Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/490166-Part-Two
Rated: 18+ · Book · Romance/Love · #1222792
This is a romance novel I'm working on, this is just what I've written so far.
#490166 added February 23, 2007 at 6:24pm
Restrictions: None
Part Two

Scene Nineteen

“Do you know it has been two days since I’ve talked to him? I haven’t even seen him! He’s never at the house. It’s unbelievable! I keep waiting for Abbot to start barking so I’ll know he’s home and I can waylay him and the stupid dog never barks! I know he’s been home too, I checked his bed, it was slept in.”
“You checked his bedroom!?”
“I thought maybe he hadn’t even been home. I had to check. Let me remind you I wasn’t the one who exploded. I can’t believe he said those things to me! Unbelievable! I really just can’t believe it. I mean, I’ve never seen him loose his temper before and that was completely uncalled for! I can‘t believe it! I mean, it‘s just…unbelievable.” Enya paused in her ranting to take a bite of her sandwich. Lyon sighed.
“I think you need a girl for these types of things. All I can think is you just said some form of the word believe…six times.”
“Not helping, Lyon!”
He sighed and went back to his sandwich. “Arf oo ure oof poudn’t rpolagise?” Lyon asked with his mouth full of sandwich. Enya stared.
“Finish your food before you talk. I have no idea what the heck you just said.”
“rif blod-”
Lyon quickly swallowed his sandwich. “I said, Are you sure you shouldn’t be the one to apologize?” Lyon was pretty sure it was the wrong thing to stay when Enya just stared at him.
“I’m going to pretend you did not just say that.” she finally said, then answered anyways. “Lyon, he criticized my acting. Do you know how many times he’s seen me act? One time! Count it-one time. And I did great too! It’s like he was just attacking me for absolutely no reason at all. It makes no sense! It was just…unbelievable.”
Lyon groaned. “Can we please talk about something else? I’ve heard about nothing but Gavin for the past two days.” Enya sighed and they fell into silence.
“Enya?” Lyon finally said.
“I’m thinking.”
“About what?”
“I’m not allowed to talk about him!”
Lyon sighed. “Enya, this is ridiculous-”
“I agree!”
“I’m not done. I mean, you are being ridiculous. If this is so important and you care so much about what he said then just go talk to him.”
Enya took offense. “I don’t care at all about what he says to me!”
“Then stop talking about it and let’s go see a movie.” Lyon paid the bill over Enya’s mutterings of, “Unbelievable! Like I care what he said to me!” and they left to catch a matinee.

After the movie Lyon dropped Enya off at the house. She stared at the door and just couldn’t bring herself to go inside yet. With a sigh she walked around to the back yard and put Abbot on a leash. It was a handy coincidence that Gavin’s house was right across from the park, it made it easier to walk Abbot. She let her thoughts wander as she walked with Abbot through the park. The truth was she was bored. Gavin made her life so much more interesting. The conflicts with him, and then the times when she was actually able to relax and enjoy herself the companionship was nice. She…well, she sort of missed him. It was true she had tried to catch him to confront him but he hadn’t really been home at all. She hadn’t liked the things he’d said to her but she did understand now that he’d said them because he was mad at Phillips, not at her. Now she just wanted to get back to normal. Enya had a quick fire temper, but it was just as quick to cool as it was to heat up-she never stayed mad for long. She walked back to the house and walked straight back to the backyard without going inside. Gavin had a decent sized backyard with a white fence surrounding it already. It was perfect for having a dog, though Enya suspected Abbot might end up big enough to jump the fence when he was full grown. She opened the gate and stepped inside, then let him off the leash. When she went inside the house was dark, and silent. Gavin wasn’t home yet. Well, she would wait. She was determined to settle this with him. She trudged up the two flights of stairs to her apartment and tossed her purse onto the couch. She almost missed the petals, she was on her way to her laundry room and distracted but the flicker of red on the living room floor caught her eye. Enya stopped, backtracked, and looked at the floor of her living room. There were red rose petals scattered over the floor, clumps of them that spelled out “Sorry.” Enya grinned and shook her head.
“I would have done something less…traditional than red roses, but it is your favorite flower.”
Enya’s head jerked up when she heard Gavin’s voice. He was standing in the doorway to the hall that her bedroom, guestroom, bathroom, and laundry room were off of. He pushed himself off the door jamb and cleared his throat.
“Let me get my piece out before you go off on me. I would have done this sooner but I’ve been swamped the past two days. Phillips skipped town not long after you came to see me at work and we had a time finding him.” Gavin took a deep breath, then plunged forward.
“I was really a jerk. I didn’t mean those things I said and I think it’s really great that you got Lyon to investigate even when I didn’t take you serious, because I really did need to know.
My father and I were moderately close and it hurt when he died. The company was like a little part of him that I had left. That I could expand and build on to make it something better then he ever dreamed. Phillips was with my father from not long after he started, and he was a part of that building process. It’s taken a lot to get Givin’s Enterprises to where it is today and he was with me every step of the way. I can’t even describe the sense of betrayal I felt when I saw evidence before my own eyes that he had been robbing me blind the whole time he was lending me a sympathetic ear and encouraging me. I wasn’t even that close to him, but he was a way for me to keep a little part of my father so it hit hard to see the truth. You were there, and I took it out on you. I’m really sorry. It was a stupid thing to do and I hope you’ll forgive me.” Gavin waited, as the silence stretched.
He let out the breath he hadn’t been aware he was holding.
“Wait a minute. Okay? That’s it-okay?”
“Gavin, I had already figured most of that out.” Enya waited a breath. “Would it make you impossible to be around if I said you make my life a little more entertaining and I was something close to bored without you to fight with?”
Gavin grinned. “Maybe.”
“Okay, then I won’t.” Enya left it at that, but the silence that stretched after was uncomfortable for her. It was so much easier for her when they were arguing then when he was being sweet. It made her wary and uncomfortable. Sensing this Gavin took a deep breath.
“I think since you yelled at me too you should have to make me dinner.”
With relief Enya rolled with the argument.
“Excuse me? Since I yelled at you? I believe you yelled first! In fact, you should have to make me dinner.”
They were both arguing good naturedly as they left her apartment to walk down to Gavin’s kitchen. And as Enya shut the door the last thing she saw were red roses petals spelling “Sorry.” She smiled as she let the door click shut.

