Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/514563-The-Unexpected-Guest-8
Rated: 13+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #1161514
loving a vampire can pose problems.
#514563 added October 1, 2007 at 5:57pm
Restrictions: None
The Unexpected Guest (8)
*Beep!Beep!Beep!Beeeeeep!Beeeeeep!* Trinity rolled over and hit the off button on her alarm clock. She laid there for another the forced herself to sit up but found that it made her incredibly dizzy. She grabbed her head hoping it would stop the room from spinning, it didn't, so she laid back down and went back to sleep. Hours later Trinity woke up again and tried to go back to sleep with the reasoning that she had slept this long already she might as well just sleep some more. When she tried to sleep and couldn't no matter how much she tossed and turned. She went ahead and dragged herself out of bed and down the hall to the shower. After being in the shower for only a second she was glad she had gotten out bed for this, it was exactly what she needed. She wasn't sure how long she had been in the shower but for some reason she was feeling really light headed again. When she bent over to turn the shower knob to the off position all the sudden her eyes seemed to stop working when she closed and opened her eyes again she was okay but her light-headedness became a headache instead. She quickly got out of the shower and just wrapped a towel around herself. She opened the door and that final movement made her head spin so much that she started to fall. She tried to brace herself to hit the ground but for some reason she never hit the ground. Then she realized she was leaning on something. She opened her eyes and looked up to see that Aden was the one holding her up. He was looking down at her with such concern it made her feel bad for falling over on him like that. For some reason the guilt suddenly reminded her of her current state of only being in a towel and all over Aden like she was. With in about two seconds her face was blood red for lack of better words{ my horrible ability to insert this horrible pun is all because I can't help it. XoX my mom does the pun thing too! i get it from her!}. Trinity quickly started to push away mumbling apologies, but he held on to her even tighter. "Aden I'm okay you can let go. I really need to get to my room. I...um....really need to put on some clothes."She said continuing to pull away. He just nodded his head 'no' and held on a little tighter. She looked up at him in disbelief at him saying, well motioning, her 'no'. What did this mean? Why wouldn't he let her go? She was in a towel for goodness sakes! Was he really just worried about her? Or was there some kind of ulterior motive? But that didn't seem right Aden wasn't like that! Was he? He never talked so how would she know? She had only been around all of them for a few months...she decided she was just being full of herself. 'He's just really worried about me that's all.' She reassured herself. "Aden I'm OKAY I promise. I was just a little dizzy. But don't you think it'll be bad if I catch a cold from standing here wet and in a towel." Trinity reasoned, still red in the face from embarrassment. He continued to look down at her then released her. She quickly mumbled an apology and a thank you and rushed past him to her room.
'This is just too much my head hurts already' she thought to her self, 'I didn't need something this complicated this early out of bed. But it really doesn't matter I already decided that he was just worried about me that's all. But then why do I feel like I'm lying to myself?...Ugh this is too much thinking with my head aching the way that it is!'
Trinity grabbed a tee-shirt from the closet and some jeans in the floor. Checking in the mirror on her way out to make sure she wasn't blushing anymore, because her face still felt hot from the embarrassment. Slowly venturing out of her room, so as to avoid any more sudden awkward situations, Trinity made her way down stairs to get some food and aspirin for her headache. When she reached the bottom of the stairs she found all of her room mates on the couch watching some movie, she had probably never heard of it like usual.
"Hey sleepy head how ya feelin'?" Adlin asked before Luca could get the words out.
"Well it's not the worst I've felt in my life but not the best either. So I guess that leaves me at 'fine.'"Trinity answered, then continued to get the worried and guilty look off of Luca's face." But I'm sure I'll be fine after I eat some food." She quickly walked into the kitchen to avoid Luca's persistently guilty look on his face. Not that it did her a bit of good because he had gotten up with his abnormally fast vamp speed and was right behind her walking to the kitchen with her.
"Are you sure your feeling okay? You still look kind of pale and you slept all day." He asked as she took the bread from the pantry.
"I'm okay promise. I have slightly thin blood so I'm like this even if they take my blood at the doctors office. You know it took them seven years worth of blood work to figure that out? One time was especially bad and it ended up having me spend two nights in the hospital. This was about the time my mom changed doctors, the new one was a lot better." She said hoping to change the subject or distract him at least so she could finish making her sandwich and have an excuse to not talk about anything. Particular the night before.
