Vaugn finished mysteriously, looking around casually to the dark trees.

"Well, we didn’t think that it killed you, but you know…", Shentin said, and he looked as if he was going to faint he was so pale.

"Umm…no. Can’t say I do know.", Vaugn replied casually.

Seeing the looks of shock and bewilderment on his friends faces, he crossed his arms and smiled from one friend to another before speaking.

"Don’t worry guys, I’m fine. Jinkara faught the demon as long as he could before I had to take over, and in the end, I killed it. It was fun.", Vaugn said simply, looking at his friends and smiling.

Shentin, Nikkai and the girls stared at Vaugn, looking faint at what they had heard.

"Fun he says… It was fun.", Nikkai replied faintly,looking at his friends.

"Yep. Didn’t even get a scratch on me, well I did, but that’d be splitting hairs. So nothing to be worried about.", Vaugn said absent mindly, scratching his chin, "Oh, but I did get this! Though why I got it is still a mystery to me.", Vaugn finished happily, reaching behind him and pulling out the Kochoro, showed the glowing sword to his friends.

The friends stared, transfixxed at the glowing, curved, broad sword that Vaugn was holding, the sword gently reflected in his friends wide eyes. None of them were able to speak, but only mouthed wordlessly. Finding his voice, Shentin finally spoke.

"W-what is it?", he asked, sound breathlessly amazed.

"This is the..", Vaugn began, but suddenly stopped, his face slowly contorting into that of one of deep thought, "Now what did Jinkara call it? The Kochonga? Kochewy? Oh well. In demon tongue it’s called Purity.", Vaugn finished, shrugging his shoulders and looking as if the name wasn’t important.

"So someone gave you a sword? An honest to God, razor sharp, able to cut a man in two, sword?", Nikkai asked, sounding as if this was the most outragous thing ever.

"Yeah, I thought it was crazy too.", Vaugn replied, crossing his arms and looking thoughtfully at Nikkai.

"Crazy he says…", Nikkai replied breathlessly.

"Although to be honest, no one gave me the sword. It just sort of appeared out of no where.", Vaugn said fairly, shrugging his shoulders.

"Can I hold it?", Kihari asked all of a sudden, her face glowing with excitement in the darkness of the park.

Vaugn did the slightest of double takes before staring at Kihari for a moment or two, clearly taken back by this question. Slowly, Vaugn looked from friend to friend in turn, with a look that clearly said if what he had heard was correct.

Vaugn slowly looked back at Kihari bewildered for a moment before speaking.

"C-come again?", he finally stammered, looking at Kihari like what she said made no sence.

"Can I hold it? My grandpa had a sword that used to belong to his grandpa, and I’ve always wanted to hold it but he never let me! Probably because I was kind of clutzy when I was a kid.", Kihari replied excitedly, all of her friends and Vaugn looking at her as if she was slightly crazy.

"Um…well, I guess so. I mean, it is your birthday after all.", Vaugn said a little confusedly, but all the same, turning the sword around and offering the handle to Kihari.

Kihari grasped the handle of the sword, looking as if this was the greatest moment of her life.

"Oh well.", Vaugn thought to himself, "What ever makes the birthday girl happy."

Vaugn let go of the swords handle, and immediately, the sword crashed lightly to the ground, clanging lightly on the ground, yet not breaking any of the stones beneath it.

There Kihari stood, holding the sword one handed, while the tip rested on the ground, clearly suprised by it crashing to the ground. Recovering quickly, Kihari tried to lift it, but to no avail. Grasping the sword with both hands, and pulling with all her might had the same affect: the blade didn’t budge. It vibrated slightly from her effort, but didn’t move an inch.

"Here, let us help.", Nikkai said, "Come on Shentin.", he added to Shentin who nodded.

Together, Nikkai and Shentin, along with Kihari all grasped the handle of the sword with both hands and pulled as hard as they could, but again, to no avail. The sword shook much more this time around, but just as with Kihari trying solo, it didn’t move at all.

The friends all stared at the sword for a moment before Vaugn reached out his hand and grasped the handle of the sword.

"Well that’s strange.", Vaugn said, picking it up one handed and studying it as if looking for scratches.

Looking around at his friends, he saw they were staring in amazement at him. He was holding a sword, that moments ago couldn’t be lifted by Kihari, Shentin and Nikkai combined, and yet here he was, holding it one handed as if it were nothing.

"Oh well. I’m sure the reason why I can hold it and no one else can is just as convoluted as the reason why I have it.", Vaugn said casually, reaching behind him and sheething his sword, "Now come on guys, we should get home. We do have school in the morning you know.", he finished merrily, looking from shocked face to shocked face.

And with that, Vaugn turned and started walking back the way he came, his hands back in his pocket, his friends dashing to catch up.


The ride home from the resturant was a very talkative event, not that the friends were talking about the resturant or Kihari’s birthday.

They were busy asking Vaugn about the battle that had just ensued. They were asking for every possible detail. From what Dogma looked like up close, to how he got the sword, to how he killed Dogma. For all that it was worth, the friends were acting as if this was the most exciting thing they had ever expierenced. And chances are it was.

Vaugn told them everything. About how Jinkara took over Vaugn’s body and faught for Vaugn until he was sprayed with Dogma’s blood. He told them about how he cut off Dogmas hand, and how Dogma generated his own demon dogs to fight for him, and told his friends in graphic detail about how he killed each of the dogs. Finally, he told them all about how he killed Dogma, and about learnin of the angel who made the prophecy about Vaugn and Jinkara.

When Vaugn finished his story, he and the others were sitting in the dining room, watching Kihari unwrap her birthday present.

"Wow. So this whole mess is because of an angel called Fate?", Nikkai asked, as he and the others watched Kihari lift out her present, a stuffed monkey holding a rose.

"Yep. She made the prophecy that’s lead to this whole mess with Jin’s followers.", Vaugn said casually, though there was a definite note of anger in his voice

"I thought I told you to not call me that ape.", Jinkara spoke out loud from all around them, sounding annoyed as the others jumped slightly.

"Sorry Jin, but it’s just so much easier to say then Jinkara.", Vaugn replied as the others chuckled.

"So when is the next demon going to show up do you think?", Asuke asked, resting her elbows on the table and looking thoughfully at Vaugn.

"I have no idea. The next demon could show up 1 day from now. It could show up 1 year from now.", Vaugn replied slowly, "Any ideas Jin?", Vaugn finished, speaking out to the room around him.

"I don’t know any better then you. But if I know Culra, he won’t take the slaying of Dogma easily. He’ll probably send the next demon soon. But when, I can’t say.", Jinkara replied slowly,"And don’t call me ‘Jin’.", he added, this time more annoyed.

"Oh well. When ever the next one comes, atleast I’ll be ready for it. Not this whole coming out of the shadows buisness.", Vaugn said stretching and yawning, "Well you guys. I’m going to bed. I’ve had enough excitement for one night, and I just want a nice long sleep now."

"Good idea Vaugn.", Shentin replied, standing up, stretching and yawning aswell

Together, the group stood up-Kihari hugging her monkey- and walked to the door.

"Well. Night guys. Sorry about the whole demon thing.", Vaugn apologised, smiling guiltily.

"Well it was certainly a surprise if I ever saw one.", Kihari replied, smiling broadly at Vaugn as Imari and Shentin nodded in agreeance.

"Yeah. A real change from the usual you know.", Nikkai agreed, holding the door open for his friends.

"Night guys. Happy birthday Kihari.", Asuke called out as she and Vaugn waved to their friends, their friends waving back as they were sucked up by the darkness.

"Hey Vaugn?", Asuke asked, as she and Vaugn climbed the stairs and entered the silent darkness of the upstairs hall.

"Yeah?", Vaugn replied as they made their way down the hall to their rooms.

"After tonight…are you scared about what’s coming next?", Asuke asked, looking at Vaugn through the darkness.

Vaugn saw that her face wasn’t wearing a concerned expression, but rather a curious expression instead.

"Well, after tonight Asuke…I’d have to say that I’m not scared at all, but actually a litte excited about what’s coming next.", Vaugn said thoughtfully, "Well, night.", he added with a little bow, and pushing open his door, disappeared into his room.

Getting undressed and crawling under his covers, Vaugn thought about what he had said to Asuke.

In all honesty, he was excited. Though he knew that many more people were bound to be killed, he was, for one reason or another, excited about the next battle.

Maybe it was because he was playing the hero. Or maybe because he was doing something so outragous, so extraordinary, that it was like some sort of fantiful action movie that he couldn’t help but be excited.

Thinking of what the next battle might bring, Vaugn rolled onto his side and fell asleep, the vision of the nights battle playing through his mind like some sort of awesome movie.


High above the grand city of Tokyo, flying lazily through the sky on it’s final approach was a large silver jumbo jet, full of vactioners returning home.

Every seat was full of happy laughing people, returing home from the United States after a wonderful trip visiting North America.

Many of the passengers were swapping stories about what they had done and scene. Others were sharing pictures they had taken., while others were merely sleeping, wanting to be fresh for when they disembark their flight.

Everyone was strapped tighly into their seats, ready for the time when their plane would gently touch down.

The stewardesses were strapped into their seats, talking happily about what they had planned for their downtime in Tokyo.

In the cockpit, the pilot, co-pilot, and radio man were going over their final check list for a safe and gentle landing.

"Tyler, reduce speed to 375 please.", the pilot said to his co-pilot Tyler.

"You got it Jake.", Tyler replied, as he pulled back on the throttle and started to slow the plane.

"Is everything clear out there Sam?", Jake the pilot asked the man behind him.

"Yep. Clear sailing from here to the ground Jake.", the man named Sam replied, leaning back in his seat and staring at his radar screen with a very bored expression on his face.

"Good.", Jake said comfortably, leaning back in his seat as he started to guide the plane slowly downwards.

