Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/486196-Will-you-walk-into-my-parloursaid-the-Spider-to-the-Fly
Rated: 18+ · Book · Family · #1201314
Who am I, Where am I Going, and Where have I been? The story of my life!
#486196 added February 6, 2007 at 8:02pm
Restrictions: None
Will you walk into my parlour?said the Spider to the Fly
Feb 6, 2007

Above quote take from The Spider and the Fly
by Mary Howitt

wanna read the entire thing?

you can go here: http://www.love-poems.me.uk/howitt_the_spider_and_the_fly_funny.htm
I am cold

Today has been a decent, though cold and snowy day.  The kids were on a two hour delay again, which is ok with  me, but not with J..as he doesn't have preschool when they delay.  I have a feeling they will call school off tomorrow but I could be wrong. 

I'm so very cold.

I have a cold.  Actually, I'm afraid it may be the flu, because one of the boys I babysit had it last week. C didn't feel good either but I kind of blew it off due to not using her nasal spray correctly..or more clearly stated, not telling me the bottle was almost empty.  She never ran a fever either...but she and J had flu shots.  In December.  I did not.  Why is it as mothers we tend to take care of everyone else and put ourselves last?  Why is it we don't think about the fact that if we don't take care of us we can't take care of them?  Ah well.  My beloved woke up feeling like this yesterday and is feeling a bit better today so there is hope...temp is only 99.1..not really even a temp (unless you take in to account I run low to begin with and took ibuprofen earlier...lol....I'm  a worry wart..I'm sure it will all be fine.

Did I tell you I don't like to be cold?

J was running a bit ago and hit his top teeth on the table.  He cried.  Alot.  Now this kid's pretty tough and nothing stops him for long.  He still cries half an hour later if you bring up him hitting the table and he's still complaining of it hurting, though there's no blood, his teeth aren't loose and I don't see any swelling.  I called the dentist..but they closed early due to the weather. 

I'm so ready for spring

My husband is driving home in this nasty mess...he left 1hr and 25 minutes ago...he works an hour a way and it maybe another hour and a half before he makes it home.  Did I tell you I'm a worrier..I know that doesn't honor God and I have been praying and I know that he's in God's hands..but worry I do anyway.  Good thing God loves me no matter what...I keep messin it up

My head is soooo full.  I keep sneezing and I can't breathe.  I have a sore throat but other than that I'm fine...mostly...lol

Well, I'm only going to whine if I stay here blogging...I don't know anything major...can't think through the snot enough to be cutesy...lol

Oh yeah, my writing..today I helped my beloved write a paper for class..it's a group project.  He just found out yesterday which group he's in because the professor skipped him when they were assigned.  The project was due today.  He contributed as they asked him to and then today they sent out the rough draft!  Oh my goodness!  This is a college senior level business course.  You would think that they would have some idea of what a good paper sounds like.  It wasn't bad I suppose but the redundancy and some of the other issues were very annoying.  We edited it..with him at work and me here..via IM and then sent it to my mil to proofread.  Hopefully they won't be upset with him...He didn't submit or anything..just posted his copy and what he thought it needed to be...shrug...We shall see...It was kind of fun and I could have done better if I understood the topic better...Five Forces plus complementors analysis.  Scary when you have to use a dictionary to read  a text book.  This is why, when I go back to school, I will NOT be taking business...lol

Ok, I'm outta here..J is out of the tub and I need to check a few things and feed them. I figure my beloved will not be home for me to feed them all together.


PS My Beloved made it home safely!!

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