He looked at her for a second then trying very hard not to smile said," You know you really suck at changing the subject." She blushed knowing it was all too true and said," Yeah, not my strong point at all... oh just go ahead and laugh. If you try any harder to not laugh your face might break, and that would just be a real shame in my opinion." He laughed a little and grabbed her into a strong embrace bringing her feet up off the ground so that her face met his on an equal level.
She stared into his eyes for a moment. The guilt still lying right under the surface of his now smiling face. "Stop it. Stop blaming yourself. I can see it all over your face even when your smiling. It's not your fault and it's not my fault. Neither of us caused this so neither of us are at fault. I don't want to see you unhappy, and you can't hide it from me so don't even try. Okay?" She said looking him strait in the eye, which kind of made her head spin and her heart race. All he did in response was smile and nod then kiss her very lightly on the lips which made the spinning even worse and her heart race rather loudly now.
"Alright break it up you two. Oh and 'jail bait' just so you know your phone is in the living room and has been going off all day long, and out of curiosity I looked at the caller I.D. and the name was 'Dumb Ass' and I'm almost positive that he was the one who kept calling all day." Adlin said reaching purposefully between the two to grab a towel from the counter they were standing in front of. Luca sat her down then and let Adlin pass between the two to get the probably not needed towel. 'Well the moment was ruined anyway after the 'jail bait' comment might as well finish making my sandwich.' Trinity thought to herself. As she continued to assemble her chicken and tomato sandwich she started to feel as if she were being stared at. When she turned around she saw that she was being stared at.
"Well who is he?"Adlin asked anxiously.
"Who is who?" Trinity asked confused.
"This person who has been calling you all day?" Luca chimed in trying not to act too curious.
"Oh him. Nobody important." She answered, now trying to seek some vengeance on Adlin for the interrupted special moment between her and Luca.
"He must be important, he called you like eight times in like four hours." Adlin said waving her hand around as if that would show that it was important. "Who is he an Ex-boyfriend? Stalker? Who?"
Trinity nearly choked on the bite of sandwich she had just taken. The two looked at her worried until she swallowed and it was clear that she was laughing. "No no no. He just my annoying older cousin. He's under the name 'Dumb Ass' because, well he is one. I wonder why he was calling me so much though." She said just as the front door bell rang. "That was odd timing. I'll get it." She walked from the kitchen down the hall way to the door and looked out to be safe. Adlin and Luca had quickly joined her at the door. Without saying anything she threw the door open and stared at the young man in the door way. He was at least a foot taller than her with light brown hair and a football player's build. He looked at her for a second taking in her appearance then as he was getting ready to say something Trinity cut him off saying," What the- ... Why are you here?! How in the world did you find me?! Do my parents know your here?! Do they know I'm here?! Have you said anything to them?!" She was breathlessly afraid of any of the answers she would get.
He stood there for a second and walked inside the house setting his backpack down and said," It's great to see you too Trinity. Yeah it has been about a year since we last saw one another. Your right that is too long. My trip was good thank you. Europe was beautiful I wish you get to see it some day. So how have you been? I see your tastes have changed quite a bit." She stood there for a moment looking at him still waiting to get her answers. "I'm here to check up on you as any good older cousin should. The people at the dorms' front desk gave me the address that they were to forward your mail too. Your parents don't know about my visit. As for if they know your exact location in this town, no they don't. Happy now."
Trinity let out a strong sigh of relief and brought her hand to her chest to make sure her heart was still beating. "Thank goodness. There is no telling what would happen if they found out. Well of course I'd get in trouble, but they might actually make me go home and finish high school, even though I don't need to." She paused for a moment to gain her footing again at this good news, "I am happy to see you, regardless of my greeting. And I hope you have pictures of Europe. How long are you staying and where?"
"I'll be staying till I'm satisfied that you staying here is okay. And to judge that, I'll be staying here with you." He said matter-of-factly. The three of them stood very still looking at him in disbelief. He had just randomly appeared and said that he was staying with them in the house for who knows how long.
"W-what about work? Your job as a freelance photographer is already chancy with money. I can't support you and I'm not going to make my friends do it. Not to mention it's rude to just say your staying without being invited. We really don't have an extra bed to spare. So I'm sorry but you can't do this your going to have to stay in a hotel." Trinity stumbled out. He looked down at her with a suspicious and hurt look on his face. She really felt bad about sending him away, but this wasn't her house and there weren't any other beds.
