Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/517833
by Smee
Rated: 18+ · Book · Fantasy · #1279340
Here it is... much of my storygame.
#517833 added June 28, 2007 at 4:05am
Restrictions: None
Norral : Captive in tow
Chapter 12 : Captive in tow

"Kewor, I want you to stay here and hold until a resident Squad comes to relieve you. Mulim, Shannon and Harop will join you."

"Yes Sir." My second showed no signs of pleasure or displeasure at the extended mission. Maybe he didn't fancy trying to get the prisoner back any more than I did. It was a vital development though, one I had to report to the Elders personally if I wanted to keep hold of my promotion.

The three others who would stay with him moved away from the group and followed Kewor back through the bridge shield.

"Alright, it's a two day journey back with stops for sleep. I want to be back in one day. No rest, no complaining, no excuses."

I looked for signs of complaint but they were all stone-faced.

"As for him," I growled, pointing at the captive. "I want him in agony for the entire journey, and ready for spilling all he knows by the time he's hauled in front of the Elders. Do you two have a good hold on him?"

"Yes Sir."

I stared at the levitated form. It was time to wake sleeping beauty but first I had to try something.

"I want all of your to turn away until I say, but maintain your hold on that shield."

With some muttering and confusion they obeyed and looked away. It wouldn't do to see what I was about to try. As far as I know no one alive knows how to do it, but it also wouldn't do for them to start experimenting.

With one last check at my team I closed my eyes and performed the same gestures I had to absorb the remaining power in Karak's body. Never had I dared to try it on a mage that was alive for fear of retribution, but here was the perfect opportunity.

I felt the rune shape itself around his body, coiling tighter around the rigid form. Already this was unusual; a dead body puts up no resistence. Suddenly the coil reached his head and it vanished in through his mouth, nose and ears. I was in.

Instantly his power coursed through me, almost as intoxicating as when I'd been the node for the doomcloud spell. Almost at the same time it was wrenched back by something. I forced the spell in deeper and felt the connection reconnect. I drew the power as fast as I could, willing my mind to absorb it. Again the link was severed. The mage's mind was fighting back. Without warning the spell collapsed around me and I was thrown backwards.

A coughing fit from the prisoner brought my awareness back just seconds later, and also announced his own return to consciousness. Despite the difficulties I could feel the success of my attempt coursing through me. I'd done it. Stolen power from a live source. Involuntarily I shivered at the possibilities.

My team were still facing away from the captive, but as such were all staring at me on the floor. Ignoring their questioning faces I stood back up and performed a more rudimentary spell. A delicious scream accompanied by the distinct popping sound confirmed the slow breaking of each of his fingers. One by one they bent back of their own accord until the bone gave way under the magical onslaught. Each one brought a renewed scream that caused me to shiver again.

"OK you can turn round again. Teron, maybe you could make his feet uncomfortable, and if someone could dislocate his shoulders?"

Suddenly my squad were all grins. Teron instantly obliged and even I winced as the ends of his feet suddenly ignited. The flames travelled quickly along the length and vanished almost as suddenly leaving excrutiating scorched remains from toe to heel. Before the screams were anywhere near complete his arms were suddenly wrenched backwards and twisted bringing a pitch of scream I hadn't heard since one time when passing the Teachers tents.

Unable to withstand the pain anymore the mage passed out.

"Let's get moving."


We made swift progress. Whenever the mage came round his position was merely changed to allow either his fingers or feet to drag painfully across the rough terrain until he passed out again. Once he managed to hold back the screams long enough to mutter and curse at us but a flick of the wrist from Macus broke his nose and he didn't say another word.

It was getting harder though. We still maintained the inverse shield around him, and that was draining us. Each of my team had already taken a turn at holding it, and we still had a half dozen leagues to go. Without rest their powers were barely recharging at all before it became their turn again. In the end I had to take drastic measures. All eight of us linked together lessening the load on each of us significantly, but meaning no reprieve would be gained until we made it back. With just a few miles to go I was holding it almost by myself as my squad could do little more than keep up although they all managed to put what they had left into it. The strain was telling on me as well, despite my two power boosts.

"AGGGHHHHH." The scream rent the air as our captive came awake yet again. Wearily I manipulated his position to drag both fingers and feet along the floor but my concentration slipped and he just fell to the floor. He nose hit first causing a spray of blood to hit the shield. He didn't scream though. The silence alerted me to the change as loudly as if he'd screamed it out. Once again though I had no time to warn my squad. A fraction of a second later the spray of blood was followed by everything the mage had. It was magic in it's rawest form, with no direction or control. Suicide was the clear and only intention.