The time passed in silence in the cockpit. The gentle hum of the engines could be heard in the cockpit, mixxing with the sound of the happily chatting passengers.

The flight was unextraordinary to say the most. The sky was clear the whole way from San Fransisco to Tokyo, and the plane didn’t even hit a single patch of turbulence.

"Pretty boring flight huh?", Tyler asked to the cabin.

"Very.", Jake replied, smiling at Tyler.

As the pilots were about to start their final descent over Tokyo, the plane was suddenly tossed violently to it’s left, the seats sliding under the pilots slightly from the force.

In the cockpit, the crew heard that the happy talking had stopped, and the people starting to wonder what had happened.

As Jake the pilot was picking up the radio to assure the passengers everything was okay, the plane was tossed violently again, the radio knocked clean out of the pilots hand and ouninc off the control panel.

"Sam, what’s happening out there?", Jake asked as he reached for the radio, slightly annoyed that his radio man hadn’t warned him of anything.

"Must be turbulence captain. Radar is clear.", Sam said, as the plane gave a gigantic lurch, the plane being forced down and shooting back up like a cork in a bucket of water.

Over and over this continued. The plane continued to lurch down and up, back and forth. Clearly audible was also the shaking of the planes skin, sounding as if it was about to be torn away. Each lurch and shake was getting more and more violent, the occupants of the airplane getting more and more scared with every passing second.

Just as suddenly as the violent behaviour had started though, it stopped, and the plane returned to flying perfectly calm through the sky.

The pilots, sweating slightly, looked at eachother. Each of them was pale, their eyes wide with fear and shock. Together, they let out a collective sigh of relief..

"Okay…we’re good. We’re good.", Jake said to his crew, breathing a sigh of relief, "We’re good.", he added, more to himself then anyone else.

Unfortunately, they weren’t.

Just as the pilots were catching their breath, the air was suddenly filled with the sound of what could only described as a bomb going off. It was as if something had expldoed in ther airplane, followed by the largest and most violent quake yet to strike the plane, the plane being tossed forceably to it’s left

None of the crew spoke right away, but rather slowly looked at eachother. They were clearly terrifed and confused at what was happening to their plane.

"I’ll go see what’s happening.", Sam said, but as he was getting up, he was suddenly thrown across the cockpit and slammed into the wall opposite him, accompanied by the loudest boom yet.

Looking behind them, they saw Sam laying on the ground outcold, bleeding slightly from the head. On the wall opposite him was what could only be described as a crator the size of a car distending and disfiguring the wall of the airplane.

"What the hell is that?", Tyler asked, sounding scared.

"It’s like something rammed us.", Jake said, sounding awestruck and staring at the massive dent.

"No…that!", Tyler yelled pointing out the front window.

Turning and looking, all Jake had time to take in was a massive set of golden talons before the plane lurched violently again and the roof was torn off of the plane, the sound of ripping metal filling the air, the roar of escaping air deafening.

The pilots were thrown back in the seats from the impact, and the plane started to nose dive steaply towards the ground.

The pilots, recovering from the shock, quickly grabbed the controls and pulled with all their might, but to no avail. The controls were frozen, and nothing could be done.

Down the airplane roared, it’s nose pointed straight at the ground. The passengers were screaming for their lives, the pilots trying desperately to save the airplane and the lives aboard.

The pilots looked at one another, their eyes wide with fear.

All the way down the pilots continued to fight to save the plane and everyone aboard as they roared downwards towards the very cold, very hard ground which kept getting closer, and closer, and closer.


"Okay class, today we’ll be starting Chemistry in science.", Mr Kucaiko said to the class. It was Friday, the sun was bright, and the weekend was drawing closer and closer.

It had been hours since Vaugn had faught Dogma, and yet Vaugn was still a tad high on the adrenalin rush. His eyes were bright with excitement, his mouth stretched into a broad smile, and he was looking a tad bored by school.

Many students couldn’t understand why he was so excited though. But then again, no one knew what had happened to Vaugn. The news hadn’t reported any of the strange noises coming from the Peace Garden. Vaugn couldn’t understand why though, as Dogma was constantly screaming. Surely something should have carried to the surrounding buildings, but yet it wasn’t reported. Oh well, the less people who knew the better in Vaugn’s opinion.

"I want everyone to break into groups of three and get to a table, we’ll be starting our first experiment today.", Mr. Kucaiko said as he wrote on the blackboard what the experiment would be.

With the sound of many moving and shuffling chairs and tables, everyone had formed their groups and were waiting patiently for Mr. Kucaiko to finish writing the experiment on the blackboard. Predictably, Vaugn, Shentin and Nikkai were one group while Imari, Asuke and Kihari were another.

"Today class, you’ll be producing a gas known as ‘Blue Stew’. It’s a non-lethal, heavier then air gas that many bands use in their concerts for affect. I’ll be giving you enough ingredients so that when it’s all made, you’ll be able to fill one of these with it.", Mr. Kucaiko said, reaching into his briefcase and pulling out a medium sized sandwich bag, "It will take the duration of class to do it, but atleast you’ll have a funky souvenier.", he finished, smiling at the class as he went around and handed out the ingredients.

"So Vaugn tell us…pick up anymore demonic auras?", Shentin whispered to Vaugn, as Nikkai and the girls leaned closer to hear.

"No. And I don’t think this exactly the setting to be talking about stuff like that.", Vaugn whispered back, gesturing around the classroom with a significant look at Shentin, his eye brows raised..

"Oh come on. You can tell us. We’ll keep it a secret.", Imari pushed on, her eyes twinkling with curiosity.

"I know you will. But things have a habit of leaking out to the general public.", Vaugn whispered back, "And the last thing I need is people knowing I have a demon named Jinkara sharing my soul, who is helping me save the world from his followers who want to destroy me, him and all of mankind.", Vaugn finished in a tone that clearly said this was the most obvious thing in the world.

Just as Vaugn finished, Mr. Kucaiko walked by and handed the boys and girls their ingrediants, and the friends began on their project.

As the experiment needed a rather large amount of concentration, there wasn’t much talking going on. The only noise was the occasional tinkle of a stir-stick hitting the side of a glass beaker, or a fizzing and sizzling sound, or the sound of the occasional paper being shuffled or a chair being slid back.

Vaugn was glad that the expermient was as complicated as it was. Anything to stop his friends asking if he had senced anymore demons, or what the next one would be like, or when the next demon would show it’s self.

Vaugn couldn’t explain or understand why his friends were so interested. When Dogma had shown his face, his friends were terrified. And when the dogs killed that cat infront of them, the friends were terrified aswell. What would be different this time? This demon would probably not waste anytime and go straight for humans, so why should Vaugn think that his friends would be excited, let alone interested?

When the class ended however, the barrage of questions began all over again.

Whether they were eating lunch:"Come on, tell us.", Nikkai said through a mouth full of sandwich.

In Gym class: "C-come on,t-tell us.", Shentin panted as they jogged around the gym.

Or in the library: "Come on, tell us.", Asuke hissed to Vaugn as the librarian glared at them for talking.

But Vaugn’s responce was always the same answer: No.

Vaugn had been pestered so much by his friends, that as they walked home, he was in a very annoyed mood. The high spirits he was feeling from his battle with Dogma burned away, to be replaced with annoyance. Although his friends could tell that it was getting slightly annoying for Vaugn, it didn’t deter them. Finally, Vaugn could take all he could stand.

Walking down the street laidend down with homework,his friends constantly asking him, Kihari absent as she was out with her family, Vaugn could take all he could stand.

"Enough!", Vaugn shouted, finally snapping at the barage of questions, and rounding on his friends and staring furiously at them, "Damn it! When I said no I meant it!"

"But Vaugn, all we wanted to know…", Nikkai said casually.

"I know what you all wanted to know! You all wouldn’t shut up about it today! If I knew something I’d tell you! But I don’t kow anything, so I haven’t told you a damn thing! Also, I don’t want to think about this until I have to! And you all aren’t helping me do that!", Vaugn finished, his eyes blazing and fists balled as he turned around, and continued to walk down the street on his way home, anger coursing through him.

His friends looked at eachother, smiled guiltily and followed Vaugn home. They must have finally gotten the hint, as they stopped questioning Vaugn about the demons.

"What’s the matter Vaugn? I thought you’d be excited to talk about the upcoming battle with the next demon.", Jinkara said slyly in Vaugn’s mind as Vaugn walked down the street in silence with his frinds following behind.

"I can say that I am excited about the next fight, but I’m not excited about getting my friends involved or how many people are going to die this time.", Vaugn thought back to Jinkara as he walked down the street.

"Well you should get used to it Vaugn. Many people are going to die before all of the Feral Forty are killed. We’ll only know about the Feral Forty when people start dying. There’s nothing we can do about it. And I’m sure you’re friends are going to be there every step of the way.", Jinkara replied casually to Vaugn.

"Yeah, well I still don’t like thinking about it until I have to.", Vaugn said back to Jinkara, feeling less angry, yet still very annoyed.

Vaugn and his friends walked down the street in silence, and finally up the driveway, arriving home in silence.

"Be honest with me Jin.", Vaugn thought to himself as he and the others walked in through the door and taking off his shoes, "How long will it be before the next demon surfaces?", Vaugn asked Jinkara seriously.

"If I know Culra,and sadly I do, it will probably only be 3 or so days. He’s a very impatient demon, and he’d want you and I out of the way as soon as possible, regardless of how many of his followers die in the process.", Jinkara replied with a growl of anger, as Vaugn walked down the hall to the dining room.

"Great. So I’ll have to think about this demon in 3 days. Great.", Vaugn thought to himself as Asuke slid open the dining room door and he and the others joined Coonai, who was watching TV.

"Oh hello everyone. Have a good day at school?", she asked merrily, looking up from the TV and smiling at them.