------------------------------------Scene Twenty----------------------------------

Gavin could tell the moment she walked into the room how nervous she was. This wasn’t like the last time she had been to his office. Then she had been cocky and confident because of the information she’d had. Now she was fidgety and nervous.
“I must admit I was surprised when my secretary said that my next appointment was with a Miss Covington.” He watched her walk forward, her eyes darting anywhere but his face. “Enya, look at me.” he ordered. He saw her take a deep breath and look straight into his eyes. He smiled reassuringly. “What are you doing here?” he asked. Enya cleared her throat, then plunged forward.
“I’m here to discuss business.” She told him. “I made sure I was the last appointment of the day because I didn’t know how long it would take to discuss this.” she added.
“Okay, go ahead and sit down.” Gavin told her. She sat in the chair in front of his desk, the same one she’d plopped down in during her last visit without being asked. Gavin was fascinated with the difference in her then and now.
“Enya calm down.” He told her gently. She stopped drumming her fingers on the arm of her chair. She really hated being nervous, it drove her crazy. So she decided not to be. Very carefully she schooled her face into confidence. She let her brain wrap entirely around what she wanted to say. She gave Gavin a cool smile that he admired only because he knew how she was really feeling at the moment.
“I’ve got an idea to start my own production company, but I don’t have enough funds. I want Givin Enterprises to invest in my company.”
“Whoa, whoa, back up.” Gavin interrupted. “What about your acting?”
“I guess I didn’t start that right.” Enya took a deep breath. “I’ve been toying with this idea for a very long time. Originally it was just a dream because, considering my financial situation, it wasn’t an option. When I got my inheritance it became much more of a possibility. I’m willing to sink most of my inheritance into this, but it still won’t be enough. I don’t really know all the details about your company, but I was under the impression that one of the main things you do is invest in new companies and help them get started basically, for a percentage of the profits. Several times directors have tried to convince me to go into film but I love the theatre. I want to start my own theatre troupe, with myself included as one of the actors. There’s a director I want to get, he’s the best, and I think I can interest him in joining my company. It would take some time, naturally. I want quality actors. I would put together a troupe of the best, start out performing in some of the theatres here, then maybe broaden our horizons and start touring, performing in other cities.”
Gavin did some quick calculating to fit that into his own plans. It actually worked pretty well. He needed to travel quite a bit for his company, more then he was now, and it would be a small matter in the future to coordinate his travels with her touring. Enya pulled out a thick folder and set it in front of him, then opened it and began giving him papers.
“It’s all outlined here. The prices, the people I already have in mind, and what my plans are. There are theatres listed here too. Local ones. I’ve already talked informally to the owners and these are the ones that have told me, off the record, that they would be interested in hosting my troupe. I’ve also talked to most of the actors and they have, again informally, told me that they would be extremely interested in joining my troupe. Obviously none of this is guaranteed until I can be sure I have funds and draw up a contract for them to sign. I trust most of them however, and I think I can count on them. The director…” She paused, and the pause was telling. She took a deep breath. “I’ll handle it. But I haven’t talked to him yet at all. I want him though, and I intend to get him if I can secure the funds for this venture. I think it goes without saying that I want you to make this decision purely from business viewpoint and I don’t want our…” she faltered here, briefly, “relationship to in any way affect your decision.”
“And what about my company’s percentage?” Gavin asked.
“That’s listed and non-negotiable.”
Gavin flipped through the pages until he came to it and studied the terms listed. The gist of it was that Givin Enterprises would supply this company with money to start, and then receive a percentage of the profits. Givin Enterprises would have a limited involvement with the company, and would have very little say when it came to major decisions. Gavin frowned.
“This means that my company would be putting quite a bit of trust in you and your judgment. Yet you say you don’t want me to let our…relationship,” he smiled over this word, “affect my decision.” Enya waited a beat, judging how best to handle this. She decided honesty would be best now.
“Okay, so I lied.” she said candidly. “I’m pretty much counting on our relationship to have a very large affect on your decision. You already know me and I want you to trust me in this and to agree to fund me and give me full reign in all decisions. I want you to know, under normal circumstances I wouldn’t want to come to you to invest in this because we have had prior…dealings with each other that could affect this. If I had any doubt in my mind about whether I can do this I wouldn’t even consider coming to you. But I am completely confident that I can do this. This has been a dream of mine for a long time and I know that if you invest in this company you will make a profit, and a good one, because I’m too stubborn to start something like this and let it fail.” Enya waited. She watched Gavin, wishing she could read him easier even as she carefully kept her own face blank.
She wasn’t aware that she had been holding her breath until he said that, and she could breath again.
“Good. Great. You won’t regret this, trust me.”
“I am trusting you, Enya.”
She smiled. “Most definitely you are. Thank you, Gavin. Let’s hammer out some more details. Can you recommend a good lawyer to draw up these contracts for me and help me with the legal process of doing this?”
“Sure, but about that percentage of profits for Givin Enterprises.”
“That’s non-negotiable, we already covered that.” Enya interrupted.
“Yes, we did. And that’s fine. But I want to suggest that we draw up a contract for say…five years. We can make it so that after that period of time you will have the option of buying out my company’s share in your company so that you would be sole owner.”
“Oh.” Enya blinked, surprised. “That doesn’t sound very helpful to your company. I would think it would be more profitable for you to be able to keep my troupe under your thumb with a lengthy contract so that you can continue to draw profits if, when,” she corrected herself, “my company is successful.”
“It would. I’m not doing this for my company. I’m doing it for you.”
“Oh, well, I…” Enya was flustered and didn’t know what to say.
“A thank you would do.” Gavin told her. Enya took a deep breath. She hated when she forgot to act and he was able to read her so easily.
“Thank you.” she said.
They hammered out details for several hours until they finally were both satisfied with the plan. Enya stuck out a hand as she stood up. “So, I guess we’re sort of partners now.” Gavin took her hand and, instead of shaking it like he knew she was expecting he brought it to his lips. “Five years, Enya.” he told her. “You just guaranteed me five years.”
“Well, I,…yes. We have a business contract. Um..” she tried to pull her hand from his lips but he wouldn‘t let her. “Isn’t there some rule about not mixing business and pleasure?” she said. Gavin gave that wicked, know-it-all grin that fit him so perfect.
“Rules can be fun to break.” he informed her.