"I think it's a good idea. I want to know from an outsiders' opinion if they think it's a good thing for you to live here. Hello there I'm Asher I own the house. I was a little concerned when I asked her if she wished to stay here if it was a good idea." Asher said as he walked in behind her cousin through the door that had been left open. Trinity's cousin turned to look Asher in the eye, she wouldn't have realized it but they were basically the same hight.
" You invited her to stay here! What kind idiot are you? She is clearly not eighteen. Were you trying to take advantage of her since this is her first time living away from home." He said getting angrier by the second. Trinity let out another sigh placing her hand over her eye brow like she was shielding her eyes from the light caused by his stupidity.
"Sam shut up before you make yourself sound any stupider than you already do. The day I showed up at school I went to the dorms and hoped for some kind of miracle that there would be no waiting list and an opening. I waited till the last minuet to place my name on the dorm sign up. When I got here I had no idea that A) the list would be so long and B) that there wasn't anywhere else to stay here, close enough to the school that's cheap. It was already getting dark when I arrived and the only place I had to even sit down was the gazebo, which I'm sure you saw if you went to the dorms, I was planning to sleep there that night and figure out what to do the next day. If Asher hadn't of come along and offered me a place to stay I would have slept there. So don't say things like that to him! Got it? These guys are my friends they've all been great to me. And please don't insult my intelligence. I knew it wasn't the smartest offer to take up but he seemed to be a good trust worthy guy, besides I had peper-spray in one jacket pocket and a pocket knife in my other. So I would have had things under control." She said feeling the bright red of her face show through the shield she had made with her hand. She took her hand down anyway to look her cousin in the face to show him she was serious about what she had said.
"You keep that knife on you at all times?"Sam asked after a minuet of silence between the two of them.
"Yeah, I never use it or take it out though."
"Show me."
"I just rolled out of bed I don't have it this second."
"You just said you had it with you at all times."
"I don't need it while I'm at home. I'm sure these guys are more than enough to scare away home intruders." She said turning to smile at her friends. They seemed to find the inside joke funny too. "Listen I'll say this, and that will be the end of it. You are not the boss of me just because your a little bit older than me. Do you hear me? And if you dare threaten me with telling my parents about my... living arrangements. Then so help me I will tell your parents as well as the rest of the family every piece of dirt I have on you, and considering all the time I'll have while waiting for my eighteenth birthday and my freedom. I'll have a lot of time to tell them everything. Do we have a deal?"
There was silence then Adlin jumped forward hugging Trinity around the neck and hanging there while saying," Awww our little Trinity is sooo cute when she stands up for herself! Sam I honestly think your worrying over nothing. I've watched Trinity over the past few months and she has really come out of the timid little shell she was in when we first met her.Though I'm sure you can see that, but if your still uneasy about her staying here your welcome to stay. You can sleep in her room and she can bunk with me. Ashy you don't mind that do you?"
"No I'm fine with that. If you have any other bags I'll run out to your... I think the motorcycle is yours, isn't it?" Asher said ushering Sam and the others to the living room. Sam said," Yeah the bike's mine but this one bag is fine. Thanks."
"I'll run it up to Trinity's room." Luca said picking the bag up from next to the door and heading up stairs. Everyone sat down around on the chairs and the couch. There was an awkward silence at first but then Trinity started introducing everyone," So, Asher has already introduced himself. Adline is his sister, sitting next to her is... Elian...when did you get down here?"
"I came down as Luca was going up. I heard a commotion so I came to see what it was. I didn't realize the commotion would be staying the night." He answered in a rather bord tone.
"Oh okay, well this is my older cousin Sam. He's going to probably stay longer than just one night. Anyway, Luca was the one who took your bag upstairs, and our last house mate is upstairs somewhere. His name is Aden, he and Elian are brothers. Well that's everyone... oh and my puppy Kasa! I found her when I first came here, on the way to this house in fact." She said as Kasa came running into the room from upstairs. Kasa jumped up into Trinity's lap and began sniffing Sam from Trinity's lap.
"You would pick up a stray wouldn't you... and what did you name this thing?" Sam asked trying to get the dog's nose away from his face.
"Her name's Kasa, and she's not a thing she is a dog, even you should know something like that." Trinity answered pulling Kasa away from her cousin's face.