The inverse shield was a truly impressive structure. It attracted magic like iron to a lodestone. As soon as he released his attack the shield sucked it away from his body like a sponge. The force of it slammed through my squad and I, throwing us to the floor and draining the last from all but me. My eyes watered and my head span as I tried to hold the shield. The pain became too much for our captive and mercifully he passed out again. All around me my squad were crying out and clutching their heads. A mage draining himself on his own usually manages to avoid the pain, but when it is forced out of you suddenly after such an exhausting time the risk becomes much greater. With horror I realised each of them teetered on a knife-edge. If they fell off one way then they'd become an Enflikar; fall the other way and the spark of magic would be burnt out of them. Staying conscious despite the pain was all they could do and they all knew that.

I watched their personal battles in sick fascination. Ordinarily the quantity of screams would have filled me with delight, but a desperate plea seemed to ring out behind each one and I was sickened.

The only warning I had for what happened next was the sudden relief of pressure from maintaining the shield.

"What in the Seven Hells is all this screaming. "

"It's a squad. Look that's Teron, and Macus. What's the matter with them all?"

"Beats me, but it's getting on my nerves. And who's in the bubble? That's no Chosen."

I managed to climb to my feet and stare at the arrivals. I instantly recognised them from my old squad and raised my voice above the din to greet them.

"Hinro, Stuni. Thank the Elders, you arrived just in time."

"Well slap me around, if it ain't old Norral. What happened to the rest of your squad, and why are the rest of them screaming."

"No time Hinro, they're just drained and exhausted. Have you got a good hold of that shield, the hellspawn inside just tried to take himself out, and damn near took my squad with him."

Hinro looked worried for a second, and turned to his companion. Stuni immediately completed the complicated gestures and cast the rune. Hinro's face visibly relaxed although the persistant screaming still prevented his complete ease.

"Where are the rest of your squad?" Stuni's deep, slow voice belied his nature, masking a quick mind and a cunning mage.

"Back at Grenton Bridge waiting reinforcements to be sent. I need to report to the Elders at once."

Stuni nodded in understanding and then pointed at the captive.

"How we moving him?"

I grimaced in annoyance.

"We've levitated him this far, but he's shown he isn't deserving of such niceties. Drag him back like the sack of bones he is. Make sure you don't miss any rocks."

Stuni grinned and his hands moved in a blur and then without watching just turned around and walked off, Hinro close behind. Both the captive's arms rose into the air as if someone was holding them. His screams rose anew as his dislocated shoulders yanked at his body and dragged him after the two Chosen.

"Oi, hold up," I yelled after them. They paused and turned back to me. I pointed at my squad. "I can't just leave them." I then pointed at my captive. "And I'm not letting him out my sight."

I ran up to them, hands already performing the gestures I'd hoped to never use again after the last two days. I cast it out, taking my share of the shield again. My knees buckled but I kept my feet.

"You," I said pointing at Hinro. "Stay behind and watch them. I don't want any of them becoming Emflikar. I'll send a squad to help them to the healers as soon as I can."

He spluttered, and looked on the verge of laughing. A quick look to my eyes and he immediately realised two things. I wasn't joking, and I was his superior now.

"Yes Chosen," he answered formally and retreated back to my screaming squad.


Stuni had a good, stable hold on the shield; combined with the added pain of transportation via dragging, the mage wasn't any trouble for the rest of the journey. In a little over half an hour we were walking through the fringes of the encampment, being greeted and fetching stares from any who saw us.

We ignored them all, and marched straight through the camp to the secure cells. To our surprise there was already a crowd outside, and the Cell Guardian was a large figure moving through them, stopping to frown at a scroll.

I spotted someone I knew and called him over.

"Hey Gororo, what's the fuss?"

"Elders have sent Darak and Bruos to the Cells before going to the Teachers."

"DARAK." The shock made me gape.

"Yep, got four of his squad killed going after some caravan."

"He just took out Frenquath, how'd he lose Chosen against a caravan?"

"Claims they had mages, took 'em by surprise. Elders ain't happy."

I bolt of nerves jumped in my stomach.

"I've got to go report now, boy am I glad I've got him."

"You caught one! Wow he's in bad shape. What'd he do to piss you off?"

"Breathed," I replied tightly and made my excuses.

Once a little distance away I stopped and turned to Stuni.

"Can you get him put in a cell? I'm going to see the Elders straight away. If the mages are getting involved in more than one place they are going to want to know about him immediately."

He nodded once and I moved off, speaking to no one, seeing little.

Four dead mages! I hadn't doubted the truth for a second. I knew Darak wouldn't have been taken by surprise lightly and that meant more mages were fighting back. Were they connected? Organised? Questions for the Elders but they came quickly to mind. Before I knew it I was infront of their enclave. The guard eyed me but didn't move as I walked by. Out of sight I took a moment to compose myself. I was exhausted, excited and nervous and it wasn't a good combination. With a final deep breath I strode in.
© Copyright 2007 Smee (UN: smeedyer at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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