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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/500953-Another-month-or-so
Rated: 18+ · Book · Other · #1008111
My attempt to Journal in public- I may get shy or not. Let's see.
#500953 added April 11, 2007 at 11:13am
Restrictions: None
Another month or so...
Another month or so has gone by, one would think that nothing has been going on in my life. And, they might be right on some levels. I certainly, have not found anything going on that I wanted to put up here. One of the problems was finding time. The biggest problem was just not doing it. I have some things that have gone on that have caused me to do some thinking. I just have not been ready to share them... and I kind of still find myself hesitant.

One of the things that comes to mind was a letter from a very distant acquaintance. The letter was a repeat of a column by a writer in another country. The gist of it was that he had been talking with a construction worker of Christian heritage from Lebanon. The guy was basically complaining that Israel had not done a good enough job killing Muslim radicals last summer. The Muslims had "won" in his opinion. Also, he, the former teacher now carpenter, opined that the US was not doing enough to wipe out terrorists in Iraq. That the Muslim young men who attend the Muslim schools in the rural parts of the Mid-East are being turned into fanatics in these schools. Overall, the piece was a heart tugging plea for the world to look on these fanatics as some sort of inhuman monsters bent on world domination.

I hope I have done the piece some justice here with out lifting it whole clothe into my writing. And, while I can sense the unease and pain from the entire situation, I have problems with the article. They are in some ways small problems and issues, yet they define the problem in the world as I am beginning to see it. The article dehumanizes one of the protagonists in the Mid East struggle. The Muslim men are lumped into some "sub-human" category of beings that it becomes beneficial to kill. In the same manner and style that they seem to be, according to the article, being trained to look at other non-Muslims. There is a problem here for me and for anyone who might want to solve this.

I think I am the only person on earth to see this sometime, but the problem with all this seems to me to be the willingness and need to catagorize other human beings as targets of some sort and give our armies permission to kill them willi-nilly. The huge Armageddon battle I see forming is between human beings willing to cooperate and get along versus those who re-label others as targets and are willing to kill them to get control over something. There is to me, too much emphasis, by all parties, on military solutions to political and social problems. There is no way either side can kill enough of the other side to make that much difference in the end result- with out ruining the end result for all enternity.

One thing I have watched happen over and over again in the corporate world and in life, if someone does not feel heard... they rebel in destructive ways. Most of the time, someone will go along with something they don't agree with, if they feel heard and that they have had their say. The end result has to be "fair" on some agreed upon level, but they do go along cooperatively. I have gone along for the better good of the group eventhough, I have personally suffered on occaision. Most people do.

Anyway, that was one of the things I was thinking about this month. I still don't know if I have fully expressed myself or even finished thinking about all of it. And, this does get back to my personal life in lots of ways. I am guilty of taking the power over short cuts in lots of places. I mean, it is way more efficient. The thing gets DONE in very little TIME. And life goes on... yet something is missing. Often, the soul of what I deeply want out of life gets slammed. The times I have taken the time and used the fore thought to seek and obtain cooperation the end result is deeply satisfying not only to me, but to all involved.

This is going on and on, time to change topics- Spring as come and gone and seems to be coming again. The yard needs cutting. I don't have a "lawn", I have green growing things that mow down nicely. Recently, I was greeted by green growing things with small delicate purple flowers intersperced with green growing things with vigorous yellow flowers that turned into dandelion puff balls. It has been magical now for a couple of weeks, but I know my neighbors are starting to wonder if the jungle will get sheared. Yeah, sometime, it is not a priority until all the flowers are gone. I mean what do you like, a flat green sameness surface or a magical purple, yellow, green carpet of rolling heights and various textures? Give me the texture everytime.
Also, it looks kind of cloudy out there, might rain, don't want to cut in the rain, do I? The day for mowing will be here soon enough.

I guess I have issues with bending reality to my will. That makes it difficult for me to "manifest" I think, but it makes me extremely gratiful for what does happen in cooperation. It also, gets me in some small bits of trouble when I take time to get to know people rather than get "work done". Anyway, that is about all for now. I certainly hope another month passes before I sit down to do this again.

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