Exploring the future through the present. One day at a time. |
Last night Dave and I had supper with my mom. She made her delectable chicken curry as payment for Dave moving some dirt and rocks for her. I also learned no matter how old we get, we can’t fool Mom. She knew something was up with me; she kept asking if I was feeling okay. I kept my mouth shut, though it was difficult. Dave and I decided afterward when Tom (my step dad) returns from working in Fort Collins in the next week or two, we’ll tell them the news. Since we spent most of the evening outside, my allergies decided to kick my butt. This morning, they’re not much better. I can take either Benedryl or Sudafed, but I don’t like take any medication unless I absolutely have to. Allergy pills especially make me either hyper or woozy. I’d rather sneeze my lungs through my nostrils. So with stuffy and itchy nose, swollen eyeballs, and slight sinus headache, I considered staying in bed. Allergies on top of morning sickness did not sound like a fun way to spend the day. But, spending it in bed feeling sorry for myself held even less appeal, so I dragged my allergy-kicked-butt out of bed and to work. To my surprise and elation, my stomach decided to give me a break today. Yea! I get an occasional twinge, but I can handle that without (much) complaining. If I have a choice now between allergies and a rebellious stomach, I’ll take the allergies. I know this doesn’t mean the nausea won’t return; that this could be a momentary reprieve. I decided to live - and bask - in the moment instead of worrying about it. A few of my brain cells also decided to wake up, so I want to take advantage of it while it lasts. After reading Randy Ingermanson’s latest blog entry ( http://www.advancedfictionwriting.com/blog/ ) about why he tossed out his first novel, I decided I need to revisit my 2005 Nano novel. My writer’s group critiqued the first three chapters a few months ago. I should go through their suggestions, and have them take another peek at it for the next meeting. Hopefully my revived brain cells can handle it. |