---------------------------------Scene Twenty-One-------------------------------

Gavin stood outside Victoria’s Secret. He didn’t have a problem going in. He was not the kind of man who would have a problem with going in Victoria’s Secret. The honest truth was he was tired to death of shopping and was trying to figure out if there was even a chance they would have what he was looking for there. He’d lost count of how many stores he’d been in. He’d lost track of when this had gone from simply being a good idea to being a mission.
The day before he had asked Enya casually if she wore perfume. He never got tired of the way odd little questions like that would make her flustered. She’d said that she didn’t only because she couldn’t find one she liked. She said she’d tried one or two, and people had even tried to buy her some before. But, and others agreed, she’d never been able to find a perfume that was right for her. She’d said she believed what perfume a woman wore could say a lot about her. Gavin agreed. And so he’d driven to the other side of the city today, hoping to track down the right one for her, as a gift. And he had learned that she hadn’t been lying. He couldn’t remember how many different perfumes he’d smelled. Or how he’d managed to keep any straight after the first fifteen. But one thing he did know is that Enya was right. He had yet to find one that was right for her. It wasn’t a matter of finding one that smelled good. Just of finding one that fit her. He’d tried any number of brands and kinds. But when Gavin was on a mission for something he went after it with single minded determination. So he wouldn’t give up. He’d remembered finally that two of his male employees had been razzing one of his female employees about her perfume. She’d primly informed them that she’d gotten it at Victoria’s Secret and had sauntered off leaving them to wonder what else she bought from there.
So Gavin had driven from the specialty stores to the mall, located a Victoria’s Secret on the directory, and was now debating whether it was worth checking out. With a fresh wave of determination that he would find a scent that matched Enya-how hard was it to buy a woman perfume anyways?-he went in. He walked quickly through the store, trying not to think of all the things he’d like to see Enya in from here. He reached the counter in the back and quickly scanned the perfumes. The middle aged, soft-eyed cashier that came up to greet him stepped behind the counter.
“Can I help you with something?” she asked him.
“Yes, actually. I’m looking for perfume for a woman who hasn’t been able to find one that fits her.”
“Well,” the cashier considered. “What’s she like?”
Gavin chuckled. “I don’t think you want to ask me that. The last cashier who did stopped me mind description, accused me of taking thirty minutes of her time and said I had ’puppy eyes.’ You’d better just let me smell them each and I’ll see if one of them is right.”
“Ah.” she said with a knowing smile. “I have sons of my own, I’ve seen them get puppy eyes too, right before they proposed.”
Gavin grinned. “That’s not going to happen right yet, but I’m working toward it.”
“All right then. Here, try this one first, it’s newer.” She took out a purple tinted bottle, sprayed some on a little white card and handed it to him. Gavin sniffed.
“No, not really.” He scanned the names. Heavenly. He smiled slightly as he thought how well the name fit Enya. Heavenly. All that flowing red hair. Emerald green eyes. Pale complexion. And under it all that scalding hot temper, quick to flare up, quick to cool off. The way she looked when she relaxed and laughed. The way she-
”You’ve got the puppy dog eyes again.” The cashier interrupted with a grin. Gavin shook his head to clear it.
“Let me try that one.” he said, pointing to it. She brought it out, again sprayed some on a card. He knew before she handed the card to him. He’d smelled it as soon as it hit the air and he knew. He sniffed the card, then grinned. “Perfect.” he told her.
“Good, would you like to buy anything else?” Gavin let his gaze drift.
“No.” he said wistfully. She stared to ring him up. “Hold on a sec.” he said suddenly. He walked over and picked up a dark blue silk robe. He picked it up and set it on the counter. “This too.” he said. It matched the little sleep outfit she’d been wearing that one night when he’d made her give him his shirt back. The one that had made his blood boil. In fact, it matched it perfectly, perfect enough to have been bought from the same store. Which left him to wonder what else Enya bought from there.

---------------------------------Scene Twenty-Two-------------------------------
Enya tried to juggle groceries and unlock the door to her apartment at the same time. Finally she managed to get it open. There was hardly any light at all and her apartment was a mass of shadowy shapes. Enya had her hands full so she couldn’t turn on the light. She glanced at her couch as she headed to the kitchen. When she saw the shape sprawled out on it she dropped one her bags it scared her so bad.
The sound of the heavy bag full of cans crashing to the floor had Gavin waking up and jumping to his feet. Enya let out a breath of relief when she recognized him and leaned back against the wall, flicking on the light with her now free hand.
“God, Gavin! You scared me to death.” She let her breathing steady, then watched as Gavin raked a hand through his dark, messy hair. How was it possible that even when he was obviously beat he still looked so good? She let out a sigh and straightened, picking up the rest of her groceries again. “You look tired.” Enya said. “You worked really late the night before last and you were up super early yesterday morning. And then you didn’t get in until late last night too.”
“You must have been up late too if you know when I came in the last two nights.” Gavin pointed out, even as he yawned.
“Yeah, but I got to sleep in late in the mornings, you didn’t.” Enya countered.
“Hmm, yeah, well.” Gavin shrugged it off. He took the groceries out of her arms and set them on the counter for her. “I got ya something.” Gavin said playfully.
“Oh really?” Enya asked with a grin, thinking he was joking.
“Yep. And I bet you can’t guess what it is.”
“Probably not.” Enya agreed, only because she didn’t feel right arguing with him when he looked so tired. He pulled a box out from his jacket pocket.
“Oh! You were serious!” Enya said, delighted. She loved gifts. “Gimmie! Gimmie!” Enya reached for the box but Gavin held it out of her reach. He leaned back against the bar in her kitchen and held the box behind him. When Enya leaned against him to reach the box behind his back it reminded them both of the day when they’d done the same thing in their office. Enya stepped back suddenly. She might have only stepped back a foot but Gavin could tell she’d pulled back miles. He shoved the box under her nose to distract her. It did the job. With a gleefull shout that reminded him of a little kid Enya grabbed the box from him.
“I guess you probably haven’t noticed that I absolutely love gifts.” she commented. Gavin flashed that smug, know-it-all grin. The box he’d given her held the perfume. He’d already put the silk robe on the back of her bathroom door and taken the tags off so there was no way she could not accept it. He knew she’d have a much harder time accepting a silk robe that barely skimmed her thighs then a bottle of perfume.
Enya opened the box and pulled out the pretty, clear bottle of perfume with a creamy white top.
“Oh, wow. Gavin I thought I warned you about perfume and me. I mean, I’ll still wear it,” she assured him. “I just have trouble finding a perfume that I like. Not anything against you. But I’ll-”
“Enya…” Gavin waited until she looked at him. “Shut up and smell the perfume.” That put her back up but she uncapped the perfume and sprayed once into the air. She sniffed, blinked in surprise, and sniffed again.
“I…wow! I mean, I…it’s…that smells great!” Gavin chuckled at her incredulous tone.
“I mean, that really fits me.” Enya filled her lungs, letting the smell settle around her. “Thanks, Gavin. This is really great.” Enya got a wicked grin on her face. “I wonder…is buying someone perfume a not-so-subtle hint that you don’t like the way they smell?” she teased. Gavin laughed.
“In this case, no. But that’s not a bad idea. I’ll have to buy my secretary some perfume.” Enya laughed and shook her head.

