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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/502606-Mauve-Mavis
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #982524
Online journal capturing the moment and the memory of moments. A meadow meditation.
#502606 added April 18, 2007 at 9:17pm
Restrictions: None
Mauve Mavis
** Image ID #1150224 Unavailable **

Mauve Mavis

A tint of pale pink along drab feathers
ushers in the dawn.

Gulls flee inland from the storm
dotting fields of fresh cut corn
screeching among themselves.

Along the lanes: charcoal slated roofs,
black timbers, puce pocked stone,
the day drained of color.

A purple lining of clouds,
lowering along horizon's edge,
glowers at the walker climbing hills alone.

The voice of a song thrush calls:

         mauve mavis, mauve mavis

echoed by mews of the gulls.

Kåre Enga

[164.40] 2007-April-17

Not we wait to see what Mavis Moog thinks! More info on 'mavis', an earlier version of this poem, and a link to a recording of the song of the thrush in my forum post: "Prompt #21: Mauve Mavis"  

L'aura del campo

Spring: 10 Jalal 164 (18 April) 62 degrees

'é a lua, é a lua, na quintana dos mortos'
♣ Federico García Lorca ♣

Answers to questions

In response to "Invalid Entry a blog entry by richardd (edited):

I wonder

If the powers that be in the Republican Party regret that George Bush was elected President?

Lots of people regret the Shrub!

Why the Boy Scouts don’t sell cookies?

Boy scouts are little "he-men" in training, they wouldn't dare; they keep their gender lines very clear; they are taught to be homophobic to the max. First cookies? then interior decorating?? Oh my!

If there will ever be a cure for cancer or HIV/AIDS?

Death is a part of life. There is no 'cure'. That said, the scientist and research people need to think out of the boxes they have been trapped in. The money for research needs to be sent in all directions and there needs to be enough to go to the little folks; they are the most likely to find a cure. However, if greedy people must patent it, and guard it as their own, then it really won't matter. Big boys with big toys don't like to share. As far as AIDS is concerned ... it is attached as a label to undesirable people who some folk feel don't deserve to live ... a kind of 'softer shade of genocide' as it were. Death dealt not by killing, but by refusing to help. When attitudes change, it will be easier to uncover a cure that already exists.

What came first, the chicken or the egg?

Caterpillar or butterfly? Life is a snake with its tail in its mouth. My life is a foot firmly stuck down my throat. Hmmmmm.

Why it took the post office forever to develop a “forever stamp?”

Forever Stamp makes sense. They can raise the price they sell them at without attaching a price. A 'priceless' idea. *Laugh* Which is why it took so long.

Why the Minnesota Twins baseball team would build an open air stadium?

Buffalo has an open air stadium too. Baseball and football are games best appreciated out-of-doors, IMHO. Inconvenient for scheduling, but we are spoiled in that respect. A compromise of a retractable roof is best, but not always feasible. Or two venues, one with, one without.

Who will be the new generation of black activists to replace people such as Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson?

In the early 1900s the debate was between W.E.B. DuBois and Booker T. Washington. They were both right. The African-American community is as diverse as the world it occupies. It cannot not be defined by one voice. New activists will arise when there is a need. In Kansas, there are increasing numbers of White activists because they sense a need to preserve a way of life that they, as a privileged class, once took for granted and now find threatened by the reality that all Life is NOT White! When there is a perceived need, new voices always arise.

Do we really want to sanitize our music, movies, pictures and books?

Yes. Wash, wash, scrub, scrub, out, out, damn spot. It doesn't work, but many try. And in one's own life, there is a certain common sense to embrace virtues such as purity and perfection. The problem arise when we apply this to others, when other virtues such as tolerance and love are neglected or dismissed.

Ah ... thanks for the questions ... *Smile*


Wrote [40] as above. Should it be a separate item?

My plugging is working! Still needing reviews: "Palette of Pastels, "Spear, and "Flight of the unwanted son.

These are in the folder "Room 222 - New Poems; they pay 222 gps per review.

Me, my friends and my family

Well, I meet new people all the time. Just can't remember names.

What did you say yours was?

Met Nick today at the Oread. I'm mentioning it here so I'll remember; we talked about poetry, of course.

... And about how Coach Mangino could support any number of starving villages if he were to eat less.

I made a hamburger tonight and I'm about ready to fix me a bowl of chocolate ice cream with my favorite spice toppings.

Has anyone noticed I like chocolate?

If I keep eating it though I might need a bra for my boobs as I told emmyloo.

Boobs on women = fine; boobs on men?

Daily Scripture

After passing through the Valley of Knowledge, which is the last plane of limitation, the wayfarer cometh to The Valley of Unity and drinketh from the cup of the Absolute, and gazeth on the Manifestations of Oneness.

— Bahá’u’lláh

Excerpt from The Seven Valleys. link: http://reference.bahai.org/en/t/b/SVFV/svfv-1.html


The situation at V-Tech brings up nasty questions as to how far we should spy and report on each other. This is not a rhetorical question as I can imagine the outcry that will follow demanding that the internet and school reports be more closely monitored to avoid these tragedies.

Do not think that this site is safe ... the government may be constrained at the moment but hysteria can easily take over and there is no way to protect privacy. Anything here set on private is accessible by government agents with or without a subpoena or by hacking. Do not think you are safe if you live in another country either ...

Will the freedom to create and express be curtailed by recent events? I suspect that they already are. There have been numerous incidences where free speech has been chilled. Be careful what you write, is all I can say. Do not downplay the significance that the young man with the gun was an English major in creative writing. Others aren't.

And if they start profiling sad, depressed, angry or loner type people, could that be you?

To give a comparison: How many Iraqis were killed by Americans today? How many Iraqi civilians by other Iraqis? How many Americans know or care? So, despite all the hype (and real trauma) we are not living in a war zone with its epicenter in Blacksburg, Virginia.

For a more lucid and rational look at this issue: "Invalid Entry by Mavis Moog


Two scrawny baby robins in the nest! (update: three! one to go *Delight*)

S.O.B. = Star-of-Bethlehem, turning the lawns into constellations.


A return of Spring: henbit; dandelions; shepherd's purse; protected buds blooming along the trunks of redbud; roofers on roofs; virginia bluebells.

The weather has been sunny and warm. A bit too warm for me today after all that cold.

*Reading* READING *Reading*

A book on therapy from a non- 'diagnose-and-drug' point of view. The complete poems of Elizabeth Bishop.


Lauren Gale is unpacking in Colorado and hopefully will be able to visit us-all more often. Read this wonderfully written entry: "Invalid Entry


** Image ID #1134108 Unavailable **
 Kåre *Leaf5* Enga

~ until everything was rainbow, rainbow, rainbow! And I let the fish go.
~ Elizabeth Bishop,
The Fish

© Copyright 2007 Kåre Enga in Montana (UN: enga at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Kåre Enga in Montana has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/502606-Mauve-Mavis