Blog started in Jan 2005: 1st entries for Write in Every Genre. Then the REAL ME begins |
I get a thrill out of searching the internet. I would not expect that the sites and pages I get caught up in work quite the magic they do on me. I don't need to bring along a dose of Cialis for the things I locate, neither, so don't go there! Wikipedia, and its founding agency, Wiki Media, fascinates me. Perhaps the driving force is my few years as a proofreader, professionally, and my general nosiness that makes me itch to see and correct other people's stuff. I am joyous over the idea that people create articles, books, entries (of both minimal and copious size) that I can skim, pick up a few tips from, or EDIT. I may be going out on the limb just North of wacky for some, but I think the concept of Wiki heralds an era of cooperation that is a first step to a better world. The other think I seem to enjoy a little too much is searching job listings. My husband has his Computer Science degree now, and I like imagining him with a really great job. When I don't have a job, I like searching. When I do have a job, I've also been known to search. Indeed is a job site search engine that's addictive. I feel like there's so many jobs. It's like being on writers sites and being blown away by all the writers. People will tell you that "it's bad job market" or that you can't "make it" as a writer, but people love to declare being one. |