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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/481132-Two-Weeks---Again
Rated: 18+ · Book · Biographical · #1030039
This will show our fight with Fibromyalgia, so others can learn that it's real.
#481132 added January 14, 2007 at 1:53am
Restrictions: None
Two Weeks - Again
         My apologies to our loyal readers. It's been two weeks since my last entry. Or, it would have been two weeks tomorrow, to be exact. *Smile*
         Most of the problems during that time were medical, in one way or another, and, of course, the Fibro was a big part of that. Things were a bit more varied than usual, though.
         First off, the biggest single reason for the gap in entries has been, it appears, the fatigue side of the Fibro. More often than not I encountered my version of what Kenzie and I have taken to calling "shutting down". Where the fatigue part of the Fibro suddenly says, "You're going to sleep whether you're ready to or not". At least it's consistent with the two of us. She had told me a couple times that she can tell a bit in advance when her body was going to "shut down". At least I have the "luxury", if you can call it that, of having the same warning coming my way.
         We'll be watching the last 15 minutes of a favorite program. Sometimes it will be as early as 10:30 P.M. All of a sudden I start yawning like crazy; every couple minutes another one comes. And after about the 2nd or 3rd one, I feel like I could lay my head back against the back of the rocker and just go to sleep right there. And I know that would work, because this is the same rocker I always slept in when my sinuses were too clogged to let me breathe laying down. This rocker was a haven, then. I could actually get a sound sleep because gravity kept the sinuses drained enough for me to breathe with my mouth shut. So I knew I could just as easily sleep in it now.
         Like Kenzie could sometimes manage to stay awake long enough to get 1, maybe 2 small things done before actually "crashing", sometimes I could too. I just couldn't count on that every time, and I doubt she could either. For me, that meant the time I'd usually use to make these entries was gone for that night. Thing was, in these past two weeks, that happened quite a bit, as the dates on these entries will attest. And that fatigue is an equal opportunity pain in the butt. It doesn't care whether it's a weekend evening or a weekday evening. It doesn't play favorites.
         I may have to rearrange my timing for these entries, and make them earlier in the evening, while watching the early news or something. I'll see how that works out. That's where Kenzie has an advantage over me - she can make her entries any time she's on, even while I'm at work if she chooses to.
         On other fronts, Kenzie's sore throat left and then came back again. She's detaled that in her blog so I won't repeat it here. Suffice to say she's thinking about a repeat doctor visit this week. I can't blame her. She even had a low grade fever this afternoon.
         This afternoon? Right. Because the fatigue hit me again. I worked for 3 hours this morning, 7:30 to 10:30, came home and immediately knew I was going to "shut down". I laid down at 12:15, woke up about 4:00. I'm more awake right now than I have been all day. So much for other plans. *Smile* I'm finding out for myself what others with Fibro, Kenzie included, have said for years - that gloomy weather sets it off. And after this last two weeks that's more than been proven around here. We've each had our turns at shutting down.
         Thankfully, I haven't had as much leg pain, or as wide a variety of them these last two weeks either. But, a new wrinkle has been added. My doctor told me to start watching my blood pressure at home and to come see him if i got 3 readings above a certain level. Well, I have an appointment with him Wednesday afternoon. My bet is it's time for the medicine for that, too. Speaking of meds, I have to run to the pharmacy and get Kenzie's latest two. More later.

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