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Studies...studies...studies....that's the only thing I had to do for almost whole of this month. Had my A level 3rd sitting exams from June 4th to June 21st. Business Studies Unit 2: Marketing and Production - On 4th June. Business Studies Unit 3: Financial Management-On 4th June. Economics Unit 5: Economic development-On 13th June. Business Studies Unit 5: Business Planning-On 19th June. Business Studies Unit 6: Corporate Strategy- On 21st June. Among these, the exams on 4th June were not so good.. None of the questions were common, in fact, the question for this June was the most twisted one, at least for Bengalis.Because, usually, Unit 2 focuses on Marketing. So, our teacher prepared a model question based on that. But all the questions were from production. Even candidates from many other places agreed that this was a tough paper. Even Unit 3 was tough. The Economics Unit 5 paper was much better than the previous ones. Hope I'll get a good grade in that. Business Studies 5 and 6 was not very hard. Whatever I wrote was right. Now the grade depends on the examiner. Eco 6 was very lengthy. Pray for me, friends. I'll have my last set of papers in January 2008. I sat for my first set in November 2006 (English language), and the second set in January 2007 (Eco1, Bus1 and Bus 4). The five papers I still have hanging on my head are: Eco 2, 3, 4 and Accounting 1 and 2. My grades so far were not so bad, but I'm not saying that I'm a star student. I still have to study, but will also write a lot too. Thank you, Vibha for this beautiful gift from the toy shop. I was planning to purchase one. I love it. This is created by kiyasama. She runs the toy shop, and the gps go for a great cause! Both are my very good friends, and I love them both. ** Image ID #1281324 Unavailable ** Please check this talented writer: nashpaty . She's just 17, and a Pakistani. I visited her port for the first time some days ago. Loved one of her articles so much, that I helped her to extend her upgrade. I'd love to help the talented people in this wonderful community. Please also visit my reconstructed sig shop. I try to keep the prices as low as possible. You can also purchase gift tickets for your friends. I like to help people in every way I can, that gives me immense pleasure. Purchase one and help me to help talented people.