"It was pretty good. We got homework for the weekend so we were planning on starting that right now.", Imari replied to Coonai, sitting down and pulling out her books from her bag.

"Good idea. Well I’m going to go and get supper ready. I’ll bring you all a snack in a little while.", Coonai said happily, standing up and smoothing her dress.

"Thanks sis.", Asuke said happily, as she too sat down,took out her homework and started her assignment.

For a Friday afternoon, it was a very quiet time in the dining room at the Miasoto residence. The assignment that Mr. Kucaiko had given them was to show the chemical reaction that the ingrediants from the days experiment underwent to form the ‘Blue Stew’ gas that Vaugn and the others had created in science class.

Two hours later, the sun was setting, and Vaugn and the others were packing their homework and saying their good nights. Imari, Shentin and Nikkai were heading home, and Vaugn and Asuke were watching TV, waiting for supper to be ready, each one looking slightly bleery eyed. Vaugn’s annoyance had burned away, and now he was tiredly enjoying the Friday evening at home. The assignment was longer then expected and took quite a lot of energy to complete. During the homework session though, the friends had decided on going to the city for some shopping on Saturday.

At 7 o’clock, supper was ready, and Uni and Mr. Miasoto joined Vaugn, Asuke and Coonai for dinner while watching the evening news.

"Today, a terrifying scene unfolded over Tokyo when a passenger plane suffered massive damage that nearly spelt the end for 300 passenegers and crew aboard. Utaka Bishuri reports.", the evening news reporter started, signing over to her correspondent in the field.

Cutting to a scene at the Tokyo International Airport showed an air plane that looked as if someone had taken a large knife to it, cutting it length wise down the body of the airplane and tried to pull it open in several places. The air plane also had massive dents, more like crators then anything else,set deep in the side of the body

"Today, a United States Air flight was nearly destroyed after it suffered a catostophic accident when the top of the airplane was split open, causing the plane to despressurise and put over 300 passengers and crew in danger. The pilots, Tyler Armando and Jake Sergidson were able to land the airplane despite what had happened. No deaths were reported but several passenegers were taken to hospital for head injuries from the sudden decompression of the cabin, and their heads being forced back into their seats suddenly. Many of the passengers reported that the top of the plane suddenly split open and started to steeply dive towards the ground. Though no one is able to explain the strange appearences of large dents in the side of the body, the two pilots did report seeing something like large golden talons before the plane was split open. The pilots were the only one seeing something this, as no passenger reportedly saw anything like that. The Japanese Transportation Safety Board is currently investigating to see the cause of the accident. Utaka Bishuri reporting live from Tokyo International Airport.", the reporter finished, signing off and sending back to the news room

"Wow. That’s really lucky that no one was hurt.", Coonai said mildly sipping her tea.

"I’ll say. And to think the pilots were able to land it also.", said Mr. Miasoto in a slightly awed voice.

Though Vaugn had heard the whole report, he only really had taken in one part of the entire story.

"The two pilots did report seeing something like large golden talons before the plane was split open."

Large golden talons? Yes, that’s what the reporter said. But what could have done that, or for that matter, have large golden talons able to split open a large airplane?

"Jin? Did you get all that?", Vaugn thought to himself as he ate his meal and watched TV with the others, acting completely normal yet deep in thought.

"Yes, I did. It looks like another one of the Feral Forty have escaped.", Jinkara replied slowly.

"That was faster then you expected. It hasn’t even been 24 hours since I killed Dogma and the next one is out.", Vaugn said to Jinkara inside his mind.

"I told you Culra was an impatient demon.", Jinkara replied casually.

"So you think it really is one of the Feral Forty then? Not just some random accident?", Vaugn asked Jinkara as the family watched the Entertainment report on the news.

"It’s hard to think why the pilots would say they saw golden claws, then have their plane torn open.", Jinkara replied back thoughtfully

"So now all we do is wait until it shows itself, huh?", Vaugn thought to himself.

"That is indeed the only way to find out if it really is one of the Feral Forty.", Jinkara replied seriously.

"Fantastic. Simply fantastic.", Vaugn thought to himself dully as Mr. Miasoto changed the station from the news to a gameshow.


"So there was a demon in the city last night! Right Vaugn?", Nikkai asked Vaugn as he and the others climbed the stairs from the subway into down town Tokyo and emerging onto a busy street full of life.

It was Saturday around noon, and the sun was high in the sky, lighting the whole city and the many shops that were present.

All around Vaugn, there were many different stores mixxed in with the large sky scrapers. Some were brightly coloured clothes store, with manikins in the windows, frozen in different positions, modeling different styles of jeans and shirts. There were music stores who’s windows were shaking slightly from the blaring music inside. There were movie theaters built in large 20 story buildings, the different sound effects seeping through the walls and mixxing together all around the friends.

Along every inch of the street that ran through the busy downtown shopping area, cars were parked bumper to bumper, their owners doing their shopping, while many more cars slowly trundled by, their drivers looking at the many stores full of things they’d like to buy, or else trying to find a free parking spot. The side walks were lined with trees that helped add a sence of airiness to the area in Vaugn’s opinion, aswell as small food stands selling different snacks to the passers by. Some of the people were sitting on the large benches that lined the street, enjoying their Saturday lunch and talking marrily to their friends.

Everywhere, people were out shopping, laidened down with bags full of shoes, pants, music, and much much more. No one was thinking about the strange accident over Tokyo yesterday, or if they were, it was merely in passing. The only people who were giving it any serious thought were Vaugn and his five friends.

"Yeah. It looks like another demon has escaped and it already starting to cause chaos.", Vaugn replied absentmindily, studying a pair of blue and black jeans that he thought he might like to buy as many people walked past him, deep in conversation with their friends.

"So then what kind of demon is it do you think?", Imari asked as two jet fighters flew over the city towards the army base across the city, the sounds of the engines roaring gently between the buildings.

"Well, if it’s attacked an airplane, logic would dictate that it would be some sort of bird demon.", Vaugn said in an offhand voice as the friends walked down the street, checking out the many stores that were to be had.

"So when do you think it will show it’s face again?", Kihari asked as she swooned over a pair of pink and gold running shoes.

"Who knows? It could be anytime.", Vaugn said simply, shrugging and looking around at the many stores around him.

Just as Vaugn put that thought out for all his friends to think about, an explosion quietly rang out above the city, making everyone look up as it roared through the valley of buildings, getting louder and louder.

Looking up into the clear blue sky, a giant fire ball could be seen expanding quickly in the sky, smoke furling from the fire ball. Pieces of something could be scene gently arching from the explosion, smoke trailing from behind them, giving the fire ball the appearence of a Wheeping Willow tree.

"What was that?", Shentin asked slowly, squinting up into the sky.

"I have no idea.", Vaugn replied slowly as a faint whirring sound reached his ears, getting louder and louder with each passing second.

Looking around, Vaugn saw a silver jet fighter pelting towards the ground at break neck speed. Flames were shooting from the sides of the jet, black smoke being belched out behind it.

The friends stood transfixed as the airplane got closer and closer, heading towards them.

Finally, when the airplane was a hundred yards away,knowing what was going to happen, Vaugn acted as quickly as he could.

"Guys over here!", Vaugn shouted, pushing Nikkai and Shentin through a clothes store door and pulling the girls into the building just in the nick of time.

The airplane screamed through the valley of buildings, the shock waves shattering the windows of the buildings and slammed into the ground, cutting huge gouge marks in the pavement and bursting into a raging ball of fire,spraying burning fuel all around it..

The wings snapped off and spun into the sky, slicing into the upper floors of the buildings as if they were saw blades. Large blocks of stones shattered and came cascading down onto the street below, crushing parked cars and trees alike.

The airplane blasted by the store Vaugn and his friends were. The windows exploded outwards, just as the many different coloured clothes were sucked out and gently rained down on the street in a rainbow jumble or silk and cotton, the shattered windows twinkling in the air.

The body continued to rip along the street, gouging and slashing the pavement each time it touched the ground, skidding and bouncing off the ground, sometimes flipping end over end high into the air before slamming back to earth. The plane sent cars flying into the buildings lining the street, the cars being thrown through the walls into the many different stores. The shockwaves still shattering the windows, the glass exploding outwards and gently floating into the air.

The airplane continued to rampage through the busy city street. People scattered and lept for cover as the airplane roared past them. Many drivers had to swerve onto the sidewalk to avoid the silver missle hurling towards them, slamming their vehicles into the building walls. One unfortunate motorist was unable to swerve fast enough as the airplane hurled towards him and slammed into his car, obliterating it instantly, pieces of metal, glass, tires and other items found in a car exploded in every direction. The driver was still strapped to his seat as the wreckage of the car was spit out behind the plane and thrown high into the air and crashed through the wall the 3rd floor of a large shopping center.

After blasting through several city blocks, the airplane finally began losing speed. Skidding to a halt, sparks flying from it’s belly, and turing slightly to one side, the plane blocked everylane of traffic, gently burning at the end of large path of destruction

"My god…what was that?", asked Asuke in an awestruck voice, sticking her head out a blown out window, looking down the street and then to her friends.

"That’d be when the demon shows it’s face…come on guys.", Vaugn said quickly as he dashed out the door and down the street. His friends stared for a second, then chased after him in hot pursuit, glass crunching gently under their feet.

Running along the sidewalk, Vaugn saw just how much destruction the plane had caused. Every building had it’s windows shattered, the glass shards falling gently to earth. Trees had been up-rooted by the force of the shockwave. Cars had been thrown to the side by the speeding jet, many of the cars crushed and disfigured, thrown through the walls of the surrounding buildings, or else wrapped around light posts. Huge gouge marks several blocks long had been cut by the plane, burning from the spilled jet fuel. Finally, people were everywhere, tending to people who had been hit by flying debris, or falling stone and glass. Many of the injured were bleeding from large cuts on their arms and bodies, or else bleeding from the head, many of them laying in a pool of blood forming around them. Thankfully, Vaugn thought to himself as he looked around at the destruction and the injured citizens, no one had died…yet.