---------------------------------Scene Twenty-Three-----------------------------
Enya was practically vibrating with nerves. She was sitting on the floor, wearing a simple, long sleeve, white v-neck top. In contrast to simple shirt, the black velvet skirt she wore had a wide band of silver bugle beads at the waist, then flared dramatically to her ankles. She had pulled her knees up to her chest and now rested her forehead on her knees, trying to convince herself that the deep breaths she was taking were actually helping. She looked up to the woman standing beside her.
“Thanks, Josie.”
“No problem, En. Hey, it’s really great about your troupe. I’m sick to death of bartending, give me a call if you’re looking for someone who can sing and act.”
“I will, Josie. You always were good, I’m surprised you haven’t gotten any big parts with the high voice of yours.” Josie shrugged.
“Some make it, some don’t.” she said. “I hope you snag Theo for your director. He’s the best.”
“Yeah, how is he to work for?” Enya asked
“He doesn’t really have anything to do with the planning of these huge parties he throws. He’s got someone who plans it for him and does all the hiring. She hires me every time they need a bartender.”
“Thanks, Josie. I’ll give you a call when I get things up and running and we’ll try out that voice of yours. I’m just going to hide out here for a bit more.”
Josie had gone to Enya’s high school and Enya remembered she had a killer voice. She was excited to have found her, she’d make an excellent addition to her troupe. Now all she needed was Theo. He was younger than she had expected. Thirty, at the oldest. She had crashed his party, intending to make an appointment with him to discuss a business proposition. She’d walked into the room, spotted him, and watched him. Suddenly she’d been swallowed by nerves she thought she’d settled. She’d completely panicked. Then, she’d spotted Josie behind the bar and recognized her. She’d ducked behind the bar and asked if she could hide out for a bit to calm herself down. So much hinged on whether or not Theo Broadman would agree to join her troupe as director. It was true, she’d do some of that work too, but she didn’t have as much experience as was needed. And Theo Broadman was already well-known and famous, which would add prestige to her troupe before it even got started up. She just had to get him.
“Hey, Enya.” Josie said, “I’ve got to go help my boss, it’s an emergency. I’ll be back in about twenty minutes, okay?”
“Yeah, I should be gone by then Jos.” Enya said. She tried to gather her wits, to push away the sudden panic she’d felt. She could do this…she just needed a few more minutes. She heaved a soft sigh and leaned her head back against the wood back of the bar. There were bottles and bottles of liquor on the wall she was facing. The wood bar she was leaning against was closed on one side, and no one seemed to be walking by the other side, so she was safe for the moment. Cautiously she edged over to the open end of the bar and peeked around the corner. She let out a groan.
“Oh, come on!” she whispered. Gavin had just walked into the room. The last thing she needed right now was him here. She vaguely remembered mentioning to him that she would be here and as he scanned the room she realized he was looking for her. He walked closer to the bar. If only he would walk over here, to the open end. She was glad most people were crowded over by the cluster of couches and chairs on across the room, and that no one was in the line of sight of the open end of the bar. It was incredibly narrow back here. Enya had had her knees pulled up to her chest because it was the only way she could fit. Now she was on her hands and knees looking around the bar from the open end. As if she really was able to will him there he was walking slowly to the end of the bar she was on.
Gavin looked around the room again, searching for a flash a that red hair he knew. But he couldn’t find her. He moved toward the bar, so he could look for her without being crowded. He stepped to the open side of the bar. Suddenly a hand grabbed his wrist and yanked him down.
Enya fell onto her back as she yanked Gavin down. It was well enough that he fell on top of her, as there wasn’t any room for him to be beside her.
“What are you doing?” she hissed quietly.
“What am I doing? How about what are you doing?” Gavin whispered back.
“I’m…” hiding sounded very undignified. Of course, at the moment laying behind the bar with Gavin on top of her wasn’t exactly dignified either. “I’m waiting for the right moment to approach Theo Broadman.”
“Behind the bar?” Gavin said, raising a brow. Enya rolled her eyes and abandoned dignity altogether.
“I’m hiding. I got nervous and ducked down her.” Enya explained. “Now get off me!” Gavin grinned.
“And go where?” he asked.
“I don’t know, but-” Enya broke off as she heard voices. Her eyes widened and she reached up and clamped a hand over Gavin’s mouth before he could say anything. The people weren’t close enough to be able to hear what they were saying over the loud music a live band was playing. She strained to hear. She heard someone call someone else “Theo” and nearly groaned aloud. There was no way she could move until he moved away. She jerked when Gavin begin to nibble on the palm of her hand. She jerked it away but he grabbed it with one of his own and brought her fingertips to his lips. Enya tried to ignore him, but it was becoming increasingly difficult.
“Enya,” Gavin whispered. “You’re not going to be able to hear them over the music.”
“You’re heavy.” she whispered in complaint.
He put one elbow beside her and braced himself, taking some of his weight off her. She started to thank him, but before she could he leaned down and kissed her. She was caught off guard, that was why she responded. That’s what she tried to tell herself at least. She was losing grip on reality fast as he drove all other thoughts away.
“Gavin.” she whispered. She tried to pull her thoughts together, and turned her head away. “I need to concentrate-”
“Concentrate on me.” His lips moved to her neck. He steadily worked his way down her throat. When he kissed the hollow spot at the bottom of her neck the heady smell of her perfume filled his head. “I’m seriously liking your perfume.” he murmured. Enya tried to clear her head. She pushed him away, and even though it was half-hearted when she did Gavin eased back. Enya took a few deep breaths, trying to bring her thoughts to the matter at hand.
“Glad to see it’s taking you some time.” Gavin commented easily.
“Oh shut up, your ego doesn’t need anymore inflating.” Enya snapped, irritated that he had been able to distract her so completely. “How on earth am I supposed to get out of here without being noticed?” Just as she said it Josie came back. “Oh God.” Enya muttered. Josie just grinned. Gavin turned his head to see her.
“Hello.” he said in a stage whisper. Enya closed her eyes, embarrassed beyond reason. Josie chuckled.
“Hello, I’m Josie.”
“Gavin McGivins.” he said easily, still in that ridiculous stage whisper.