"Huh that's a weird name. Makes sense though, it's a weird mutt. I've never seen any dogs like this one.... kinda reminds me of a wolf, but it's build isn't the same.... hmmm oh well it is a mutt, so it's gonna be weird I suppose." He said poking the puppy in the nose just to make it angery.
"Don't be so mean Sam. She's not a mutt, I don't know what kind of breed she is, but that donesn't mean you can call her a mutt. She probably some kind of german shepard mix... and if you don't stop poking her in the face she's gonna-" Trinity said, but was cut off in the end before she could finish warning Sam about being bitten. Sam yelled waving his hand around to make the pain go away while glaring at the dog who sort of looked like she was glaring back.
"That mutt just bit me Trin!"
"I tried to warn you. You shouldn't have entagnoized her in the first place. She's normally very well behaved, but you just pushed her too far. Heck I would've bitten you too if you had been poking me in the face while insulting me. You got what you deserved." She said taking the Kasa's side in the matter. Trinity looked the other way so as to look like she was mad. Though she really wasn't, she was just laughing at the fact that Kasa had actually bit him.
"Alright alright I get it I'm sorry I insulted the mutt- I mean your dog. Happy now?" He poked her slightly in the shoulder. She turned back around. "H-hey you aren't actually crying are you? Jeeze come on-"
"No no I was just laughing. You would've gotten angery if I had started laughing stait in front of your face." She said still giggling a little bit.
"I'm glad my pain gave you amusement. Thanks."
"Hey as much fun as this is I have homework to do. I've got class in the morning and way too much homework to do before then. So I'm going to work on it." Trinity said as she got up off the couch.
"You aren't actually going to school tomorrow are you? You've been pushing yourself too hard. You need to stay home and rest, we'll take notes for you don't worry." Luca said as he came back down stairs along with Aden.
"You guys let her skip school?" Sam asked not at all happy with what he was hearing.
"She passed out yesterday from exaustion. We don't let anyone just skip class." Adlin said trying to calm the escalting situation down.
"Have you been letting her do things she shouldn't be like parties and clubs when she should be doing homework." Sam said standing now to look Luca in the eye.
"No. We don't even go to any parties or clubs. She's just been working hard and non stop on her school work lately. Though I would venture to say you wouldn't know what that's like." Luca said now becoming angery too.
"Luca!" Adlin and Trinity said togeather appaled at what he had actually said.
"Oh is that the kind of person you think I am. Heh, well it's true I'm not the school type of person. But I know my baby cousin better than you do, and I know she's strong enough to over come something like exaustion, or to not even let something like that effect her. So tell me what really happened. How come you really don't want her going to school. Huh!?" Sam yelled. Trinity saw Luca move first and ran to intercept him before the impending fight broke out between the two. She knew that Sam didn't stand a chance even for a second if they fought.
"Luca stop it! You know how this will turn out so be the bigger man and just drop it please!" Trinity wispered so as to not let Sam hear her. He stoped for a second and looked down at her letting his face soften from the angery scowl it had been in. Then he looked back to Sam and the scowl returned but he didn't move.
"You are putting to high of expectations on her. If she's exausted then she needs to rest... you may think you know her better but you don't. The Trinity you knew has grown up. Like Adlin said she has changed a lot since she has arrived here and started college." Luca said sounding a bit calmer now.
"So your telling me ,her cousin, who has known since she was born, and has been with her all through out her life. That I don't know her." Sam said who was still very angery.
"Yes." said Luca in a very monotoned voice. Sam started moving toward Luca and Trinity, who was still in front of Luca holding him there, more in spirit than in actuality. Sam was closing in on them when Trinity turned to look at him.
"Sam stop this. You know me very well, I know that and so do you. And I know you just as well as you know me. And what I see happening here is that you are trying to pick a fight. You want to make them look bad so that I will leave. I'm not dumb enough to fall for something like that so cut it out and behave yourself or I really will kick you out and never forgive you." Trinity said looking more angery and older than she ever had. All the anger left his face and he relaxed into the slouch that he was always in.
"Alright. I get it, I get it. You win. I'm still not leaving until I'm satisfied that this place is okay though. Techniquly he was going to fight me before you stopped him. So that's gonna work against you.... and you I'm gonna have a real problem with. Your way too touchy-feely with her. I want three feet of distance between you and her. Now." Sam said to Luca who had been holding her shoulders since she blew the cover on Sam's act.
"Wait a minuet... What?" Luca said very confused as to how he had been out smarted.
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