Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/481416-Chapter-9-Murderer
by Ninja
Rated: 18+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #1200204
The story of a mentally tormented man who becomes involved with a new kind of woman.
#481416 added January 14, 2007 at 11:36pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 9: Murderer
My eyes were closed as I flew to my target destination. My second sight was amplified since I donned my new wear. Now, it was possible for me to, at my command, detect heat, light, color, and several other variants. I was even capable of reading with my second sight, and so, I navigated to my victims “blind.”

I could hear the thoughts of the enemy squad long before my radar or radio could detect them.

One man’s thoughts: [We finally made it through their defenses; now we just have to spearhead their command ship.]

Another’s thoughts: [This was way too easy: something is definitely wrong.]

Boy, was he right. Even my radar had a greater range than theirs. They were about to feel my full fury.

I fired my primary cannon, a kind of thick energy-intense beam, at one of the eight veritechs. The beam over-penetrated and destroyed two of them in a single shot but alerted the others to my position.

A woman’s thoughts: [What the hell, that’s a veritech!]

Enemy craft immediately flew to engage me, attempting to strike me with their machine canon fire.

I quickly reduced time’s passage and examined my console and its weaponry. I had my main cannon, two wing-mounted, tracking machine cannons, several heavy wingtip missiles, another set of swivel machine cannons on top of the wings, and some small burst missile batteries. I then realized that my veritech was not quite as slowed down as the others. Now that is definitely customized, I thought. I locked on to two veritechs with two wingtip missiles and fired all of my machine cannons at various targets. I destroyed four more veritechs, leaving only two remaining.

“Who are you?” the woman from before asked crazily over the radio, “and why are you attacking us?”

I used my psychic perception to determine which of the two veritechs was her. I promptly eliminated the other one with a few burst missiles and began flying very close to the woman.

“What are you doing!?” the woman screamed over the radio. She tried to shake me for a minute but was totally unable and so leveled her course, crying in desperation.

<Do you fear death?> I telepathically asked her, pulling along the left side of her veritech. I could see with my eyes the look of terror in hers. It hurt me slightly but I was unaffected. I used my veritech’s bladed right wing to cut her left wing off, then rolled overtop of her veritech, cutting off her right wing with my left wing. I leveled out and traveled to her right now.

“Yes, I fear death!” she shouted through her tears at me. “Why must you be so cruel?”

That was enough for me, but at this point I had no intention of killing her. Pulling directly over her slowing veritech, I teleported from my cockpit and into hers, grabbed her, and then teleported back, putting her in the rear seat and getting back at the controls of my veritech.

The woman continued to cry as I pulled off towards my rendezvous point with Felicia. She cringed when I turned and looked at her.

I turned back tried to focus on the drive but I was distracted. It was my reflection. I pulled down my scarf; my skin was deathly white and the area around my eyes was dark bluish, as if I had been bruised or something. My eyes were still dark drown but deep in their center was a glimmer of crimson. My dark brown hair was now flecked with silver, yet I felt so much stronger than ever. I shuddered for a moment at my own terrifying appearance.

When I got to the place I was supposed to meet Felicia, there were several female armors there, ten of them, none of them hers. The armors took formation as I entered their radars.

“DESTROY THE ENEMY MICRONIAN!” a Zentraedi called over the radio to her sisters-in-arms.

Only one thought in my mind: kill them.

I charged straight into their formation firing everything I had: main cannon, machine cannon, burst missiles, wingtip missiles, and something new. I teleported into an enemy cockpit, slashed the pilot’s spine in two at the neck, and then teleported back to my cockpit again.

This horribly frightened the woman but was extremely effective at eliminating the Zentraedi; all ten of them had been slain in a single maneuver.

Upon finishing, my veritech was teleported into an empty hangar where only the dark and fair maiden Felicia stood in her sexy lingerie from last night.

© Copyright 2007 Ninja (UN: darkninja at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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