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Rated: 18+ · Book · Family · #1201314
Who am I, Where am I Going, and Where have I been? The story of my life!
#485973 added February 5, 2007 at 6:13pm
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All about me!
Feb 5, 2007

The entry where you get to know about me!

I know, you didn’t ask…so I’m going to torture you anyway.  You have 2 choices.  1. Continue to read and find out a lot of useless information you didn’t ask for or 2. Stop reading now and go find a blog that has more sustenance or less chickens or is more informative.  I hope you will choose the first.  If you choose the 2nd, well you’ve probably already left so it doesn’t really matter. LOL

I was born into a family that was a bit “different.”  Both of my parents were disabled.  My mother, physically so.  My father, physically and mentally..sort of.  My mom had influenza meningitis at the age of 7.  She ran such a high fever it burnt brain cells so she couldn’t walk ( I know there may be a medically more correct terminology-spare me..this is what I was taught growing up..J ) She became a c 5-7 Quadrapelegic.  She went to a school called James E. Roberts in Indianapolis, In where she graduated from high school.  It’s also where she met my dad.  At 19 she had a staph infection in her right hip.  They ended up amputating her right leg above the hip.  Both times she was supposed to have died.  Both times she defied the odds.  Neither was it the last time she would do so.  But I’ll save that for another entry.

My dad was born with a degenerative disease that ate away the ball and socket of his hip.  He had a steel plate in his hip, walked with a major limp and was also born dyslexic.  60 odd years ago, that meant he was treated as if he were retarded.  He was born the 3rd of 4 children.  He also did some time in the hospital with his hip and such but I don’t know much about all of it.  Since he and both of my grandparents are gone, my sister rarely spoke to him before he died and his remaining siblings seem to have forgotten I exist, I’m not likely to know, nor is most of it important.  He also overcame much in his life. 

I have an older sister who is 6 ½ years older than I am.  We have always been very different, both physically and and in how we approach life.  She is 5’2’’, skinny, blonde hair and blue eyes.  I am 5’5 ½” definitely NOT skinny, brown hair and hazel eyes.  She has been focused on her career (she is a chemo nurse) her animals and her friends. She does not have a spouse or children.  I am 34, been married for 13 years and have 2 children.  I will hopefully be going back to school in the fall, but my children and my family are my priority.  I have worked outside the home in daycare, nursing homes, and customer service.  I enjoy helping people and being around people. 

I went through 12 years of parochial schools.  I graduated in the top 20 percent of my high school class.  I love to read, I stink at math.  I cant’ remember the first time I started trying to write, but remember doing some of it in high school.  I once wrote a story about 2 characters…I wish I could find that….what I remember writing most was "Invalid Item

I wrote it the summer between my Jr and senior year of high school at Indiana State University Summer Honors Program.  I wanted so badly to study Special education...I still love the field but it is not the direction I intend to pursue when I go back to school.

I love to read.  I read very quickly, devouring books when I have the time.  It depends on my mood as to what I like.  I tend to read and watch movies that have happy endings.  I don’t like blood and guts, I don’t wanna see someone’s thoughts on what might happen in the future (as in movies like The Seventh Sign).  I like musicals; I like comedies, but am not into what I refer to as stupid humor…not overly into off color jokes, making fun of people …or acting like an idiot.  I’m quite picky when it comes to stuff like that. 

Even though I went through 12 years of parochial school and church, I didn’t know until after my parents died that I could have an actual relationship with God.  It still amazes me today that He truly wants me to know Him, and wants to know me…That He cares enough on a day-to-day basis to look out for me and be there for me.  That He plans my entire life, though I’m free to make my choices away from His perfect plan.  I’ll preach more another day.

I have 2 children and I baby-sit at home.  We have 2 dogs, we refer to them as the Mutley’s.  Scamp and Serena are German Shepard mix.  They are litter mates, male and female-though both fixed. 

I don’t like confrontation but am also extremely loyal…which means sometimes my two worlds collide.  I tend to view the world through rosy colored glasses.  I know that I’m on the naïve side..but because I know that at..I also know that it may not happen the way I want it to.  I’m a dreamer by nature.  I love to be hugged.  I’m open with my friends..mostly.  I tend to hold people off of the really important stuff…though there are a select few. 

I started out in an internet chat room in 2001 shortly before my parents died.  That group of people..though all a bit on the “different side” and that is putting it mildly, saw me through my father's death in Jan of 2002 and then my mom’s  in March of 2002.  When things started getting a little hairy and people started taking sides..I joined a parenting group,  also on msn.  Some of those I met at that time, I still hold dear. 

I’m sure there’s tons more..but this is probably more  enough for your minds to even have to think about now. 

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