Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/488802-My-nerves-are-shot
Rated: 18+ · Book · Family · #1201314
Who am I, Where am I Going, and Where have I been? The story of my life!
#488802 added February 17, 2007 at 10:59pm
Restrictions: None
My nerves are shot
Feb 17, 2007

Thanks to everyone who went and checked out the begining to Sabrina's Story (link in previous entry)  Both the encouragement and the critques were very much appreciated.  Only once since I started coming to WDC have I been as nervous when checking my email and seeing that I had a review on something....and that was the first item I put into my portfolio.  I realize through the eyes of those who have read it that I need to clarify a few things and explain a bit more.  Because the details live so firmly in my mind...it's hard to remember not everyone lives in my mind as Sabrina does.  LOL....

I'm scared to death.  It's a good kind of scared.  I want to do this.  I want to make Sabrina's story live.....I want there to be a purpose to the people inside my head and I desperately want to honor my Lord and savior in doing it.  Thanks partyof5dj for the reminder in your email...I'm quoting...because it meant so much to me...others might make use of it too.."God put her in your heart and He'll lead her, and you, where she needs to  go.
> > You'll know it's right if you trust that."

That helped to be told that......I was also reminded that to honor God, doesn't mean I have to write about Him...He will do His work regardless....

Thanks for the encouragement from everyone and especially the comment that Voxxylady who told me that if the character was so strong I should get her out in print.  And to vivacious who has been telling me that all along.

I don't know where Sabrina's Story will go...but I'm thankful y'all are along for the ride...

Now that I"ve been all sappy and deep with y'all...I have to share a story...about both of my chidren from today.

We went out this morning to run some errands.  C's glasses got broken a while back and they called and told us they were in...she's supposed to be wearing them for reading, computer, etc..and she hates them.  While we were in the eye dr's to pick them up...you could tell she was less than thrilled...I thanked the lady on the way out..and made the comment that you could tell that C was overjoyed...in the way of sort of an apology for the attitude.  The lady at the store just laughed and said..I have teenagers.  I replied..yeah, well she's 10.  The ladies comment...you are in trouble.  She's so right.  The attitude just seeps through so badly sometimes...other times she fine...but there are days I want to just reach out and touch her upside the head...

The other one is much cuter....after we went to WallyWorld and the eye dr's..we went to get something to eat.  We went to an all you can eat place.  J got a chicken leg, green beans, noodles, a roll and some fruit.  He's a decent eater and on a growth spurt...about half way through the meal, I told him he needed to eat his green beans.. ..He said "Are they naked?"  I thought the waitress walking by was going to drop the dishes she was carrying...lol...I replied that yes, they  were naked...he doesn't like a bunch of seasoning and such...lol

Anyway, it's getting late and I need to do a few more things before I hit the bed.  Church has been cancelled for tomorrow...they can't get the parking lot cleaned out enough to make it safe...*Frown*  So we will be sleeping in, which I like, but I will miss being with my church family. Then a friend of mine (from church) and I will be going to the store and out to lunch.  Some girl time will be nice to have!

Blessings and Peace,


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