After a couple minutes sprinting down the road, many people joining them and following the path of destruction, the friends arrived at the scene of the resting aircraft.

Laying in the middle of the road was the charred, burning and torn body of the airplane. Large pieces of the skin had been torn away, jagged edges sticking out everywhere. The body, once silver, was now black and smoking as flames lept from the skin, the smell of buring paint filling the air. Oil and fuel was slowly dripping from it’s under belly, and electricals could be heard snapping and sizzling. The canopy of the cockpit was completely gone, and the the pilot was nowhere to be found.

Looking into the cockpit, Vaugn noticed several things slightly out of place. There were two or three odd marks around the edge of the cockpit, as if something with claws had cut through the sides of the plane, tearing the canopy off the plane. Vaugn also noticed that the seat was still in tact, although the seat belt appeared to have been forcefully torn in half. And finally, the instrument cluster had been spattered with what appeared to be blood.

"Vaugn, what happened here?", Shentin asked, looking from the airplane to Vaugn.

"I think the demon has just killed it’s first victums.", Vaugn replied quietly and slowly, looking behind him into the sky, a ball of smoke still clearly imprinted against the blue background.

"You think the demon did this? Maybe the pilot just ejected.", Kihari replied, a clear note of worry in her voice. Vaugn could tell that she, like him, didn’t like the thought of innocent people dying needlessly.

"No Kihari. Look at the seat. It’s still in the plane. And the belt looks as if the pilot had been torn from the plane. This has to be the demon that’s arrived.", Vaugn replied to Kihari quietly.

"But you would have senced it right? I mean, you can sence demons right?" Nikkai asked in a confused voice.

"Yeah, I can. But I didn’t.", Vaugn replied, as sirens from emergency crews could be heard screaming towards them.

"Jin, do you think this was a demon?", Vaugn asked Jinkara inside his mind as the crowd parted to allow the fire crews to the airplane’s charred body.

"I believe it is. It seems as if one of my former followers has escaped. But yet I didn’t sence a demon at all.", Jinkara replied slowly, his voice cold with thought.

"So now what do we do?", Vaugn thought as he and the rest of the crowd watched the fire fighters extinquish the fire, steam rising quickly from the planes hot metal skin.

"Simple. We sit, and we wait until it show’s it’s face again.", Jinkara replied with a growl of anger, "Then….We kill it for turning it’s back on me.", Jinkara replied, Vaugn feeling Jinkara’s anger slowly rising.

"That shouldn’t be to hard.", Vaugn thought back as the crowd watched as a flat bed truck pulled up and the firefighters started to try and heave the burned body of the plane onto the truck to be hauled away.


"So tell me Jin…what am I doing out here again?", Vaugn asked Jinkara out loud in a slightly angry voice.

It was Sunday afternoon and the sun was gently setting, glowing orange above the Tokyo horizon and skyline, the temperature dropping every minute. The streets of Tokyo were alive with activity, with people shopping, going out for the evening and running errands.

The previous evening, the news reported about the crash of the one fighter jet in the busy down Tokyo center, aswell as how the other one had exploded in midair. There was no cause known at the time for the accidents, except that one of the airplanes crashed and the pilot was no where to be found..

Today, Vaugn was standing on the ledge of a tall, 40 story building, looking down at the bustling street of Tokyo and across the glowing orange Tokyo skyline. The rooves of the buildings were glowing orange in the setting sun, the windows doing the same

"I told you Vaugn,", Jinkara replied with a note of exasperation from all around Vaugn, "We’re waiting to see which demon has escaped."

"Okay, fair enough. But tell me why I’m up here at sundown?", Vaugn asked Jinkara, standing stalk still on the ledge, his arms crossed and looking down at the street.

"I have a feeling that the demon that has arrived would prefer to hunt at sundown. It’d be the perfect time for it to find humans to kill.", Jinkara replied casually.

"Well this thing better hurry… I’m starting to lose feeling in my toes.", Vaugn said irratibly, starting to tap his toes inside his shoes and look out over the Tokyo skyline.

"I have a feeling it will hurry Vaugn.", Jinkara replied.

The time passed with nothing even remotely close to a demon being spotted. The temperature kept dropping until Vaugn could finally see his breath rising infront of him. After two hours of nothing, Vaugn’s patients had finally worn out.

"Okay! That’s it! We’re done! This demon has kept me waiting long enough, and I’m freezing!",Vaugn said irratibly, getting down from the ledge, turning and walking towards the stair well ontop of the roof, "How do we even know it’ll show up tonight!", Vaugn angrily shouted out loud.

Just as Vaugn was reaching the stairwell door, he heard behind him the distant sound of beat wings. Turning to look behind him, Vaugn saw in the distant a large figure getting closer and closer. Staring for a moment, then running to the ledge of the building and squinting, Vaugn saw what he had been looking for.

Flying towards him was massive bird, it’s wings beating slowly and gently. Though, in all honesty, it looked completely different then any other bird Vaugn had ever saw. It’s jaws were massive, big enough for Vaugn to lay down in comfortably, and jagged around the edge giving it the appearence of having teeth. It’s head looked about the size of a large car, with it’s light blue soul shard in the middle of it’s forehead. It’s eyes were black, with red pupils and seemed to be scanning the ground, looking for food. It’s feathers were gold and black, and the edges look razor sharp. It’s feet, though tucked under it’s body, were large with long talons big enough to pierce the body of a man all the way through, and lift him easily into the air. The demons wings were massive, atleast 120 feet tip to tip. Looking closely, Vaugn saw that the wings had what appeared to be 4 claws on each, almost as if it had hands on it’s wings.

"Jin…who or what is that?", Vaugn asked slowly, getting low on the roof so that the creature would have a harder time seeing him if it decided to looked up.

"That Vaugn…is Eris. The acient Greek god was inspried by her. Though they got her body completely wrong.",Jinkara replied conversationally, though Vaugn could feel his anger start to slowly rise, "So Vaugn, are you ready to kill again? Or do you want me to do it?", Jinkara finished in a slightly hopeful voice.

"Since you have more desire to kill your former followers then I do, I’ll let you do it.", Vaugn said simply, and he felt Jinkara’s joy swell like a balloon, "But let’s see what Eris does first.", Vaugn finished and sunk down, resting a knee on the ledge of the building, as Eris started to descend on the city.

Down on the steet, people were busy doing there shopping, unaware of what was slowly flying towards them. People were carrying their shopping bags, eating snacks, and talking merrily with their friends.

Eris was feet above the tops of the building, running along the street below her, before she dived quickly into the valley.

Diving at the street, her wings pinned to her side,windows started shattering from her speed and raining glass down on the street below here.

Whether people heard the glass shattering or it hitting the street behind them, they all turned and looked up, just in enough time to see a massive gold and black bird swoop down over them ,before quickly rising gracefully, high into the sky. The shockwave following her shattered more and more windows and when it reached the street, sent several people flying onto their backs, tumbling limply, end over end on the ground like rag dolls.

Vaugn watched as Eris flew high into the high, slowly and gracefully barrel rolling. From the street below Vaugn could hear people screaming, and looking down, saw people staring and pointing at Eris as she turned gracefully into the air, the heads moving as one to keep their eyes on the demon.

Vaugn watched as the demon stuck it’s wings out again and turned slowly in the air, it’s head slowly pointing back down to earth. The people on the street were still staring in awe, as the demon folded it’s wings at it’s side again and shot back down to earth.

The demon sped downto earth and entered the valley of buildings with in seconds, the shock wave continuing to break more and more window. When it was feet from the ground, the demon pulled quickly out of it’s dive and rocketed along the street, cars being tossed aside, crashing through windows and walls, trees being snapped in half and blown aside like they were nothing.

The people, now realising there was a problem, started to to scatter. People were pushing one another out of the way, trying to hide from the monster speeding towards them. Some peoople were hiding behind mail boxes, some in the buildings lining the street, others under benchs. One unfortunate man was contantly getting pushed out the way, all the spots he was planning to hide in taken. Looking around desperately for a place to hide, it was already to late.

Turning around looking desperately for a hiding spot, the man froze on his spot. Looking down the street, he stared at a large gold and black bird speeding towards him, glass shards sparkling and falling gracefully to earth like snow behind it. The bird smiled, though the man was unsure if you could call it a smile.

The bird was now 100 feet from the poor man. The man was unable to think, unable to breathe, unable to move, paralyzed by fear. Sweat was pouring from his brow, his eyes wide and staring.

The demon drew closer and closer and when close enough, stuck it’s claws out infront of it, just like a bird swooping down on it’s prey.

The man stared, as did the other people lining and hiding in the street, as the bird got closer and closer. The bird pulled it’s clawed feet infront of it, ready to strike.

The people watched horrified as the bird slammed into the man, it’s claws ripping through his body, blood shooting from his body and splashing to the street. The bird slowly and gently rised up into the air, blood raining down from the mans body.

Vaugn watched as Eris rose high over Tokyo, anger coursing through his body, mixxing with Jinkara’s.

The bird when high enough above Tokyo, flung it’s feet out infront of it and threw the man’s lifeless body into the air, spinning and spraying blood everywhere.

The demon locked onto the man’s spinning body, and opened it’s jaws wide as it got closer and closer.

Just like a dog catching a treat from it’s master, the demon’s jaws snapped down on the mans body, the sound of bones being shattered filling the air and making it down to the street level below, blood gently falling from Eris’s beak and raining to the ground.

"Okay Jin…time to play.", Vaugn said, his voice cold with anger.

"About time.", Jinkara replied, and Vaugn felt the familiar whooshing sensation as Jinkara took over.