“Geez, Gav.” Enya muttered. “Sorry, Josie. I’ll, um…” she tried to figure out what to do. She had to move and move fast. Josie could only stand behind the bar on the end. “Jos, tell me when it’s clear for us to get up and move.”
“Broadman’s only a few feet away.” Josie said.
“Oh great.” Enya groaned. Gavin reached up and carefully unhooked one of her earrings, then let it drop to the floor.
“Josie’s going to find it.” he told them both.
“Gavin, that’s the oldest one in the book.” Enya said. Before she could stop him he had moved to his knees, pulling her up with him. She shifted back. He changed to a crouching position and slowly stood up, as if he had been crouching the whole time.
“Sorry, Enya, I don’t see it.” he said, at normal volume this time. Enya caught on quick. She tucked her knees under her as if she had been in that position searching the floor.
“I don’t either.” she said, making her voice just a bit disappointed. “I really liked that pair too, they were from a friend.” She made sure to be truthful, as she knew it would show in her voice and be more convincing. She held a hand out for Gavin to help her up. “Thanks.” she turned to Josie. “Thanks for letting me look. I’d have sworn I heard it hit the floor, but the music’s loud, maybe I imagined it. I probably lost it somewhere else.” Josie caught on just as quick.
“Let me look again for you, ma’am.” Josie said demurely. It was funny to see Josie act that way, Enya remembered her as being rebellious in high school. Josie went to her knees and carefully looked, the reached under the ledge at the bottom of the bar. “Here it is.” she said.
“Oh, wow. Thanks. I guess I wasn’t looking close enough.” Enya was careful not to look over to see if Theo Broadman was watching. “Could I have a Mimosa, please?” she said.
“Yes, Ma’am.” Josie turned to Gavin. “Sir, would you like anything?”
“No, thank you.” Gavin returned politely. Enya looked at Gavin.
“Do you have a pen?” she asked quietly. He looked confused but he reached into the pocket of his suit and pulled out a pen. Enya pulled two twenties out of her purse and wrote her name and number on one. She looked Josie in the eye when she slipped both into the tip jar. Josie had been watching her with a shocked expression. Enya leaned across the bar.
“Call me in a two weeks. I want that voice of yours. I like you so I’m gonna be straight with you-it’s gonna be hard work and there aren’t gonna be any guarantees. I go down, we all go down. I think you can handle it, which is the only reason I’m laying it all down. You used to be a big risk-taker, so I think you’ll like this. Professionally, I think I should warn you of the risks. Personally,…I’m gonna make it.” Josie slowly took the bill with Enya’s number out of the jar, folded it, and put it in her pocket. Finally she grinned.
“You always were confident about work.” she commented. Enya tossed her hair behind her back.
“Or stupid.” she said lightly. She took a sip of the drink. Finding Josie had been lucky and Enya felt right about this again. She turned around. Theo Broadman was there, openly watching. She smiled and held out her hand.
“I’m Enya Covington.” she said. “And you’re Theo Broadman. Let’s step over here for a minute, I’d like to talk to you.” She walked toward a corner of the room. When Gavin started to follow after her she turned to glare.
“Stay.” She said.
“Don’t talk to me like I’m Abbot.” He snapped. She gave him a charming smile.
“But Abbot’s so cute, don’t you want to be like him?” Satisfied that she was able to handle this on her own, Gavin rolled his eyes and turned back to Josie to order a drink. Enya couldn’t resist one parting shot.
“Good boy.” she tossed over her shoulder, along with a grin, as she walked away. Broadman led her to a deserted corner with two chairs and gestured for her to sit. They both did, then simply studied each other for a moment.
“I have a business proposition for you.” she began. Enya paused and looked him over again. He already looked bored. She tossed her carefully prepared speech out the window. “There aren’t really any good business reasons for you to take my offer so I won’t waste my time trying to convince you that there are. The only reason you have to do this is because you might want to. You’re already famous, you’re already rich. And you’re already good. The best, actually, which is why I want you. I’m starting a theater troupe. I’m an actress but I also enjoy other aspects of the theater, the work that goes into it to make a finished production. Mr. McGivins-”
“The insulted man at the bar that you’ve got wrapped around your finger?” He interrupted. It was the first sign of response and Enya was encouraged by it.
“I do?” she said thoughtfully, enjoying the idea. “Hmm…Anyways, yes him. He owns Givin Enterprises and he’s investing in the troupe. He’s also my landlord. I want to establish ourselves a bit here, then branch out, travel, do productions elsewhere. I want you to be the director. My partner in this. It’s not going to be easy, and it’s not guaranteed. I’m temperamental and I’ve got a heck of a temper. I hear you’re temperamental too, so I’m sure we’ll butt heads a lot. I know a lot of actors and actresses, as I’m sure you do, and I have several in mind that I think will be good.”
“Like that young bartender.” Broadman interrupted. “Isn’t that jumping the gun a bit, virtually hiring someone when you don’t even know if you can do this?”
“I’m the boss.” she said with a smile.
“Not if I join. I believe you used the word partner.” That didn’t sit as well with Enya, but she had expected as much. So she accepted it with a shrug and inclined her head.
“I can do this. I will do this.”
“You don’t even have a director yet.”
“I have you.” she pointed out. He looked her over for a moment.
“Cocky, aren’t you?” he said lightly.
“Only when I have reason to be.” She returned in the same light way. “You’ll do this,” she continued, “because it’s your type of thing. And because you want to.” She let it rest a moment, as they both sat in silence. Finally Broadman smiled.
“Well said, Covington.” He stood and held out his hand. “Partner.” Enya winced then sighed.
“Going to have to get used to that.” she muttered. Broadman turned to watch Josie talking with Gavin at the bar.
“So, now that you’ve hired someone without me, what’s she do?”
“Sings and acts.” Enya said, following his gaze. “Mostly I want her voice, it’s killer.”
“Really?” Broadman said, and she could here to doubt in his voice.
“Really.” she said meaningfully. “Don’t underestimate Josie.” Suddenly she laughed. “It’s almost impossible not to underestimate Josie because she’s always surprising you, when you least expect it.”
“I don’t surprise easily.” he said.
“You may not be able to tell when she’s talking, but Josie’s got a rich, full voice that’ll knock your socks off.” Enya assured him. They walked back to the bar together.
“You know why I want to do this?” Broadman said suddenly. “I like you. You’re candid. I think you might be able to do this too. And I think it’ll be fun.”
“It’s going to be hard work.” Enya warned.
“Covington, I know everything there is to know about the theater. It’s going to be killer work, but it will be fun.” he rubbed his hands together and looked comically gleeful. “I’m about ready to have some fun.”

