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Rated: 13+ · Book · Drama · #1251882
Don't let your heart get in the way of your head.
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#503385 added May 4, 2008 at 4:20pm
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Once is All Takes. Final Chapter
  It had been the most eventful two months of her life. She was going to school everyday since she had found out she was pregnant. Dealing with the pregnancy woes was not too fun, but she managed it alright. She kept her spirits up, or atleast tried too. She joined the newspaper staff, since she couldn't play volleyball for awhile. She had accepted it. She began to become attatched to the baby emotionally whether she liked it or not. She heard names and in the back of her head thought " Hhhmm, could I name my baby that?" No. Gina had to stop herself from doing that it was too painful. It was nice to think of a baby with her eyes though, a soft, light green color. Her situation was as under control as it could be. When she had finally come to grips with it all, something else came in and messed it all up. It came in the form of Christopher.

"You don't have to do this you know," He came up behind her before she had the chance to leave.

"Abortions can be done and are so easy, you could be back to your old life in no time. I mean it might hurt a little, but its nothing compared to childbrith," He argued.

"I mean think, you could go back to volleyball and late nights out. Fun again! Date with out worrying,"

Gina cut him off with that one. " You think I can just go back out and date after having my baby aborted? You disgust me." Then she turned and left.

  On her way home after the lovely conversation with Christopher, Gina couldn't help but think about what he was saying. It would be easy. That was true. She could have her old life back. That was true also. But could she live her old life knowing what she had done? I mean this baby was a part of her no matter what happened. Yet look at all the lives it could mess up? Gina had to decide this for herself, and soon. But to her dismay, it was suddenly decided for her.


The next day Gina and her baby's fate where decided. Mrs.Masiello was dusting in the kitchen when she got the call.

"Hello?" She asked into the phone.

"Hi, is this Gina Masiello's mother speaking? Asked the unknown lady.

"Yes, is something wrong with Gina?" Mrs.Masiello's heart began to beat harder.

"I'm calling from the Red Cross Clinic on Calef Street, we have Gina here right now, Its about her baby, I think you should come immediatly.

  Mrs.Masiello put down the recieve before she could say goodbye to the that lady on the phone. She got in her car and drove to the clinic. So many thoughts were running through her brain. Did she fall? I hope she's ok. Then a heart-stopping thought popped into her head. Oh, what if she got the abortion? Gina had never said she wouldn't. Would the clinic do that without telling a parent? I'm sure Gina could get around that. Mrs.Masiello braced herself as she walked in the clinic.

"I'm here to see Gina Masiello, I'm her mother,"

"Ok, your daughter is down the hall, second door to the left," The receptionist pointed her in the right direction.

"Thank you," She answered. Then Mrs.Masiello rushed down the hallway.

When she got to the door she paused. This was the scariest moment of her life. She knew she had to be strong for Gina, even though she felt like she could collapse at any moment. No matter what, she loved Gina and would help her through. She took a breath in and opened the door. There was Gina, sitting on a table in a hospital gown, crying.

"Oh honnie," Mrs.Masiello rushed over and hugged her daughter tightly.

As she embraced her daughter, Gina managed to say something through her sobs,

" My baby, mom, my baby...its gone."


  Gina felt so cold and alone. When her mother walked into the room, Gina lost it and broke down and cried. She was stunned and in shock from what had just happened to her. Her mother asked her why she was there, but Gina couldn't speak. Mrs.Masiello waited patiently until Gina was ready. The next few moments were the most pure of mother-daughter conversations in their whole relationship.

"OK, Gina, I know this is hard, but you need to tell me something," Asked her mom.

"Why did you get the abortion? I didn't know you had decided on that, you should have told me," Mrs.Masiello looked right into Gina's eyes.

"Abortion? Mom, you think I got an abortion? I didn't! It wasn't my fault!" How could her mother think this?

Mrs.Masiello had a surprised look on her face. What had happened then?

" Well, then why are you in a clinic and not school without me knowing?"

Gina breathed in deep and held it there. She released began her story.

"I was in History class when, it happened," She began.

" I got the worst cramps of my life so I asked to be excused and went to the girl's room. When I got there I leaned over the toilet becasue I thought I was going to be sick. I sat down and realized I felt, wet. I got my period mom."

Gina paused and saw the look of horror on her mother's face.

" Oh, Gina..."

"Mom, I miscarried. I could barely move when the principal came in and saw me on the floor, bleeding and crying. I told her through what she called "hysterics" that I had miscarried so she took me here." Gina had finished her story quickly.

"The doctors told me after I got here that I had miscarried and that they were going to call you, so, I sat here alone." Now it was her mother's turn to leave her.

"Gina, I'll be right back, I have to call your father," And Mrs.Masiello got up and left the room.

  So that left Gina. In the clinic, alone, without her baby. She hated this place and always would after all that had happened. She made some big mistakes this year. At first, she thought her punishment was carrying a baby. Like that was the consequence for "it" happening. She had come to grips with it all though, she decided to make it work as best she could. She was finally accepting her postion when her baby was take away. Why? Why did that horrible thing happen? Why did God do that to her? Numb and empty is how this had left her.

  Sitting here alone to wallow in all her mistakes. Replaying them over and over. All these questions were running through her head. But, wait, isn't this was she wanted? Did she want her old life back in the beginning? Yes. Would she now trade all the things that are past? No. Experiences and trials only make one stronger. Maybe, God was showing her something. Forgiveness is what Gina really wanted. She didn't want to go back to how she was. She wanted to be better. Gina would go back to life as it was, but she would live it wiser. Focus on God and her studies. Have good, healthy relationships with her parents, Hayley, God and maybe even a good boy (of her age). Gina knew that even though all this had happened, God forgave her and this made her truly happy for the first time in a long time.  Yet there was still one problem. Her baby. This terrible ending would never leave her mind. Time would heal and Gina will get stronger, but she needed some closure.
  The Masiello's drove home in silence that night. Nothing needed to be said. Unspoken words were sometimes the strongest. When they arrived home, Gina ran upstairs and went into her closet. There, she pulled out a small little blanket that she had secretly bought for her baby two days earlier. She cried as she wrote on the hem "Baby Masiello". She went downstairs and opend the back door. Under the oak tree in the backyard she dug a hole and layed the blanket deep inside it. She covered the hole and planted a small, yellow flower. Everyday Gina would come out and water her baby flower. Each day it would grow stronger as Gina helped give it life. She stood back and looked down at her new baby.This was good. Gina turned slowly and walked into the house and hugged her mother. They stood and cried their tears of sorrow together.
  Time would heal and Gina would grow. Experiences and trials made her stronger. One time is all it took. One date, one afternoon, one baby. Only once couldn't be too bad, right?
                                            Once is all it takes.

A.L. Wright*
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