"Kill her quickly before more innocent people die Jin.", Vaugn said to Jinkara from the buildings all around him.

"Like you had to remind me!", Jinkara replied with a slight scauf, as he bent low, and pushed off powerfully into the air, rocketing towards Eris.

Eris, after her first meal, was now circling lazily high above the city, staring down at the ants that were people scattering and running for safety. She was busy contemplating which human would be her next meal when from behind her, a voice called out, full of anger and hate.

"Eris!", Jinkara roared, his arms pinned at his side as he rocketed towards the large bird demon that was Eris.

Turning sharply and stopping in mid air, her wings beating slowly, Eris fixxed Jinkara with an eagle like stare.

"Ah, Jinkara. I was wondering when I’d see you again.", Eris called out to Jinkara in a very calm voice yet which sounded a little bird like, as she watched Jinkara get closer and closer.

"Well here I am traitior!", Jinkara roared in a voice full of fury, baring his fangs in a furious smile now feet from Eris.

When Jinkara was close enough, he pulled his arm back and slashed at Eris’s neck, trying to rip her throat out.

Eris, who had been watching calmly the whole time, mearly flew to her side lazily and watched as Jinkara missed his attack, flew over her shoulder, and started to fall at top speed down to the rooves of the buildings.

"That didn’t really work did it?", Vaugn calmly asked Jinkara inside his mind.

"Shut up Vaugn! I’ll get her.", Jinkara replied as he crashed, feet first, through the roof of an office building and it’s three upper floors before stopping in a floor full of cubicles and computers. Looking up through the hole and dust cloud he had just made, Jinkara bent down again, and shot towards Eris faster then before.

"You are persistant aren’t you Jinkara?", Eris called out playfully, beating her wings gently and hovering in mid air, as she watched Jinkara rocket towards her.

"No! Just determined to see you and the rest of my filthy traitors suffer!", Jinkara roared as he slashed vicously at Eris’s neck again.

Again, Eris merely flew to one side and watched as Jinkara missed her throat, and again fell down to the rooves of the tall buildings, crashing through several floors before stopping.

"This doesn’t seem to be working Jin.", Vaugn said pointedly, but Jinkara took no notice of this.

Jinkara bent low and lept at Eris through the dust cloud, his claws ready to strike as he flew at break neck speed towards her, his eyes firmly fixxed on her, his fangs bared, his eyes blazing with hatred.

"Come now. Is this all you have?", Eris cried out out, as Jinkara again rocketed towards her.

"You’re about to find out!", Jinkara roared as he was feet from Eris’s neck.

Slashing vicously at her neck, Jinkara was sure he had finally struck her. Just as his claws were inches away from slashing her neck, the air was knocked out of his lungs and he found himself flying backwards through the air, slightly dazed. At the last moment, Eris had swated Jinkara with her wing as if swating a fly.

Flipping over to his feet, Jinkara slammed into the roof of a tall apartment building on all fours like a cat and skidded across the roof. Digging his clawed fingers and toes into the roof, he skidded to a hault, leaving large gouge marks in the roof. Straightening up,Jinkara recovered quickly, and sprinting the length of the roof,stepped onto the ledge, and lept back into the air and sped towards Eris.

"This is starting to bore me.", Eris said in a very bored voice as she watched Jinkara fly at her again, "I expected more of you. No matter.", she finished, and she gave her wings a lazy flap, generating a sudden wind as strong as a hurricane.

The wind hit Jinkara with the force of a large bomb exploding, and before he knew it, he was flying backwards as if he had been suddenly pulled by a truck.

Slightly dazed by the sudden change in direction, Jinkara suddenly felt himself crashing through wall after wall of the buildings around him, the stone exploding and forming large, blinding dust clouds.

Jinkara merely caught glimpses of what was happening. One second, he’d be crashing though a large office building with many cubicles. The next he’d be crashing through apartments full of cozy sofas, and TV’s showing different programs. The next second he’d be crashing through busy shopping malls, full of different displays of toys, clothes, and gadgets, people merrily shopping, unaware of what was happening outside high above Tokyo.

After crashing through the floors and walls of several buildings, creating a long tunnel through all of the buildings that sky could be scene through clearly, Jinkara slammed into the ground, a large crator exploding around him. Cars screeched to a halt on the busy street, many of them colliding with one another.

Laying spread eagle in the middle fo the crator, Jinkara stared up at the sky between the large, shining buildings. His body was starting to ake slightly, and his eyes were slightly out of focus from the force of the impact. A large cut had been opened on his forehead , black blood gently flowing from it, as a large gash was pouring blood from his left arm.

Slowly, Jinkara sat up, groaning and rubbing his head, blood soaking his hand, while people got out of their cars to get a better look at the strange sight infront of them.

"I see she’s giving you some trouble Jin. Want me to take over.", Vaugn asked in a bored voice to Jinkara as he sat on the street rubbing his bleeding head.

"Please. I’m just getting started.", Jinkara snarled back, even more furious then when he first attacked Eris.

"Jinkara! If this is all the entertainment you’re going to provide me, I’ll be going back to my hunting.", Eris called out to the city, her voice crisp and clear on the ground as screams of terror erupted around the city, echoing off the buildings.

"Get up Jin and stop her before more innocent people die!", Vaugn told Jinkara furiously.

"Like you had to tell me!", Jinkara snarled as he slowly got to his feet, blood spattering the ground, bent low, lept high into the air, and sinking his claws into the side of a tall building, started to climb quickly to the roof, the people on the street below watching in shock.

Emerging onto the roof, Jinkara ran quickly to the edge and looked out over the city, seeing nothing at all in the sky.

"Where is she?", Jinkara growled, squinting out over the city.

Jinkara had only been searching for a second or two when they saw Eris shoot up from between the buildings, flying high into the sky.

Without a word, Jnkara lept off the roof, across the street, and landing onto the building across the street, ran to the edge and again jumped across the street below. He lept from building to building, like a frog jumping from lilly pad to lilly pad, his eyes fixxed firmly on Eris.

Just as before, Vaugn saw Eris throw her feet out infront of her, and saw through his eyes a body go flying into the air, just as Eris flew up under it, and consumed it with one massive bite, blood spraying everywhere.

Again, Eris flew down into the city, and moments later, flew back up into the air, another poor victum firmly impaled on her claws. Once again, Eris flew into the sky, tossing the body into the air, and devouring it from below.

Jinkara was now one building away from Eris, just as she was preparing for another dive. Jinkara watched as she circled high in the air before starting her dive.

With a mighty leap, Jinkara lept the entire distance of the building, flying across it like a baseball player sliding into home,just as Eris was diving, Jinkara claws ready to slash her. Jinkara was inches from Eris when he slashed vicously at her eyes, trying to blind her, but seeing Jinkara flying at her, Eris quickly pulled out of the dive and flew back into the sky. Jinkara flew across the street pointed at the wall of a tall apartment building. Throwing his clawed hands out infront of him, he sunk his claws into the wall, and catching his breath for a second , pushed off, back flipping across the street below, and landing on the ledge of the building opposite, before leaping off the ledge into the sky, aiming for Eris who was now hovering again in mid-air.

"You’re boring me Jinkara!", Eris snarled as she wacthed Jinkara getting closer and closer.

"Then I’ll try and make it exciting!", Jinkara roared back as he slashed again at Eris, who once again glided to one side and watched Jinkara fall to earth.

"You always were a creature of habit Jinkara! Always the same, never changing!", Eris called out as she watched Jinkara crash through the roof of a tall building and disappearing in a cloud of dust.

"She knows you well Jin.", Vaugn said to Jinkara as they flew through the cloud of dust and straight at Eris, blood gently falling from his wounds and raining down on the street below.

"We’ll see just how well she does.", Jinkara growled back as again he slashed at Eris when he was close enough.

Again, Eris merely glided to one side and Jinkara flew right by. But Jinkara had been ready this time. When he was level with Eris, he stuck out a clawed hand and grasped Eris feathers and bony wing. Using the force of his jump to carry him, Jinkara swung all the way around Eris, her feathers and wing firmly in hand. With the sound of a snapping tree filling the air and audible to the people on the ground, Jinkara shattered Eris’s wing at the shoulder.

With an ear splitting screech, she screamed in pain as Jinkara landed on her back, and they started to fall back down to earth like a bullet.

Jinkara firmly grasped the feathers on the back of Eris neck and used them as reins of a horse, steering her to ground, all the while Eris was screaming in pain.

"You bastard! I’ll kill you!", Eris screamed as the two demons fell to earth, getting closer and closer to the solid ground.

"Not if I kill you first traitor!", Jinkara growled back calmly as they entered the large street space between the buildings, the speed of the fall shattering the few remaining windows that were left.

"Oh man…this is going to hurt.", Vaugn said to Jinkara as they were feet from the ground, Jinkara steering the whole way down, Eris fighting every inch of the way.

"Yes it will Vaugn, yes it will.", Jinkara said with a smile as the two demons were inches from the ground.

Before the impact however, Jinkara pulled his feet under him, and pushed himself away from Eris as hard as he could, flying a couple of feet above the street below, just as Eris collided with the street head first, blasting a huge crator in the street and shaking the buildings around it.

Jinkara turned over onto his back as he flew through the air and gazed at the motionless body of Eris as he fell gracefully to earth and slid several yards on his back before he stopped.

"Okay…so you had a plan. Nothing to be to proud of.", Vaugn said, as Jinkara slid to a halt staring up at the ruby red and orange sky, blood gently running down the side of his head and down his face as his arm was starting to form a pool of black demon blood. Jinkara merely chuckled while staring up at the sky.

"I always have a plan. You’d be smart to learn that Vaugn.", Jinkara replied as he slowly sat up, got to his feet and walked over to the body of the motionless demon infront of them, a trail of black blood following him.

