Blog started in Jan 2005: 1st entries for Write in Every Genre. Then the REAL ME begins |
About one week ago, I thought about entering the Dear Me Contest. But based on my failure to-date on sticking to New Year's Resolutions, I just as quickly disqualified myself by noting that even something that would sound good, like: I have a goal to "write in my blog every week" was beyond me. So, I'm back to course-correcting. I have become a much more cynical, no, skeptical person than I once was. Of course I also used to be a much more naive person too. Now, I just feel very lax. Could my laziness ever get me in as much trouble as my sweet naivete? Ha, "the skeptic" voice just cleared it's throat and spoke like Jack Nicolson, "You betcha, Baby..." Ohh, the chills! My ninety year-old neighbor, dear, dear friend, has much hope for my Practitioner studies. She hopes I can heal her ills. I have the block to overcome of her age. My mind screams out, "I'm only entering my second class! Ten hours of dilligence placed atop my other fifteen, still will only be a drop in the bucket to my understanding...How long do you really expect and want to live?" I know I have a big failure issue. That's probably the main problem. Talk about wondering if I'm setting myself up for failure! Sorry if this is too much of an internal rant for anyone but me to get much from. |