Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/517832
by Smee
Rated: 18+ · Book · Fantasy · #1279340
Here it is... much of my storygame.
#517832 added June 28, 2007 at 3:19am
Restrictions: None
Trengin : A lost mind
Chapter 11 : A lost mind.

Srune caught Trengin as he fell, more from reflex than any intention. Soldiers were milling around on the edge of the woodland, looking back at the mages with a mixture of confusion and awe.

Srune managed to catch Roah's attention.

"Trengin's out again," he whispered.

"What do we do?"

"Let me think for a moment."

Srune didn't get time to think before one of the soldiers, a lieutenant by the insignia, bravely approached the trio.

"Erm...Sir, your orders?"

Srune met his gaze and spoke without pause.

"Pick out a half dozen of your best trackers and follow those Sempa. Understand what I'm saying when I say BEST trackers - anything less and they'll just end up dead."

The soldier nodded, although a question clear on his lips.

"What is it Lieutenant?"

"Sir, are you not going after them yourself?"

"I would soldier, but as you can see one of us is unconscious, leaving the odds one-on-one. Plus it's more important to me to get this caravan and everyone with it safely to Etonreh as soon as possible. We can't afford the delay."

The lieutenant saluted smartly and marched off, gathering men around him almost as effectively as the Captain earlier.

Srune turned to Roah and looked down at Trengin.

"We need to get him somewhere more comfortable and looked over. If it's like last time then he should be around again in a few minutes, but it's not worth the risk."

-- ~ --

The darkness seems to float by. Images flitter into view but are gone before recognition can begin. I am soaring through nothingness at incredible speed or am I unmoving as everything passes me by?

I am one of many, or am I many as one? So many images, too confusing.

The darkness changes. A shade of black that seems red. I and many are angry, so very angry. Damn complacent fools. Four of the Chosen dead! Who did this to us? How did this happen?

The answer is there, I know the answer but don't know.

Where am I? Who am I?

-- ~ --

"I'm sorry but I don't know what else to try! His body appears to be doing nothing more than sleeping, but it's almost like his mind isn't there."

Srune sighed in frustration. He was gathered around the prone form of Trengin along with Roah, the Captain, and the field healer.

"He was seeking out the remaining Sempa when he blacked out, and it happened before when we were travelling to join you. If his mind is trapped outside his body, then doing anything could be worse."

"Can either of you, erm.. I mean," the Captain stumbled over the unfamiliar concepts. "That is I mean, can't either of you 'seek' out his mind and guide him back?"

Srune looked thoughtful for a few seconds, but it was Roah that replied.

"Good thoughts Captain, and if either of us could Seek or knew anything about it I'd give it ago, but as far as I know, no one else but Trengin knows how to do it. Something he discovered himself."

Srune moved to Trengin's side and placed a hand on his forehead.

"On the way here he was seeking every hour or so and I watched him. I don't think I could do it, but..."

Srune closed his eyes and concentrated.

-- ~ --

A man is stood before me. One of the Sempa. He's talking...no he's reporting. I'm his master, he's mine to control. His mission is a success. A prisoner brought forward. Faces I recognise but I don't know who?

My attention is drawn by a faint light far away. Many of us turn to this but I tell them not to worry. I will investigate. Many go away and question the prisoner instead.

The light is nearer now. Am I moving closer or is it? Just a bit further and I'll know, just a bit further and I'll find out. It's hard to move now, the darkness is thick and clawing at me.

A name is coming from the light, something I should recognise but I can't remember. I long for it.

The light envelops me.

-- ~ --

I opened my eyes with palpable relief. Faces come into focus; Srune, Roah, the Captain.

"W...what?" I croaked.


Roah's voice hammered through my mind and I closed my eyes against the sound. The flowing darkness seemed to reach up for me and with a gasp I snapped them open again immediately.

"Hello?" I managed weakly. Srune looked very tired but he smiled as I tried to collect my thoughts. I managed a little more strength.

"What happened?"

Before anyone could answer my mind managed to grasp the final minutes of memory I had before passing out. We'd won, the Sempa were retreating. Needed to chase them, where are they?.

"I was seeking again, passed out didn't I? How long was I out?"

Roah swallowed what he was about to say and nodded instead.

"It's approaching midnight, you've been unconscious for half a day!"

-- ~ --

For the next hour we went over and over the event trying to work out what happened.

I discovered that the white glow was something to do with what Srune had done - a fascinating addition to my knowledge of this new area. Somehow he'd drawn my interest like a moth to a flame, although he told me that he never got any impression it was working until my eyes had opened.

This information woke other memories of the darkness. I remembered seeing images although no details. I speculated that my mind was lost, wandering around after whatever happened to me. I doubted I would have found my body again if it hadn't been for Srune.

He detailed what he'd done, opening himself as he'd seen me do earlier and calling my name in his mind over and over. I immediately remembered hearing a voice saying something, but that hadn't been enough. The words had been meaningless. It was the light that had been compelling enough to make me strive to reach it. Srune didn't know what the glow was, so I was once again forced to speculate. Using my own body as a conduit to call out to me was the best conclusion I could draw. In the end we decided to study the matter at length once we reached Etonreh again.

By the time the conversation was over I was feeling much better again. I'd even dared close my eyes and was much relieved to discover no trace of the clawing darkness. With a little assistance from Srune I made it to my feet and out the tent, the Captain and Roah just behind.

Despite the hour a large group of soldiers were gathered around and at sight of us let out a huge cheer. The Captain immediately stepped to join his men and his own cheer rose up with their voices. As it faded away the Captain spoke.

"My men have just shown our huge appreciation for your most timely intervention, but let me more formally add that we are without words to describe what this means for the future. Suddenly a light appears at the end of a very long tunnel, one that has been dark for too long. However, there are plenty of politicians who are much better than me at the fancy speeches. Know simply that you have our thanks, and my trust."

I was dumbstruck, as were Roah and Srune. As usual though Srune was quick off the mark and stood forward to respond. Without his support I wobbled briefly, but kept my feet as his voice rose so the gathered could hear.

"Captain, our thanks go to you and your men too. Their efficient and skilful work made our job much easier and their courage was inspirational. It was a pleasure to finally stand up and make a difference with such honourable company. It is our hope that this is but the first step of a renewed co-operation between soldier and mage against this common enemy."

More cheering started, and as it carried across the clearing other soldiers were woken up and quickly informed by those near to them what was going on.

"We still have a job to do though," the Captain shouted over the din with his usual authority. "This caravan won't see itself to Etonreh. They'll be chance enough for celebrations then. We move on at first light."

As if it a commandment from the gods the soldiers moved off to sleep or guard duty. I turned to the others with the intention of moving off to our camp if it was still in tact but the Captain called out to us.

"I meant what I said you know."

I turned back to him.

"You have my trust. How'd you like an introduction to my caravan leader!"

"You mean...?" I'd spoken before I'd even finished framing the thought.

"That's right," he replied grinning. "It's a week until we make it back to Etonreh, don't want you guys twiddling your thumbs. Follow me."

As we walked Roah nudged me gently in the ribs, a schoolboy grin on his face. I couldn't help but mimic; his enthusiasm for the ancient works a mirror of my own. {c}
© Copyright 2007 Smee (UN: smeedyer at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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