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Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #982524
Online journal capturing the moment and the memory of moments. A meadow meditation.
#482390 added January 19, 2007 at 9:06pm
Restrictions: None
'Why Hell froze over', a poem; bookmaking!
** Image ID #1190356 Unavailable **
by panthera

L'aura del campo

WINTER: 1 Sultan (19 January) 38º and brilliant sunshine.

'é a lua, é a lua, na quintana dos mortos'
♣ Federico García Lorca ♣


My bookmaking class could end up being awesome. I've always loved paper and what could be done with it. I can take something simple and improvise. Even the simple fan for the accordion fold book we were working on lead me to think of doing it with paper doilies or two sided paper or adding extra folds or pop-ups.

The book covers are made with a stiff cardboard that are covered with interesting paper. I had to ask about cloth like silk (I was thinking velvet/velveteen) and the teacher mentioned cloth paper. There are so many types of paper that my mind wanders just thinking of the possibilities.

I may visit Hobby Lobby for a day and get lost in the paper. Would love to have a workroom and a place to store about $200 worth of supplies to begin.

So why paper? I print up poems for Tea at 3 every Thursday during semester. They haven't been very artistic, just something to share ... usually my most recent poems. BUT ... ... I could do booklets around themes. 4-10 poems in a small folder paper booklet that really becomes a book if I add a pretty cover. I already have ideas for the first one which would focus on my poems for the homeless individuals I've known that have died over the past two years. The title would be "Earth Groaned" after the poem of the same name.

The 10-15 books/booklets for the semester may end up different sizes, shapes (square, rectangle, triangle) and definitely colors and textures. It would achieve certain goals:

1. To self publish.
2. If nice enough to sell; I desperately need income, no matter how modest.
3. Support the artistic side of me.
4. Help me mentally. Tactile work is therapeutic for me. One reason why I garden.
5. Having something tangible. Poems are great, but seeing one on nice paper and giving someone a copy is even better.

Why Hell froze over

And I'm crossing the River Styx on skates,
cold winds of delusion howling behind me,
pushing me pass ice castled demons
that shiver from three simple words
you whispered to me, embers that they forswore
would only glow when winter bloomed in Hell.


I'm sure this sketch will not be as controversial as the one in the previous entry. Giving it the title "Scat" (which is quite blunt) or "Nutbutter" (which is not and a bit humorous) both had their supporters. Go read it if you must!

The weather ... cool, crisp, sunny. Definitely winter. We might have *Snow1* snow *Snow2* this weekend. I saw people sledding yesterday evening, coming down the slope from the bell tower.

Health? A bit better, but no energy to speak of. Students are back and the university is open and the Art Center is revving up as well. Out of the doldrums, into the ...

My week may consist of:

Monday eve: Writing class
Tuesday eve: Critiquing class
Wednesday eve: Bookmaking class
Thursday afternoon: Tea at Three at K.U.
Friday morn: therapy with Susan *Smile*
Saturday morn: Writing memoirs class

It's not much, but it's something!


On bus route #2 this morning:

Eyes shut, inside my eyelids the sun and shadows flicker; cold melt of slush; heat beaming through the bus window; stiff yucca blades; toeholds in the frozen ice; gaudy plastic lawn ornaments; ice sliding off the snood of a car; a street sign: New York; a little yellow house; ivy covered pillars of brick; an old tree stump.

*Reading* READING *Reading*

Read through Sam Harris' Letter to a Christian Nation yesterday. Not in 100% agreement, but I get his point, which is basically how irrational most religious belief is and how this can be detrimental to individuals and societies, specifically in the American landscape.

He makes very valid points about how morality can be found outside of religion and how religions that many Christians put down show greater love and kindness to others. How many claims of uniqueness just aren't. How exclusivity (We are the only ones with the truth) is bible based and inherent in the crusade against all non-believers.

I encourage you to read it. His intended audience is specifically the so-called conservative Christian "Right". He does not pull punches.

Reading books on paper folding and crafts. I want mine to rise above 'kitchen-craft' though. Went through Paper by Primrose Paper arts and Paper in three dimensions.

Watt's Gnu:

The U.S. Congress is pissed at White House posturing vis-a-vis Iran. Too bad they weren't that cautious when they supported the full scale rape of Baghdad. My opinion? They need to include Cuba in that resolution. The moment Castro is no longer in power or dies, I can envision an expatriate led invasion centered in Miami that has to be 'rescued' (that will be the excuse) by the U.S. military.

My advice to Iran-hating crusaders or Cuban expatriates? If you choose to use violence, may you meet your Maker before you shed the life of others. I will not weep. Collateral damage (the death of innocents) is not justified by your social-political nor partisan-religious beliefs.

I'm hoping that Congress acts before the "God-head of America" decides contrary-wise.

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  Kåre *Smile* Enga

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