As Jinkara walked down the street, the people who had been hiding during the whole battle were staring in silent awe.

They stared, wide eyed and slack jawed, from the huge crator in the middle of the street and the huge demon bird laying in the center, to the walking figure of Jinkara, long claws on all five of his fingers, long fangs visible in his mouth, his red eyes furious and staring, blood running down his face and arm,all walking towards the dead demon on the balls of it’s feet.

Slowly Jinkara walked towards Eris, his mouth stretched in a wide smile, his fangs bared, quietly laughing.

"I told her I’d killed her Vaugn. I’m still the most powerful demon ever.", Jinkara said outloud as he strolled to the motionless body of Eris, every eye present on him.

"I’ll make sure to give you credit when I have my body back.", Vaugn replied from all around him as Jinkara stopped at the edge of the massive crator, staring at Eris.

She was laying in the crator on her stomach, her head rolled to one side, her wings spread fully all the way out, looking just like a bird run over by a car.

"Shame… she didn’t really put up much of a fight. She merely ran from the battle. Not at all as much fun as Dogma.", Jinkara growled, but shrugging his shoulders, "Oh well. She never was one to put up much of a fight. All the time the angels overwhelmed her and I had to rescue her. She always was rather weak.", he finished airily.

"Weak?", a voice screeched, full of pure anger, as a large black fire erupted under Eris’s lifless body and engulfed it completely as it shot skywards fifty feet.

Jinkara lept backwards several yards, staring at the spot now consumed by black flames.

"What’s going on Jin?", Vaugn asked, his voice full of confusion.

"You’ll see Vaugn.", Jinkara snarled back, as a figure slowly emerged from the top of the black inferno.

It was Eris, looking as if she was standing on the top of the flames, her eyes wide and staring, full of anger, looking down at Jinkara. The flames licked her feathers, her chest and her beak, but yet she didn’t burn, or show any sign that she felt the flames.

Jinkara stared up at the figure of Eris, his face contorted with rage.

"You call me weak! I’ll kill you for such an insult!", Eris screeched loudly, the humans who were watching clapping their hands over theirs ears tighly.

"Then what are you waiting for?", Jinkara roared bringing his claws up infront of him, ready to strike.

Eris stared at Jinkara from her nest of black flame,her eyes blazing with anger, before throwing her head back shrieking with laughter.

"You think I’ll fight you here! No. I’ll choose where and when Jinkara. I’ll choose the place of your death! See you soon, Jinkara.", Eris laughed, before the black flames completely engulfed her body.

"Oh no you don’t!", Jinkara roared, leaping quickly at the spot where Eris’s head had been moments before and slashing through the flames, but feeling nothing as he flew through the flames and landed on the other side of the fire. Turning, Jinkara watched as the flames died away instantly, leaving nothing except a few slight burn marks on the ground in the crator.

Jinkara stood there, staring at the crator, his breathing fast and ragged, his fangs bared completely, his claws flexxing and unflexxing, his whole body shaking from rage. A small pool of blood forming at his feet. Finally, Jinkara threw his headback and screamed as loud as he could

"Damn it! You cowardly bastard! Get back here!", Jinkara roared, the ground shaking slightly from his anger.

Jinkara stood there, his chest and shoulders rising, his vision blurred from rage.

All around him, people slowly came out from their hiding places. Some crawled out from under benches, others came out from alley ways, and others came out from the buildings they were hiding in, many of those climbing through the now empty window frames. All of their eyes were on Jinkara.

Vaugn couldn’t blame them for staring. They had never seen anything like this before, never. Not only did they just watch a massive bird crash head first into the ground, but they had just watched as it disappeared in a rush of black flames, and now they were staring at some sort of half man, half monster, blinded by rage, who looked as if he wanted to kill anything and everything.

"Jin, people are starting to stare. And the last thing I want or need is to be on the nightly news, your face and my body plastered all over it.", Vaugn told Jinkara inside his mind as Jinkara looked around and stared into the scared faces of the Tokyo citizens gazing upon him.

Without a word, his eyes still blazing with fury, Jinkara raised a single clawed hand into the air, his palm facing the sky, and a blast of pure darkness erupted from it and overcame the crowded street around Jinkara, envelepoing the people around him instantly.


"Damn it Jin! I lend you my body and you practically destroy it!"

Vaugn was walking down a dark street on his way home. The only light was coming from the street lamps and windows. All was quiet and still, with no one to be seen. The moon was shining brightly in the dark, star filled sky, though occasionally being covered by clouds.

Jinkara, after performing a strange demonic spell had ran from the scene of the encounter with Eris, all the way to the residential neighbourhood. When it was safe, Jinkara had returned Vaugn his body, much to Vaugn’s dismay.

Not only was every inch of Vaugn in pain as if he had just been run over by a train, but he was limping badly, his leg barely supporting his weight. He was holding his left arm, which was practically dead, throbbing horribly everytime it was moved, and bleeding badly from a huge gash, the blood seeping through Vaugn’s fingers and staining the sleeve of his shirt and dripping to his pants. His hands were stiff, and they would throb painfully each time he’d move his fingers.And finally, his forehead was cut open, blood running down his nose, around his eyes and down the side of his face, dripping onto the ground and leaving a very noticable path.

Needless to say, Vaugn wasn’t happy.

"You complain over nothing Vaugn. This is nothing to what could have happened. I think you got off rather easily.", Jinkara replied simply as Vaugn limped across an empty street, continuing his walk home.

"Yeah you would! Afterall, you are the one that did this to me!", Vaugn snarled back to Jinkara as he limped past several lit up houses, the occupants visible through open windows.

"Only by accident Vaugn.", Jinkara replied casually as Vaugn continued to limp home

"This is the last time I let you use my body.", Vaugn growled as he saw the driveway to his house in the near distance, "And you still managed to let Eris get away!", Vaugn finished, almost shouting, yet his voice echoing off the houses around him.

"I didn’t let her get away! She ran Vaugn! Or did you miss that part!", Jinkara replied back furiously as Vaugn limped up the driveway and to the door.

"What ever. She still got away and you failed to kill her!", Vaugn growled back, feeling Jinkara’s anger rising quickly. Vaugn grasped the door handle, turned and pushed the door open.

Walking into the coat room, all was silent, except for the gentle drip of blood on the wood floor. Vaugn didn’t close the door, so as not to make a sound. The only other sound was coming from the dining room, the TV entertaining what sounded like the whole Miasoto family plus others. Looking at the clock, it read ten minutes to eleven..

"God. Don’t they ever go to sleep?", Vaugn growled to himself, as he bent over trying to sit on the stairs to take off his shoes, but losing his balance and crashing to the floor instead.

Vaugn heard the talking cease immediately, and heard what sounded like Asuke saying she’d go and see what it was.

"Oh geez.", Vaugn thought quickly, and pushing himself up with some difficulty, he grasped the banister of the stairs, and limped up to the upper level as quickly as he could, down the hall, a dull clomping sound being made each time he put weight on his sore leg. Thinking quickly, Vaugn decided to head for the washroom. Limping down the hall and into the washroom, Vaugn immediately went for the bath, sliding the door open and climbing in, and laying down in the large bath, but not running any water. Vaugn decided this would be the best place, as no one would think of looking in the bath incase someone was using it

Taking several deep calming breaths, Vaugn layed in the bath, not moving and just resting.

"That was to close.", Vaugn groaned to himself quietly, "Way to close."

His eyes slowly drooped, and closed as his head fell to his chest.


Asuke had been watching TV with her friends and family when she heard the crashing sound outside.

"What was that?", Uni asked, looking away from the comedy show they had been watching.

"I dunno. I’ll go check it out.", Asuke said happily, as she stood up, slid open the dining room doors, and walking down the hall.

"Hurry back. They’re about to show the main skit!", Nikkai called out happily.

"Yeah yeah.", Asuke called back as she entered the large coat area and seein nothing except the open door, "Hmm. It must have been the wind.", Asuke said, shrugging her shoulders, and crossing the room to close the door and lock it.

Turning around and looking lazily around the room, something caught Asuke’s eye. On the ground were drops of a red glistening liquid and a large smear on the floor. Looking closer, Asuke saw that it was blood, and that there was a path leading all the way up the stairs.

"What the hell…", Asuke breathed looking up the stairs and without thinking of what would be at the end of the trail of blood, started to slowly follow it.

Climbing the stairs, the blood glistened in the moon light, leading Asuke down the hall, past her room, past Vaugn’s room, and to the wash and laundry room, where the path disappeared under the door.

Slowly pushing the door open, Asuke saw the path led to the bath. Her heart racing, her breathing shallow, Asuke slowly crossed the laundry room, and stopped outside the bath. Raising a shaking hand and grasping the door, her shaking hand causing the door to rattle quietly, she timidly slid the door open and looked in, seeing what was inside.

Laying in the bath tub, his head resting on his chest, was Vaugn. Blood was dripping from his forehead and arm, staing his shirt and pants, and running down the white tiled bath and down the drain. His left arm was hanging limply at his side, while his right was draped across his body, as if trying to keep himself warm. His eyes appeared to be closed, from what Asuke could see from behind him, and his chest was gently rising and falling, as if he were asleep.

Asuke stared, terrified at what she was seeing. It was as if Vaugn had been in a terrible car accident and instead of going to the hospital, came home instead.

"V-Vaugn…is that…you?", she asked, her voice shaking with fear, her eyes wide with disbelief.

"Yeah…it’s me.", Vaugn groaned, shifting slightly in the bath tub, but not turning to look at her.

"What…", Asuke started, her voice rising quickly, before Vaugn cut her off.

"Keep your voice down!", Vaugn snarled as he shifted again in the bath tub, but not looking at her.

"Sorry…I didn’t…what happened.", Asuke gasped, trying very hard to keep her voice down.

"Get me some bandages and I’ll tell you.", Vaugn said quietly.

