Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/491394-Accolades-for-Van-Gogh
Rated: 13+ · Book · News · #1171286
Thoughts between gasps for fresh inspiration. . .
#491394 added March 1, 2007 at 3:27am
Restrictions: None
Accolades for Van Gogh!
*Balloon3**Balloon2*YEAH! *Balloon3**Balloon4* I love the feeling I get when I turn in a paper. It's the same adrenalin rush of anxiety then rush of exhilaration like I experienced back in those good old school days.

It was a small paper, in which I made a huge main point--that I firmly do believe. I hope my perspective on this paper didn't bypass reality. I think my client hinted around about the main point, and I spelled it out like an explosion!

I hope my client and her teacher agree with me. Having clicked my paper in just moments ago, I still feel like dancing on a rooftop or popping the cork on a bottle of champagne. I don't have champagne in the cupboard, which is almost bare, so I substituted some very tasty grape juice. Yum!

I'll leave a link to an article about it, because I have quite a bit more to say. About Van Gogh's brilliance being the result of his bipolar disorder. I had a great analogy!
It is as if Van Gogh's emotionally ravaged life were liquefied, then concentrated into a one-of-a-kind paint that he squeezed and splattered as onto his exhuberant canvas. Gosh I'm good! (...and humble too) *Delight*

In some video footage of John Lennon, he was talking about how he thought "figuratively," and Yoko understood him so well because she thought the same way. I think the word was figurative. I remember thinking it was like I think--which is totally impossible for me to explain right now.

Anyhow, I sometimes go throught states where practically everything that comes out of my mouth is an analogy. I've been misunderstood from wording my thoughts that way. It's something like thinking in pictures, and I'll explained in detail somewhere else. I feel a bipolar article coming on.

When things go right, they go real right. The writing assignments I've been getting have awakened me from the intellectual doldrums I've been in.

When I pick up a new assignment, it's like two people making a present. The box is the assignment I get. Then I go out on the Internet, or to a bookstore (or Amazon for second hand if time permits) and collect information to fill up the box. The number of sources tells me how long to look--though I always end up reading more than I put on the bibliography. I figure better too much info than not enough. Having the paper in it's hand-written draft state is the wrapping paper, which is nice and tight and perfectly placed with invisible tape when the draft is keyed into the computer. The bibliograpy is the bow. I re-read my pretty box one last time, and give it to it's (delighted, I hope) recipient. It's such a great feeling when things go right.

Now, I've picked up a political paper that's supposed to be 20 pages, and I get to pick the topic, of about 5 he suggested. This time the pay is enough to count as real money. I know I'll get totally stressed out during the writing process, but what a sense of accomplishment when I do!

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