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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/503717-Blog-Block
Rated: 18+ · Book · Women's · #562186
Each snowflake, like each human being is unique.
#503717 added April 23, 2007 at 5:32pm
Restrictions: None
Blog Block
Leading entry for "Invalid Item"   [] by A Guest Visitor

I’ve come up or is it down with a case of Blog Block this is similar to writers’ block, but it only occurs when composing entries for blogs and journals. This is the second time this month I’ve encountered it. The first time was a couple of days ago when I was composing an entry for my offsite blog Poet 999 – A Butterfly Emerges from her cocoon. Ordinarily I would just through up my hands, give a couple of primal screams, curl up in the fetal position and cry. However, I’m cried out, I no longer have any tears left nor do I have any energy left to let go with a primal scream. Therefore, the only thing to do is start typing and hope that something I’m writing makes sense.

Ok, I have to admit it’s been a stressful couple of months. On March 12, at 7:00 PM, I took my mother, doubled over in pain, to the Emergency Room at UMC (University Medical Hospital). We arrived at about 7:15 or 7:30, went in (after I got a wheel chair for her to sit in), got her name on the list. After that, I went out and moved the car out of the ER entrance. When I returned about 10 or 15 minutes later, (parking is hard to find and I didn’t have the change with me for a parking meter, therefore I parked in the Patient/Visitor Free Parking) Mom was still waiting. Now you would think that an 85-year-old woman doubled over in pain would get priority. We waited and waited and waited until 2:30 AM on March 13 before they found a bed for her.

One week later, March 19, her 86th birthday she had a bawl resection. She remained in UMC until April 12, they moved her to Vegas Valley Rehabilitation Hospital where she is now. Once in the Rehab hospital they started playing musical beds. They moved her three time in one day, because she had diarrhea and they weren’t sure what the problem was for a couple of days, they now say it was a bawl infection and give her meds for it. That’s clearing up.

My mother wants to come home, but the doctor and I both tell her she can’t until she can at least use a walker to get around. The therapists are working on getting her back to normal or as close to normal as possible. Mom wants to live to be 100 and will probably do it. She is pissed that she has to stay in the hospital until she can get out of bed and walk. I’m relieved that the doctor won’t release her until she shows she can walk. The truth is I don’t think I could left her like those nurses (both female and male) do to straighten her up in the bed and get her out for therapy.

Anyway, since March 12, I’ve been driving back and forth to either UMC or Vegas Valley twice a day most days (sometimes I go only once, but not often). I still have business to conduct (or attempt to conduct), a house to clean, cat litter to clean, and bills to pay; is it any wonder I have no tears or even a primal scream left and am coming down with blog block.

When the first attack occurred, I decided to pray and start writing. I’ve committed to posting daily to that blog and couldn’t let the bb bug get me down. The strategy worked, I’m still not sure whether what I’m writing makes a lot of sense, but I don’t care. In fact, there are a great many things I’m starting not to care about. I used to worry about many things, but that’s changing. My ability to focus is changing as well. I can focus on folding the laundry or doing the dishes without getting anise because there are other things to do and it’s difficult to do dishes and clean the living room at the same time much less sit at the keyboard. You just can’t multitask some things. Fortunately, laundry isn’t one of them, true it’s difficult to fold cloths and do anything else at the same time, but you can wash and dry them while doing something else.

I had intended to write something about Global Warming or the being a World Citizen for this entry. However, when I forced myself to sit down at the key board and look at the blank screen my muse departed for reaches unknown. Eventually she will come crawling back purring and apologizing. When she does, I’ll compose those entries, maybe for my next writing.com blog. I’m going to be finishing this blog in about 26 or so more entries.

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