"Okay…", Asuke said faintly, and Vaugn heard her leave.

Minutes later, Asuke returned, her arms full of medical supplies, and bringing the rest of the friends with her.

They gathered around the bathtub and took in the grisly sight that was now Vaugn. Bleeding from the arm and head, his hair crusted with blood, just like his face, arm and hands, laying motionless in the blood stained tub. They had never seen anything so disturbing as this. His eyes were closed, and his head was resting on his chest. He never opened his eyes once while his friends gathered around him.

"You got the bandages Asuke?", Vaugn asked,slowly opening his eyes and looking up, his vision slightly blurry as he looked around at his friends.

"Yeah. Here, let us help you Vaugn. You’re in terrible shape.", Asuke replied, as she put the supplies down and started to prep them.

Without a word, Vaugn pulled his arms inside his bloodied shirt, groaning slightly, and took it off, tossing it aside against the wall, small patches of blood spattering the wall.

Just like in a busy city hospital, everyone present in the room jumped to the task at hand. They bandaged Vaugn’s head and arms, cleaned the dry and still wet blood out of his hair and skin, they taped his hands and wrist, and taped his limp leg. When they were done with Vaugn, he really looked like a car accident victum.

Vaugn sat in the bath tub breathing slowly, his head resting on the edge of the bathtub, staring up at the ceiling. None of the friends spoke right away. After a minute of silence, Vaugn finally spoke.

"Thanks guys. I really do appreciate it.", Vaugn said quietly, groaning slightly.

His friends looked around at one another and smiled.

"You’re welcome Vaugn.", Imari said, smiling to him and nodding slightly.

"So mind telling us what happened to you? You look awful.", Shentin said, sitting on the edge of the bath, his feet dangling in the tub.

Vaugn rolled his head on the edge of the bath, looking from one friend to another, before rolling it back and looking to the ceiling. Taking a deep breath, Vaugn began telling his friends what had happened to him.

He slowly told them about Eris, the demon that arrived, and about how it had killed 3 Tokyo citizens. He told them about the battle that had ensued between Jinkara and Eris, and told them how they had beaten Eris, but not killed her.

All through the story, Vaugn continued to look at the ceiling, his body aking, and his voice monotoned. His friends looked at him intently, giving Vaugn their undivided attention.

He told them about Eris disappearing in the rush of black flames and the black wave that Jinkara had created that had ran over the crowd that had gathered around them. Finally, he told his friends about Jinkara running from the scene, and returning Vaugn his body when they were far from prying eyes.

"So, this Eris demon disappeared in a burst of black fire?", asked Nikkai, and Vaugn turned his head slightly to look at him and saw he had a look of remembering on his face.

"Yeah. Just like when Jin disappeared ontop of the Kojuni office building.", Vaugn replied slowly, looking back to the ceiling.

"So, what happened then?", Asuke asked, looking from her friends then to Vaugn quizzicaly.

" I dunno…how about you Jin? What happened to Eris.", Vaugn asked out loud.

"She was summoned.", Jinkara spoke out quietly from the floor, just as if the box of supplies was talking instead of the whole room.

"And that means what?", Vaugn asked slowly, still looking up at the roof.

"When a demon is gravely injured, like Eris was, it can be summoned back to Hell, where it will regain it’s strength and heal. A demon body cannot heal outside of Hell. The happiness and joy prevents that. So the demon is summoned back to Hell where it will heal. Then, when it’s back to full strength, it will escape Hell once more.", Jinkara replied slowly aswell.

"So next time we see her she’ll be one hundred percent?", Vaugn asked in a tired voice.

"She will indeed, yes.", Jinkara replied.

"Fantastic.", Vaugn said, he appeared to have forgotten his friends were there.

"And this dark blast that Jinkara used? What was that?", Kihari asked Vaugn, helping remind Vaugn that his friends were present in the room

"It’s a demon mind sweeper.", Jinkara replied, "Demons use it when they want people to forget that they had ever scene them."

"So all those people will forget what they had scene tonight?", asked Nikkai uncertainly.

"They will indeed. All they’ll know is that there are several large crators and many blasted out windows. They won’t know what caused it however.", Jinkara replied casually.

"So when do you think it’ll be back?", Imari asked in a concerned voice.

"When what will be back?", Vaugn asked in an offhand voice.

"The demon.", Imari replied with raised eyebrows and a very pointed look at Vaugn.

"Oh. No clue. But I’m sure she’ll give herself away somehow when she does.", Vagun replied quietly, before sitting up straighter in the bath tub and looking around, "Well, I’ve had enough for one night. I’m going to bed.", Vaugn finished, pushing himself up awkwardly and stumbling clumsily out of the tub.

"Okay, we should be getting home ourselves.", Nikkai said as the other nodded in agreeance, and watching Vaugn limp to the door, slide it open, and walk out of the laundry room.

"Man…that must have been some fight. He’s a real mess.", Shentin said when they were sure Vaugn was down the hall and limping closer to closer to his room.

"Yeah. But atleast the demon is gone for now.", Asuke replied, nodding to her friends.

Vaugn limped down the hall and to his door, pushing it slowly open. Crossing his room, he looked out the window at the cloud filled, moon lit sky.

The night had not been what you called enjoyable. Not only had three more innocent people died at the hands, or talons in this case, of the latest demon to escape, but Vaugn felt as if all he wanted to do was lay in bed for a week straight, just sleeping and not moving.

Swaying slightly on spot, Vaugn’s eyes drooped and shut completely, before falling to his side and landing on his bed, fast asleep.


The following morning, Vaugn layed in bed, staring at the ceiling, unable to move.

His body was even more worse off then the night before. It seemed that every muscle had decided to take a vacation and was no longer listening to Vaugn’s brain, but instead throbbing in protest when he tried to move. Vaugn had looked over at his clock when he first woke up. Though he all he wanted, and needed, was sleep, it still said seven o’clock when he woke up. School didn’t start until 8:30, and Vaugn had been trying ever since 7 to get up, but to no avail.

Vaugn had been trying for 45 minutes before a knock on the door let Vaugn know that someone was looking for him.

"Vaugn? Are you up?", Asuke called through the door.

"Sort of.", Vaugn groaned back, still staring at the ceiling and straining to get up.

"Sort of? What do you mean sort of? You either are or you aren’t!", Nikkai called through the door.

"I’m awake aren’t I? Get in here and help me up!", Vaugn snapped back through the door. As expected, he wasn’t in the best of moods.

Vaugn could hear quick talking outside his room, though he didn’t make out what was said, before the door was pushed open and in came his friends.

"Sleep well?", Shentin asked conversationally as the friends walked in and took in the stiff form of Vaugn.

"Aswell as expected.", Vaugn said shortly, lifting up his arm and holding it up as high as he could.

"That’s good. The last thing we want is for you to be tired, sore, and cranky all day.", Shentin said as he and Nikkai grasped Vaugn’s hand and pulled him up to a sitting position, then standing him up on his feet, Vaugn swaying slightly, "You’ll just be sore and cranky all day.", Shentin finished swith a smile.

"Thanks. Now if you’ll excuse us girls, I need to put on my uniform.", Vaugn said, gesturing stiffly to his blood stained and spattered pants he had slept in.

"And what makes you think we want to stay and watch you pull your pants on?", the girls heard Nikkai asked in a scandalised voice through the door.

"Just think of it like gym class Nikkai.", Vaugn replied as Shentin laughed.

10 minutes later, the friends were walking down the street, Vaugn stiffly limping along side them, fully clothed and ready for school.

As Vaugn was still very sore and stiff, he didn’t really feel like talking much. He’d answer the occasional question, but other then that, he was perfectly quiet, prefering to not waste his energy on talking, when walking was more important at the moment.

Walking into school, Vaugn was stared at occasionally, but not as much as he would have been had he been wearing shorts and a tee-shirt. Many of the students stared slightly, taking in Vaugn’s forehead that had a large bandage across it aswell as his taped hands and his obvious limp, but other then that, it was much better then he had expected.

Homeroom was as boring as expected, and it gave Vaugn pleanty of time to rest-up for the rest of the school day. He spent the fifteen minutes sleeping, his head down on his school bag, thinking longily of his bed at home.

"Very funny…", Vaugn said grumpily as he hopped and limped up the staircase to his class, "Not only is our homeroom on the bottom floor, our classroom is on the top floor, and there’s no elevator for people in my situation!", He finished, groaning with relief as he reached the second floor landing and resting against the wall for a second.

"And what situation is that?", Asuke asked as she and the others started up the stairs to the third floor, leaving Vaugn to catch up, "Is it the situation of being on the hit list of 40 of the most powerful demons ever to exsist? Or the situation of having your body taken over by a demon only to have it very soundly beaten and returned to you after it was taken for a joy ride?", she finished in a mock wondering voice as she and the others emerged on the third floor landing.

"I was more refering to people who hate stairs, but those are good suggestions Asuke.", Vaugn said with another groan as he rested at the top of the stairs, his friends laughing.

"Well atleast you still have your sence of humour.", Nikkai said as he and the rest walked to class.

Three hours later, the group of friends was back down in their homeroom, eating lunch. Vaugn had been able to sit and rest all class, and was feeling a hair better, but still very far from feeling 100%. The friends talked about nothing in particular, Vaugn prefering just to listen and eat opposed to joining in. They didn’t even ask Vaugn when he thought Eris would show up. Obviously, they thought that if Vaugn was this sore and stiff, Eris must be in a real state right now.

The rest of the day passed slowly enough. Mr. Kucaiko taught as usual, and Vaugn rested the best he could. All Vaugn thought about was his warm bed waiting for him at home.

When he got home, Vaugn went straight up to his room and fell asleep as soon as he hit the pillow, only being awoken 2 hours later by Asuke letting him know that supper was ready.