----------------------------------Scene Twenty-Four------------------------------

On Saturday of the same week Enya sat at the desk in her living room fighting the urge to cry. It had come on suddenly-to accompany the thoughts and worries and doubts that swirled in her mind and that she had shared with no one. Gavin walked into her apartment without knocking-a habit he had.
“Will you come do something with me?
“No, knock first.”
“It’s my house. Come on, I’m bored.” he whined thinking to make her laugh or roll her eyes. He got neither.
“I said no Gavin! God, why can’t you just leave me alone?” She stood up from her desk, fuming with anger for no good reason, her back turned to him.
“For once just leave me alone!”
“You know, that wasn’t very nice-” Gavin started.
“Get Out! Leave me alone!” Enya shouted, whirling to face him. She knocked over a glass dish full of marbles from her desk. It shattered and marbles went everywhere. She took a step back, startled, and her feet slipped out from under her. It was one of the funniest things Gavin had ever seen and he couldn’t help laughing just the tiniest bit. She sat there on the floor, blinking and suddenly burst into tears. Gavin stopped laughing, stunned.
“Hey, hey, hey.” He walked over to her and pulled her away from the glass. He knelt beside her on the floor and wrapped his arms around her.
“Enya, sweetie.” he sat on the floor and pulled her into his lap, keeping his arms around her. He held her while she cried. She calmed down quickly. Gavin remembered how quickly she had stopped crying the day the lawyer had brought up her grandmother’s death and frowned. It couldn’t be good for her to be repressing so many emotions. Gavin determined to fix that…later. He glanced down at her foot.
“Look, you cut yourself. Stay right here and I’ll be right back with some antiseptic and a bandage for that cut.” He jumped up and left the room. Enya wiped the tears from her eyes and told herself over and over I’m okay. Gavin came back and sat at her feet, taking her cut one and putting it in his lap. He spoke as he wiped the blood from her foot.
“What’s wrong?” he asked. Enya took a huge breath. It had hit her all of the sudden that day. After weeks of handling things she had had a sudden jolt of panic and doubt.
“I don’t know what happened. All of the sudden it hit me today. This is huge. I’m sinking a bunch of money-not all mine-into this…this impossible dream! What was I thinking? How am I going to run a theatre troupe? Oh, I know Theo Broadman is onboard with this, but it’s my responsibility. How can I act in my own troupe? What if I fail? Maybe I’m not competent enough for this. I went to a high school that specializes in and focuses on acting and theatre, but I never went to college. I don’t know enough about business to start my own company! I’m not-”
“Stop that!” Gavin interrupted. “Where did this come from? You’re one of the most confident people I know. You can do this. It’ll take time and hard work but you can handle it. You’re smart and passionate and strong. We’re a lot alike. You won’t give up.” Enya chuckled, feeling so much better.
“I cannot believe you just managed to complement me and yourself at the same time.” Gavin laughed then finished bandaging her foot up. He crawled over to her on all fours.
“Now, please come do something with me, I’m soooo bored.” What a lie, he thought, considering he had massive amounts of paper work he could, and probably should, be doing. Enya rolled her eyes like he’d intended her to earlier.
“Gavin…” He widened his eyes so that the reminded her of Abbot’s.
“I believe you mentioned something before about my being like Abbot.” He gave a puppy dog whine. “You can’t deny him anything. Maybe I should try some of his tricks.” He leaned forward and licked her cheek.
“Don’t do that.” Enya said, panicky.
“Why, can’t resist me?”
“No, yes, I mean, I can. Just d-don’t do that.” She didn’t notice that she’d stuttered. She did, however, notice that her pulse had skidded forward at an alarmingly fast pace.
“Don’t do what? This?” he asked, leaning forward and licking her bare shoulder. She shivered. He relished the thought-he could make her shiver, and so easily.
“This?” he asked and flicked his tongue over the tip of her nose. Another shiver.
“Or this?” he whispered softly. He leaned forward and ever so torturously slowly ran his tongue over her closed lips. Gavin noticed Enya had goose bumps. She jumped up and shot like a cannon over to the other side of the room. She wanted to put as much distance as possible between herself and him, before she did something she might regret. She took a huge breath of air.
“Okay.” her voice squeaked. She cleared her throat. “Sure, I’ll do something with you.” she said, trying to sound casual.
“That was all completely legal.” Gavin said with a grin. “You broke our bet when I came up so you owed me that kiss.”
“That wasn’t a-never mind. I’ll be down in a minute.” Gavin left the room and Enya tried to get herself under control. She was a mass of trembling nerves. No man had ever affected her quite like Gavin. Why was it she was always so…so…obvious around Gavin. She was an actress, for God’s sake! And yet, when she was around him she couldn’t seem to think rationally. After another minute she walked downstairs and, not able to find him on the second floor, walked on down to the first. He was in the living room downstairs, sitting on the couch with a bowl of popcorn.
“What are we doing?” Enya asked.
“Dinner and TV. The pizza will be here in thirty minutes.” Enya smiled. It was perfect, the exact relaxing evening she needed. Gavin held out the bowl of popcorn.
“Appatizer?” he asked. Enya grabbed a handful, then sat down beside Gavin on the couch, reminding herself she’d better be nice.
“What are we watching?” she asked, hoping it was something that would lighten her mood. He held up Breakfast At Tiffany’s.
“I figured we’d go with a classic.” he commented. Enya smiled.
“That’s nice. I like that movie.” Gavin started the movie and they watched. They stayed up late and after the movie was over they watched a marathon of Project Runway. They made comments on their favorite designs and Enya was surprised at Gavin’s good taste. She told him so and he merely grinned.
“Of course I do. I picked out your dress.” She turned to look at him.
“You picked that out yourself? I just assumed someone in a store helped you.”
“Nope, all me.” She was impressed. Somewhere along the way she ended up sitting right beside him, his arm around her shoulders. She didn’t notice. Around twelve Gavin looked down at Enya to comment on a green dress that reminded him of hers. She was asleep, cuddled up against him. Her legs were pulled up under her and her head was tucked under his chin. He tried to ease off the couch to get a glass of water but she grabbed his shirt in her sleep when he tried to get up. He decided he could very comfortably go thirsty for the night. He stretched his legs out, propping them on the coffee table, and pulled her into his lap, putting his arms around her. She leaned back against his chest and sighed happily. Sure, he thought. You know you love me when you’re asleep. He tilted his head down and buried his nose in her hair.
“You won’t believe me yet,” he whispered. “But I love you.” With that he smiled, cut off the television, and closed his eyes.

-------------------------------Scene Twenty-Five---------------------------------

After the first night of watching television and eating pizza it became a regular thing for Gavin and Enya. One night, after watching several movies they both fell asleep on the couch, something they hadn’t done since the first night. Enya woke groggily to feel someone moving under her restlessly. “Stop moving.” she mumbled. Still half asleep she flung a hand to Gavin’s chest.
“Gavin, you’re making it incredibly hard to sleep. You may be able to say up all night staring at me for no reason but I do have to get regular sleep.” When he didn’t say anything she opened one eye and looked at him. He looked mildly surprised.
“It’s very disconcerting and very hard to sleep when you can feel someone’s gaze on you. Don’t know what you find so interesting." He thought there was quite a lot he found interesting about her but kept that thought to himself. She was stretched out on the couch, in his lap, with her head propped up on his arm, which was resting on the arm rest.
“What time is it?” she asked sleepily. She had to concentrate hard to make her thought form words, it always took her awhile to completely wake up.
“I don’t know.” he said dismissively.
“Check your watch. You always have it on. I’m pretty sure you sleep with that thing on.”
“Would you like to find out?” he asked her suggestively, which only made her laugh.
“I am right now…time?” She was drifting back towards sleep. Gavin checked his watch.
“Two in the morning.” She groaned. She opened both her eyes and looked up at him.
“Thanks.” she whispered suddenly.
“For what?” he asked.
“For helping me when I’ve needed it. For putting up with me all those times I’ve been truly horrible when you’d done nothing to deserve it. For,…for being my friend. For just…God I don‘t know, just being there when I need you.” Gavin stared down at her.
“Are you drunk?” he asked. Enya blinked.
“Excuse me?”
“Are you serious, or is this one of those things you’re going to deny you said by morning?” Enya gave a dramatic sigh.
“Oh, ye of little faith.” she said. “Here I am trying to thank you and admit I don’t hate you and you question me.”
“You don’t have to thank me for being your friend.” Gavin said softly.
“I want to.” Enya said, becoming serious again. “After my parents died, and then after everything with my grandmother, I didn’t have any relatives. Well, not that I knew or that were from around here. My best friend didn’t live here anymore. I hadn’t kept in touch with any of my high school friends. Even when I was dating Jamie I wasn’t really putting…any of my self into it. I’ve been just sort of floating along without any purpose or friends or anything. Living but not really living, ya know? You,…brought me back, I guess. I’ve needed a friend so long but I haven’t allowed myself one.”
“You know I want more than just friendship from you.” he warned her. Enya squeezed her eyes shut.
“Gavin, you scare me to death.” she whispered. “I’m not used to this. Not used to anything that’s going on between us. It’s different. So different. And so much more important.” Gavin squeezed her shoulder, knowing that was the best he was going to get for now.
“Yes, it is. Go to sleep, Enya.” He lifted her and slipped his legs beneath hers to stretch out on the couch, settling her on top of him. She turned her head to the side so she could bury it in his shoulder and he wrapped his arms around her. She was asleep in seconds and Gavin smiled at the way her head fit so perfectly on his shoulder. Yes, he decided, they fit perfectly.

