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Rated: E · Book · Detective · #1272755
My first attempt at a full-length story- written four years ago- Critique is most welcome.
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#516440 added June 21, 2007 at 6:48am
Restrictions: None
Part 2
“There are certainly a lot of interested and not so interested people here today.” Robert noted nervously. “ I hope I can hold my own when talking to them, as I’m pretty much new to the Environmental Society crowd. I do not know very much about rainforests, temperate forests and forests and their flora and fauna in this part of the country and the other parts of the country.” muttered Robert.
“Don’t worry about a thing Mr. Clueless,” soothed Father Francis, seeing my frantic tizzy at the thought of getting up on that stage and talking to all those critical people. “ I am sure you will do just fine.” My confidence momentarily restored, I let my mind wander. After seeing Father Francis at the convention I could not help thinking back to the mysterious tracks I had seen this morning when I had been out on my morning jog. I wonder where they were going, and what the people were doing driving a four-wheel drive in a National Park. And one so close to a place with such an environmental upbringing (for a town that is!)? He mused to himself. Sitting a few seats in front of Robert Clueless was the most glorious girl he had ever seen, she had long, smooth and shiny black hair, riveting green eyes, a gorgeous peaches and cream complexion and seemed to be dressed to perfection. “Attention everyone! The conference is about to begin so if you will please take your seats we will commence!” The speaker told everyone. The first visiting speaker approached the podium to start his introductory speech.
“Hello everybody my name is Michael Mer and I will be introducing those of you who do not know the environment, to the worthy cause of being an environmentalist."
Clueless listened for a few moments and once again drifted back into other thoughts. He only became aware of where he was when the auditorium erupted with eager applause. The next speaker he realized was Father Francis. Now seeing him on the stage Robert Clueless wondered why he would be speaking at an environmentalist convention. He is only a priest and he seems out of place speaking here, but I suppose if we are to save the worlds flora and fauna all the available and interested people will have to be involved to make it work, but it still seems strange, he thought piously.
The beautiful woman a few seats in front of him was being beckoned by what he considered to be a very shifty looking fellow in a cheap brown suit. I was thinking of following them when I spied another good looking girl slip out of her seat (however this one was a redhead) and cautiously follow them too. “Ah ha!” I murmured softly. “So someone else suspects them of something or the other too!” Thinking fast I stood up and walked along the row excusing myself along the way for disturbing them and proceeded to follow the redhead. He saw her pull up and stand behind a lavish marble pillar in the foyer of the complex. She seemed to be following the shifty character and the dark-haired woman. As he came up behind the redhead he could hear the shifty character and the dark-haired woman speaking in hushed tones and looking all around suspiciously. Moving closer I heard the woman utter a few words before she walked away. The shifty character walked slowly over to the front counter and was having a conversation with one of the people who had been saying a few words at the conference. Now I am not normally a suspicious person but it seemed awful strange the few words I had heard were, “meet me at 10.30 tonight on the road on the way to the falls. Be there or else!” the shifty looking bloke in the brown suit had said to her. Now I am not always right in my assumptions but little green lights were going off in my head. Something funny was going on here, I was blooming sure of it. Seeing an usher heading my way I thought I had better find out some background information on a few people. “Excuse me lad could I bend your ear for a few minutes?” asked Robert. “Of course sir, how may I be of assistance to you?” exclaimed the lad. “Well lad I was wondering if you could tell me who the dark-haired woman standing near the door and the man in the suit talking at the front counter are?” enquired Robert. “Why sir the man in the suit is Mr. George Fresco he is the lawyer of Miss Maxell Brown and the lady by the door is his secretary miss Lila La Tour,” blurted the lad in a shocked voice (probably because I didn’t know was my guess).
“Who exactly is Maxell Brown lad?” questioned Robert persuasively.
“Why sir surely you have heard of Miss Maxell Brown, she is the richest woman in the country,” exclaimed the lad scornfully. “Thanks very much lad you have been a great help,” muttered Robert unhappily. Thinking he had better keep an eye on those pair of suspicious characters he rang William’s mobile phone to see if he could come and give a hand to do some subtle detective work on the sly. “Hello William Watt here, how can I help you?” chirped William cheerfully.
“Watt old chap, Robert here could you manage to come out to the conference and do a small and sort of delicate job for me?” He asked. “ You do know how do get here don’t you?” he inquired of me anxiously.

“Why Robert my good fellow I happen to be having a wonderful time lunching on the bank of that gorgeously clean creek just outside the complex right this minute, what is that particularly delicate little job do you need doing?” asks William. “There is a man in a dark brown suit just walking out the door of the complex now, I want you to follow him and tell me everything, absolutely everything, he does and anyone he speaks to. I will be following a girl he had a rather hushed conversation with in the foyer of the complex, apparently she is his secretary” explained Robert in a quiet and impatient voice. “Not a problem Robert my good friend, consider the job done, I’ll see you back at the motel tonight for tea,” replied William.
“Thanks Old chap!” the relief was evident in his voice. Robert hung around until Lila La Tour started to leave the complex. Robert could see Lila La tour just getting into her sporty little mini, as he stepped from the door he saw the same red-head drive slowly after Lila La Tour so he made sure his scooter didn’t get too close. As there was a lot of traffic heading away from the conference, he found it easy enough to keep his wary and suspicious eye on them without arousing their suspicion. As they came to the outskirts of town they slowed down and as luck would have it they both pulled into the motel where he and William Watt were staying, he pulled into his space and realised that the red-head’s car was on one side of his scooter and Lila La Tour’s car was on the other side of him. They were both heading for the reception office so he headed that way also. Just as he stepped into the motel office he heard the name Bones. Now why should that name sound familiar to him he wondered detachedly? Of course! The redhead’s name was Bones. He thought that he should know that name, but he could not remember any criminal or friend of his or William Watt’s with the name of Bones. “Mr. Clueless may I be of assistance?” inquired the motel manager nicely.
He saw Miss Bones look at him with a strange expression on her face. He returned the look with a sweet smile. “Why yes Mr. Green you can, has there been any messages for me since we met this morning?” asked Robert with a nice smile.
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