Limping slowly down the hall and down the stairs, he was contemplating a few things in his head. The first, and most sudden to occur, would be the reactions from Mr. Miasoto, Coonai and Uni when they saw him for the first time in almost a day. The second was that the weekend couldn’t come fast enough. And thirdly, he was wondering when Eris would show up again to continue her hunt for Jinkara.

"The calm before the storm I guess.", Vaugn thought to himself dully as he emerged in the lower level and limped down the hall to the dining room.

"Indeed it is Vaugn.", Jinkara replied slowly to Vaugn as he walked in the dining room, and sat through the barage of worryment and questions about what had happened to him while he ate his supper, answering the occasional question, and thinking longily of his room and the quiet that awaited him upstairs.


The next few days passed like Monday: Stiffly and sorely.

Vaugn was getting better, but that wasn’t saying much. He was limping less and less, but again, that wasn’t saying much.

Nothing out of the normal happened, except Vaugn having a very heated argument with their gym teacher, Mr. Uryasoko, about not having a doctors note so he could get out of gym class.

When Thursday dawned, Vaugn was able to walk normally, though still very stiffly. No limp atleatst as Nikkai pointed out.

It had been Sunday when Vaugn returned home, battered and bleeding from the joy ride Jinkara had taken his body on, and it was Sunday when Eris was summoned back to Hell to heal and regroup for her next wave of attacks.

Since that time, Vaugn hadn’t heard of any strange occurances or attacks going on in Tokyo, nor senced Eris’s presence either. Admitedly, not being able to sence Eris wasn’t exactly useful, as even when she was out terrising Tokyo, Vaugn couldn’t sence her then.

Thursday afternoon, Vaugn and his friends could be found eating lunch in their homeroom. Vaugn was just starting to think that maybe he wouldn’t see Eris again for atleast another three or four days when his thought was forcefully shattered.

The group of friends were sitting around Shentin’s desk, talking about their plans for the weekend.

"I think we should go see a movie. We still haven’t gone to see the new Jay Toshi movie you know.", Asuke said as she ate her pork bun that Coonai had packed her.

"This is true. We should go see it before it’s to late.", Nikkai agreed, nodding as he finished his bottle of apple juice, "What do you think Vaugn?", he finished, looking over at Vaugn as Vaugn started on his noodles.

"Well to be honest, I’d prefer just to take it easy at home. I may not be limping but damn if I’m not sore as hell still. Jinkara did a real number on my body.", Vaugn said as he ate his sandwich, Imari and Nikkai chuckling.

"Might I remind you that you let me take over your body. So it is, in a way, sort of your fault Vaugn.", Jinkara replied coldly, yet fairly from the bottle of apple juice Nikkai was holding, causing the friends to jump slightly, but chuckling slightly all the same.

Just as the friends were talking about things to do for the weekend that involved Vaugn laying around at home, the windows of the class room shook loudly in their frames.

Everyone stopped talking when they heard the rattling windows and turned as one to look at them. Vaugn saw that the windows were vibrating back and forth, the images reflected in the glass distorted, a few of the windows cracking slightly.

"What was that?", Vaugn asked, looking from the windows to his friends, who were all staring at the windows like everyone else, "An earthquake?", he asked, sounding a little confused.

"No. The ground would have shaken as well if it was an earth quake.", Nikkai said slowly, as they watched several people get up and look out the window, "It was as if there was an explosion outside the building.", he finished, crossing his arms and looking at Vaugn when the ground really did shake this time followed by a very loud crashing sound outside.

Staring at eachother for a moment, the friends quickly got to their feet, rushed over to the window, and peered outside. Looking out, they saw that massive white-blue chunks of metal, each about the size of a large car, were raining down from the sky all over the city and crashing to earth, hitting cars, telephone poles, light posts, trees and houses. The pieces of metal were crashing through the rooves of the houses, blowing out the windows and doors from the force; crushing the cars parked along the street, setting off car alarms that beeped feably and shooting glass everywhere; snapping the telephone poles and tress that lined the street like toothpicks, powerlines dancing and sparking on the street as electricity arced from felled trees and downed pieces of metal.

One motorist slammed on his brakes in enough time to stop from hitting a felled telephone pole, only to have large piece of metal crush the entire rear end of his car.

"What’s going on?", Vaugn breathed to himself, looking out over the scene unfolding infront of him.

"Oh my god! Look at that plane!", a girls voice cried out.

Looking beside him, Vaugn saw one of his classmates looking out the window and pointing to the sky, her mouth wide opened.

Gazing high into the sky, Vaugn saw what his classmate was pointing at

High in the sky was a giant jumbo jet that was in grave danger. From what Vaugn could see down on the ground, the entire body had been torn from the airplane leaving just the cockpit and tail covered,and the body was now raining debris down over the city. The plane was tilting steeply to the ground, as if coming in for an emergency landing. Clearly visible from the ground were flames shooting out from the sides of the airplane, licking the sids of the plane. Obviously the pilots wanted to land the plane as quickly as possible before anything worse happened.

As Vaugn was taking in the scene taking place high above earth, a flash of gold caught his eye, and what Vaugn saw made his heart skip a beat.

Looking like a mosquito against the blue sky background was something beating it’s wings gently, rising higher and higher into the sky away from the plane, shining gold and black in the bright sunlight.

Vaugn’s pupils contracted as he stared at the figure of Eris flying away. His mouth pulled back in a snarl and an odd ringing sound filled his ears. It was bad enough that she had already killed three innocent people in downtown Tokyo, but now she was attemtping to destroy an airplane loaded with unsuspecting people.

"Vaugn, is everything okay?", Asuke hissed to him.

Looking to his left, Vaugn saw that all of his friends were looking at him slightly alarmed by his expression on his face.

"The demon’s back.", Vaugn growled, looking back up into the sky and watching the shards of metal fall to the ground, twinkling in the sunlight.

When school let out, everyone gazed at the destruction that had ensued from the attack on the airplane as they walked down the street. Rooves were collapsed and windows blown out from the homes that were hit. Light posts were downed across the street, and telephone poles were downed aswell, their powerlines laying on the street like sleeping snakes. Trees were snapped in half, their tops laying on the ground, their trunks splintered.

"So what do we do now Jin?", Vaugn asked Jinkara inside his mind as Vaugn and the others walked down the street, taking in the destruction

"We go hunting tonight.", Jinkara replied with a growl of pleasure as the group stopped at their usual crosswalk and watched several trucks tow away several fallen trees and telephone poles.

"Okay. Where though?", asked Vaugn as he and friends crossed the street and continued on home.

"That, I don’t know.", Jinkara replied slowly as the group of friends continued their way passing more destruction.

"Then why should we go out tonight looking for Eris?", Vaugn asked Jinkara as they passed the park that had a several large pieces of airplane sticking out of the grass like metal pillars.

"Because Culra would want Eris to lure you and I out after being summoned back to Hell for four days. He would want her to kill you as quickly as possible. Remember, he is a very impatient demon.", Jinkara replied casually, as Vaugn and the other walked up the driveway of their house.

"Okay, fair enough. But we still don’t know where she’ll be though.", Vaugn said as he walked in the house, took off his shoes and followed the others to the dining room.

"True enough.", Jinkara agreed thoughtfully as Vaugn and his friends walked into the empty dining room.

Reaching for the remote, Vaugn turned on the TV and sat down. Just as before with the strange behaviour of the city dogs, the news was reporting of the airplane that had been attacked, though the news didn’t know that it had been attacked.

"Today, 378 people were nearly killed when the jumbo jet they were travelling in suffered catostrophic damage. Shinto Doye reports from Tokyo International.", the reporter started, passing it over to their partner at the scene.

"A peaceful flight from Hawaii ended in terror when a large jumbo jet, packed full with 378 people was torn apart. The aluminum skin was torn away, exposing the entire cabin to the hostile enviroment above Tokyo.", the reporter began, gesturing to the torn open plane behind him, the rows upon rows of seat in the cabin visible to the camera, "Reports of large pieces of airplane skin started coming in minutes after the airplane was reportedly damaged. The metal skin was scattered over an approximate 80 block radius, damaging houses, trees, cars, and anything else under falling wreckage. All passengers and crew were accounted for, and only slight injuries were reported, amongst them minor burns from a fire that was ignited when the skin was torn away. Investigators are currently examining why the skin tore away, despite several passengers telling the same story. According to the passengers, the airplane was flying level, when the airplane was forcefully tossed to the left and the the aluminum skin was ripped off. There is no reason for this strange occurance, but it comes hours before a 300 person International Committee to discuss ways of ending the Central African War is due to land at Tokyo International. The committee of 300 people from 30 countries are due to land at 9 o’clock tonight. I, aswell many other reporters will be on hand to report when the plane lands. Shinto Doye reporting from Tokyo International.", the reporter finished, signing off and sending it back to the studio.

A 300 person international committee was due at 9 o’clock? If this wasn’t what Eris was waiting for, then Vaugn wasn’t sure what would be big enough for her.

"So what do you think Jin? You think that’ll be her target?", Vaugn asked outloud to the room.

"Vaugn, what are you talking about?", Asuke asked Vaugn, but again jumping slightly when Jinkara’s voice rang out, speaking out loud from the walls of the room.

"I doubt that she was planning on attacking that specific airplane, but then again, all the attention could be what she was waiting for.", Jinkara replied slowly and thoughtfully, as the friends all looked around at eachother, a slight look of worryment in their eyes.

"So…we’re going to the airport then?", Vaugn asked, watching Imari flip through the channels to find something a bit more cheerful to watch.

"It looks like it Vaugn. Time to hunt.", Jinkara purred happily.

"Great…and I thought I was sore before.", Vaugn groaned as he and his friends changed the channel and watched an after school comedy show.

© Copyright 2007 The Premier Author of Action (UN: foamysfan at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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