Gavin woke with a jerk to feel someone moving on top of him. Disoriented, he opened his eyes to see Enya, breathing rapidly and twisting and turning. He took hold of her and tried to wake her up.
“Enya,…Enya!” Her eyes flew open. There were tears coursing down her cheeks and she was shaking, her breath coming in gasps. He wrapped his arms around her and she buried her face in his chest. He knew there would be no quick composure this time, and felt better that there wouldn’t. He had a feeling she’d been holding back a lot for a very long time. And so while she sobbed and clung to him he rocked her and whispered comfort neither of them would remember later in her ear. Finally she fell asleep, but Gavin could still feel her shaking, and still felt her tears on his damp shirt. He glanced at his watch. Five am. He had feeling he wasn’t going to be getting any more sleep.

When Enya woke up it was light outside. She tipped her head up to see Gavin: he was asleep. She gently took his wrist to check the time, it was eight-thirty. At least it’s Sunday, she thought. She pried his arms from around her without waking him up and silently slipped into the kitchen to make coffee.

When Gavin woke up he was surprised he had even fallen asleep at all. He opened his eyes and looked at Enya, sitting on his feet at the end of the couch he was stretched out on. She was watching him.
“Hi.” she said as she sipped coffee, trying not to feel embarrassed.
“Morning.” Gavin said with a sleepy smile, and he closed his eyes again. Enya smiled at that. Minutes later, when she assumed he’d fallen back asleep he wiggled his feet under her. She jumped and choked on her coffee.
“Stop that.” she chuckled, and it helped break the tension she’d felt.
“I guess you’d like some sort of explanation.” she said on a sigh.
“Well, Little Fire, I’d say that goes without saying.” Enya smiled.
“You haven’t called me that in a while.” she murmured, evading.
“I thought you didn’t like it.” he mentioned, although that wouldn’t stop him from using it.
“It was the person who was using it before. Why do you call me that?” she asked abruptly.
“That’s what the name Enya means.” he told her. “Little Fire, it’s Celtic. I had a best friend who had a little sister with that name in middle school. It was a family name, I think.”
“Hmm, I never knew that. That’s sort of interesting.”
“I believe you’re putting me off.” Gavin commented, raising a brow. Enya rolled her eyes.
“Yeah, well…My parents were killed in a car crash.” she said suddenly. She stared blindly into her coffee cup. How could it still hurt so bad, after so many years?
“I was twelve. I still remember it all so well. We were all three close, closer than I think most parents are to their children at that age. They were amazing people. My mother was beautiful, kind and sweet. My father was…loud. Loud, and happy, and always grinning. He loved my mother more than anything else in the world. Even at twelve you could see, how…connected they were to each other. My mother had green eyes, lighter than mine. They were misleading, made you think she was docile. Oh, she was sweet and a softy, but she had a temper like a volcano.” Enya smiled, lost back in time. “My legacy.” she murmured. “Even after so many years of marriage my father seemed fascinated by her. She’d go into a rage over something and he’d sit back and watch, amazed and grinning. Then wink at me, and spin her around the room ‘til she was laughing again.” Enya took a deep breath as she remembered the night.
“They were out to dinner, it was their twentieth anniversary.”
“Oh, God. Enya-”
“They were on a curvy road.” Enya continued, interrupting him. “A deer ran out in the road. My mother hated the thought of accidentally hitting an animal. They think my father swerved. He would have, his first thought would have been how much my mother would have hated to have hit a deer. They ran off the road. The car caught fire. They were both unconscious.” Enya sniffed and gave a half laugh, half sob.
“They didn’t even miss the deer.” she said. “That’s how we know what happened. I started having nightmares. For a year after I had them, almost weekly. Then they became sporadic. Maybe once a year or so, maybe more. I haven’t had one in a few years. I don’t know what brought it on.”
Gavin reached out and held her hand, just held it in his own. He wouldn’t say he was sorry, he remembered when his father had died, how horrible that had sounded.
“I wish I could have met them.” he said instead. Enya took a deep breath and smiled.
“So do I.” she said softly. “They would have liked you.”
“Thank you.” he said. She just nodded.
“Well,” she said. “How’d you like to come with me today, keep an eye on your investment? I’m supposed to meet Theo and go talk to some actors. We’re trying to figure out what play to debut with.” Gavin noticed the change of subject, but didn’t say anything, figuring she needed it.
“You guys are moving fast.” he commented.
“Theo’s quick.” she said. “He knows what he’s doing and he’s excited by this. He’s already making future plans. His confidence, and excitement, is contagious.”
“Well then, why don’t we both get ready and I’ll see how you two are doing.”
Enya got up off the couch and walked out of the living room. She paused at the foot of the stairs, then, on impulse, turned back and stuck her head through the living room door.
“Hey Gavin?” He was just standing up, about to leave the room to go into the kitchen. He looked up at her.
“Thank you.” He smiled.
“You’re welcome, Little Fire.”

-------------------------------Scene Twenty-Six----------------------------------

