Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/517830
by Smee
Rated: 18+ · Book · Fantasy · #1279340
Here it is... much of my storygame.
#517830 added June 28, 2007 at 2:59am
Restrictions: None
Norral : Aftermath
Chapter 10 : Aftermath

With a few coughs and much groaning my squad gathered in to some semblance of order. I badgered them with muttered threats, but I wasn't feeling much better myself. Mulim was first to start thinking and quickly took over the shield from me as I decided what to do.

The Elders wouldn't be happy that Karak had been killed, but the presence of an enemy mage was entirely unpredictable. If I took evidence that I'd killed the mage it might placate them, especially if I could report all witnesses killed.

"I want to confirm no one survived, in particular the mage."

"No one would survive that Sir."

I wheeled round to the unsuspecting fool, flicking a palm out as I did. He flew backwards and hit the inside wall of the shield with a crunch.

"Idiot. Do you want to go back to the Elders without being absolutely sure? Do you want to explain to them that not only did we witness the first death of a Chosen, but then failed to make sure none hear of this?"

"Maybe we shouldn't go back?"

A new voice; this time it was the fire specialist, Teron. I looked him in the eye and saw his fear but also a determination.

"You really think that is an option?" My voice was calmer; I needed to handle this right.

"We could stay here, hold the bridge." He shrugged self-consciously; a marked difference from his casual confidence during the battle.

"Well let's stamp that idea out now as well. You know as well as I, anything they might do to us for failure will be like a lovers kiss compared to what they do to traitors...deserters. Do you think they'd spare one Chosen, or rest for a single minute until every one of us was captured and sent to the Teachers?"

They all winced at the thought.

"Anyone else with a bright idea?"

I scanned their faces. All showed that they had no further arguments. With a curt gesture to Kewor we moved back through the boundary shield. Our shield fizzled out again, but I held Mulim back from recasting.

"Be ready," I warned, "but save your strength for now." He nodded in understanding and I noted him preparing the runes against his palm for near instant casting.

"I want eyes alert, even a hint of movement and you destroy it."

With no shield we spread out a little, although not too much. With simple gestures we combed the debris, rolling rock and stone out the way to uncover any potential hiding places. All we uncovered were bodies that were quickly checked for signs of life.

We passed the entrance to the bridge. Some fairly large boulders littered the causeway, but no damage seemed evident. Directly in front of us was the mountain of rubble that had been the Keep. This wasn't going to be as easy as I'd hoped.

Carefully directed, we slowly levitated the largest pieces of rubble and tossed them into the ravine to land in the river below. After an hour the toll on our powers was telling and several pieces slipped from our control and landed before the edge. In annoyance at this slow task I punched out towards a particularly offending slab of rock and it hurtled into thin air, crashing on the other side of the cliff before plummeting into the water. We'd still not found anything alive.

Once again Kewor approached me and quietly whispered his doubts.

"I think it's safe to assume they all died. We've found no one and the squad is dead on its feet."

"How do I make myself clear Kewor? I want an exhaustive search. Not a half-ass search, not a search until you're out of breath. Next time someone complains to you explain to them that they're next in the river."

Annoyingly he sighed, but nodded his understanding and moved back into place. Almost immediately there was a shout from the top of the rubble where one of my squad was directing the choice of rocks to move.

"Up here Sir, I think I've found somet'ing."

I swiftly climbed to him and looked down at his finding. It was a strange hole in the rubble, perfectly spherical. Realisation instantly dawned on me. The mage!


I scrambled back down, trying to look around as I did. A sensation in the air told me not to halt. As I hit the bottom I felt the shield as it enclosed around me and then it instantly vanished with a yelp from Mulim.

"MAGE TO THE NORTH," yelled Kewor.

Mulim reacted fast and once again the shield re-appeared around me quickly reinforced by other members of my squad.

"Do we have a visual, where is he?"

"Over there Sir, just in the edge of the trees."

As I finally found our target I was just in time to watch the small figure raise its arms and cast another shimmering force towards us. At the same time twin balls of force left two of my squadmembers palms in retaliation. The shimmering force smashed into the shield but no one gave a murmur. Concentration covered every face as my squad focused.

The edge of the woodland exploded in a ball of flames as our attack hit target. The mage was lost to view. Four fireballs rose from around me and swiftly followed the path of the earlier ones. With pride I noted the precision of the strikes.


Instantly, as one, we were trotting forward, closing the distance quickly. A few minutes later we were within the burning remains of the bushes marking the beginning of the forest. Right in the middle of the carnage the mage lay unconscious in a slight circular depression. The still burning fire was nowhere near him but the impact of the spells must have been too much for his shield.

"Take him alive, we're done here." I hissed.

Instantly two members of my team gestured at the prone figure and a shimmering shield encircled him. Flanking him on either side they initiated another spell and he rose a few feet off the ground. As the rest of my squad prepared to move out I suddenly realised that I needed some to remain behind and hold the place until reinforcements could be sent to hold it permanently.

Who could I trust? How many should stay? Should any of us stay? The questions flew through my tired mind.

© Copyright 2007 Smee (UN: smeedyer at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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