Gavin sat in his living room reading the Sunday paper without much interest. He wondered idly if he could convince Enya to go to a movie today. He had mountains of paperwork he could do but…that could wait until tomorrow. No matter how much time he spent with her, he always wanted to spend more. They laughed with each other, teased each other, and for the most part shared an easy camaraderie. He felt the familiar impatience rising and forced it back. He knew their relationship was going to have to go somewhere soon or he was going to die. Maybe it was time to step things up. The doorbell rang, interrupting her thoughts. He walked to the door glancing at his watch on the way. It was ten-thirty, he wondered if Enya was up and about yet. He pulled the door open to see a woman standing there. She looked startled to see him, then cocked her head to the side and began a thorough curious study. Amused, Gavin returned her stare and studied her himself. She was medium height with shoulder length straight brown hair shot with blond highlights. She had hazel eyes, and girl-next-door gone beautiful features. Yet she was dressed casually in well-worn jeans and a short sleeve tee. Enya came clattering down the stairs behind him.
“Hey Gavin, do you wanna…” she broke off as she reached the door. Gavin stepped aside. She stared at the woman, looking floored. He watched her go from stunned to incredulous to delighted. The other woman’s expressions seemed to go through the same motions. At the same time they both took a deep breath and screamed. Gavin raised a brow. Enya rushed forward and threw her arms around the woman. In the flurry of hugging, shouting, and general excitement that followed Gavin tried to separate what they were rapidly saying to each other.
“How did you find me?”
“What happened to your apartment?”
“You look amazing!”
“It’s been so long!”
“I can’t believe you’re here.”
Finally both woman seemed to calm a bit. The woman grabbed Enya’s hands and stepped back.
“Let me look at you.” she said. Enya grinned as the woman gave her a quick survey. The woman shook her head.
“God, it’s not fair. You look amazing still. You make me feel old.”
“You’re the same age as me!” Enya said with a laugh.
“Actually, I’m four months younger, remember?” They both laughed. Remembering herself Enya stepped back to Gavin.
“Oh, Gavin this is Paige, my best friend. I told you about her, remember? She’s the one I lived with from sixteen on.” Paige raised a brow to Enya. Very rarely did Enya talk to anyone about her past. Who was this man to her?
“Paige, this is Gavin McGivins.” Enya said. Paige smiled and the effect was devastating. Had Gavin thought girl-next-door gone beautiful? Oh no, this woman looked like a model. He looked at Enya next to the woman. They were a striking pair.
Paige looked at Enya, her eyes brimming with questions. Enya gave an almost imperceptible shake of her head, indicating that she would explain later.
“I’ve got suitcases if I can crash with you.” Paige said.
“Yeah, I rent an apartment on the top floor of Gavin’s house and I’ve got a guest bedroom. How long are you here for?”
“A week.” Enya’s eyes lit up.
“A week? That’s wonderful! I can’t believe you’re here!” From the backyard Abbot barked. Paige looked at Enya in question.
“Oh, I got a dog. Nikki would love him. How is he?” Enya asked.
“Wonderful. Seven now and oh so grown up. Nikki’s my son.” Paige said to Gavin in way of explanation. She grabbed her two bags beside her that neither Gavin nor Enya had noticed and stepped inside.
“Why don’t I make some coffee and you can get your stuff upstairs.” Gavin offered.
“Thanks Gav, that’d be great.” Enya said. “We’ll be down in a second.” She grabbed one of the cases and started up the stairs with Paige behind her. As soon as she stepped into her apartment Enya shut the door and turned to Paige.
“First impression?” she asked. Paige was good at sizing people up in the first few minutes of meeting them and Enya trusted her completely. Paige understood that she wanted a nothing-held-back first impression. The questions and explanations would be dealt with later. She thought for a moment.
“Sexy.” was the first thing she said. “There’s money there, but he wears it casually. He could be imposing, when he wanted. Confident, charming, observant. Thoughtful.” she took a deep breath for the part she knew wouldn’t be appreciated. “And he’s head over heels for you.” Enya took a step back from the unexpected. She gave a nervous laugh.
“Ridiculous.” she said immediately, denying. “That’s crazy. You’re losing your touch.” Paige let it go, because she recognized that Enya didn’t want to hear it, but she vowed to go back to it.
“So, I want the full story. It’s been years. I went to your apartment only to find you’d moved and it took a bunch of work to find you.”
“It’s an incredibly long story, and I’ll tell you everything later. For now, come down for coffee. Gavin’s probably got it made by now.” Enya said. Paige raised a brow.
“That’s one thing you’re definitely going to have to explain later.” she insisted as they walked down the stairs. Enya made a noncommittal sound. Minutes later they were all three in the living room, talking.
“So what are you doing here?” Enya asked.
“Nikki and Brian are have a male bonding vacation-I wasn’t invited. So, I figured it was past time I hunt you down.” Paige took a deep breath and set her coffee down, then turned to Enya with a grin.
“I haven’t told you the news yet.” Enya eyed her warily.
“What are you talking about?”
“We’re moving here.” Enya was silent for a moment, shocked.
“Are you serious?” she asked, unable to believe it. Paige nodded. Again, Enya threw her arms around her.
“This is so wonderful!” she cried. “I can’t believe it! Oh my God! When did this happen?”
“Just recently. We bought a house. It’s about fifteen or twenty minutes away, on the outskirts of town.”
“Oh, Paige. This is wonderful. I can’t seem to wrap my mind around it, you’re coming back. Wow. I’m so happy.” After more conversation they finished their coffee and Paige went up to unpack. Enya and Gavin sat in the silence for a moment.
“I’m stunned.” Enya said finally. “I can’t believe she’s moving back. It’s so wonderful to have her back. We sort of lost track of each other. Oh! I didn’t even think to make sure that it was okay with you if she was staying with me.”
“Don’t worry about it.” Gavin said. “It’s fine. You said you hadn’t seen her in a long while, but there didn’t seem to be any awkwardness between you.”
“No. Paige is closer than a sister to me.”
“It’s great for you that she’s here.” He commented, confusing even himself with the jealous feelings he was having at the moment. Pushing them aside he realized just how nice it would be for Enya to have a woman friend around. He remembered her comments about drifting, and losing track of all her friends. Yes, this would probably be very good for her.
“I’m going to go upstairs to see if she needs help unpacking. I was going to ask you if you wanted to see a movie today, but now that Paige is here we’ll have a lot to catch up on.” Enya said.
“Go ahead. I’ve got a bunch of work to do. If I need a break I’ll walk Abbot for you.”
“Thanks.” Enya raced upstairs, eager to talk to Paige.
Paige stopped unpacking for a moment when she walked into the guest room.
“You’re wearing perfume.” she commented.
“Hmm? Oh, yeah. Gavin bought it for me.” Paige raised a brow.
“Okay, I can’t stand it anymore, you have to tell me everything that’s been going on.” Paige said with a huff.
“Oh, well. I’m sure you want to get unpacked a settled first.” Enya evaded, backing out of the room. Paige grabbed her hand.
“Oh no, I’ve been more than patient. I want the full story of everything that’s going on.” Enya sighed. She’d never been able to keep things from Paige.
“Alright fine, let’s go sit down, there’s a lot to tell. I’ll start with when I got a job working for Gavin, continue through when I broke up with Jamie, move past getting a bunch of money from my inheritance, and then we’ll wrap it up with me using it to start my own theater troupe. Oh, with Theo Broadman as a partner.” She knew how to wet Paige’s appetite. Paige latched on one thing.
“Wait a minute. Theo Broadman-the Theo Broadman? Are you serious?” Enya grinned.
“You’ll have to hear it all from the beginning.” Enya answered. And she did. Enya told her everything that had happened recently. It took more time then she would have thought, but Paige wanted details. Enya hadn’t even realized how much had happened to her in the past few months. Even though she told Paige about most of the things that had happened with Gavin, she hedged on what her feelings were exactly, seeing as how she wasn’t even positive herself what those feelings were. Paige, however, zeroed in on Gavin.
“Come on, En. You’ve got to give me more than that. There’s something going on there. Are you in love with him?” Enya took a deep breath. She’d forgotten about Paige’s blunt way of getting straight to the point.
“I don’t know. I’m so beyond confused. I’m attracted to him definitely. It’s stronger than anything I’ve ever felt for anyone.”
“Are we talking physically or emotionally?” Paige interrupted to ask. Enya sighed.
“Both. All I know is I’ve got to sort it out, and soon.”

© Copyright 2007 Gemma Wiskorski (UN: nyc_grl_2004 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Gemma Wiskorski has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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