Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/517837
by Smee
Rated: 18+ · Book · Fantasy · #1279340
Here it is... much of my storygame.
#517837 added June 28, 2007 at 5:10am
Restrictions: None
Norral : The Chosen
Chapter 14 a : The Chosen

All thirteen of the Elders were arrayed in front of me; the Leader in the middle with six Elders to either side of him. They looked like an Eraser squad and that was no coincidence. They were the first ever Eraser squad, the very first Chosen.


Not much is known of the Leader's youth, but some have dared the occassional question and a piece-meal history has been slowly gathered. Sick of political restrictions, and laws governing the use of magic, the Leader had become what men called a Sempa: a magic lawbreaker.

This wasn't such a big deal, Sempa weren't uncommon and they concerned the average man no more than other criminals. It was the nature of Sempa not to trust anyone, believing the whole world against them for their gift. As such they rarely caused much trouble before someone stuck an arrow or pike through them as they slept or as they staggered about drunk on alcohol & magic. If they met other Sempa they were distrustful and wary. Usually the encounter, however brief, would leave only one of them walking away. Many became Emflikar, little more than incoherent beggars on the street.

The Leader was different. As a young mage he had become disillusioned, as we all had, with the laws from the capital, Sosulv. He rebelled, causing several fires during robberies in his home village. Arson was one of the highest laws in the Great Forest of the North, such was the populations love for the trees. His control was minimal though, and despite his powers he was run out by the locals.

Wandering the countryside he stole from travellers and existed almost in isolation for a number of years as he slowly learnt to control his magic better. As he turned twenty he found a desire to return to civilisation and by coincidence was close to Sosulv, the Capital. He entered the strange clearing in the forest that held the huge city and stared in awe. The village-boy spent many weeks just looking around, only using his powers secretly to get food when he needed it.

Bit by bit he became accustomed to the place. He learnt the alleys, and sidestreets; he knew the roads and avenues. It wasn't long before he dared attempts at larger crimes. Slowly he acquired wealth and aquaintences that knew him by reputation and soon enough he encountered his first Sempa in the city.

He'd been ruthless with them during his wanderings outside the city, but now he changed his tact. He befriended the mage, using his wealth and wits to gain a trust. This Sempa was far more adept with runes than the Leader was, but not nearly as powerful. The Leader slowly manipulated him into teaching all he knew before killing him. He did this for a number of years with numerous Sempa as well as some law-abiding mages he managed to charm. By the time he reached thirty he was considered a master in a number of arts.

He left the Capital and went travelling, his thirst for knowledge only awakened by what he'd learnt during his decade there. Anywhere and everywhere he could gain access, either through charm or covert force, he did and absorbed what rune knowledge he could before moving on. That all changed though once he found the Sollone Library. He'd travelled almost as far as the Deadzone, that rings the middle of this world, to reach it.

The Sollone Library was one of the biggest of all time. A huge marble structure set into the side of a mountain. It had a large collection of rune-based works, including the only known books containing instruction from Alchien!

Such a powerful mage of antiquity was a large draw to the Leader and the extreme journey to get there didn't put him off. The curator of that time was a powerful mage known as Retonan. In his mid-thirties he was surprisingly young to have risen to his position and it spoke volumes of his talent, not only as a mage, but also a scholar.

The Leader charmed Retonan as he had so many mages before, talking at length of his travels and discoveries much to the delight of the young curator. Retonan responded in kind, displaying vast knowledge of the library's contents and passing on needed knowledge of the Deadzone. Their conversations lasted hours. The Leader spent over a year studying at the library, becoming fast friends with Retonan, and refining many of his skills. Between them they advanced the field of magic; discovering several new rune combination techniques and also the complex shield (or 'bubble' as it is nicknamed) I'd used to bring the captive back. They even ventured through the Deadzone, relying on each other's considerable talents to survive the bitter cold.*

Something in Retonan connected with the Leader because when he decided to move on he didn't kill as he had before, but merely left with goodbyes and promises to stay in touch.

After his time in Sollone the Leader returned to Sosulv as fast as he could. A fire burned in his heart, and a plan formed in his mind. Once he'd arrived back in the Capital he'd wasted little time investing the savings he'd left behind in a large building which he quickly established as a school for magical learning. Being the first of its kind in living memory local mages flocked to it, keen to learn faster than their own experiments could ever teach them. Many were turned away, lacking the tuition fees the Leader demanded, but some few paid up and joined.

Older, more experienced, mages soon heard of it as well and after testing them the Leader gave them jobs conducting research. In just a couple of years the magical progression was astounding and much that was lost from Alchien's time was rediscovered as well as new skills never mentioned in Alchien's few books. Despite their successes the Capital wasn't happy with the School. Research into the Leader's background had revealed his Sempa history and the rulers of Sosulv were suspicious of his 'school'. His secrecy, and flat refusal for admission to any non-mage only made them more suspicious. They made life difficult for the Leader, passing laws that allowed raids by the guards and even some short-term imprisonment when they accused him of theft of a magic artifact they discovered.

Then one night, the Leader, and eleven of the best mages in the school, vanished. The money disappeared too, and soon after (with the city's insistence) the school closed; the remaining mages left bewildered at the strange event.

Far away in Sollone, Retonan received his first message from the Leader since he left years before promising to keep in touch. He asked that Retonan meet him in a remote location for a proposal. Intrigued, and also missing his friend, Retonan arranged to leave immediately. It took him a month of travelling, but he made it to the small village to find the Leader there with eleven other mages all sat in a semi-circle as if awaiting his arrival.

The Leader explained the proposal and explained why their actions were necessary. Magic was a divine gift, and man shouldn't stand in the way of those special few, those Chosen, that have command of the gift. Man needed to realise that mages weren't puppets for their strings, nor jesters for their amusement. A mage's rightful place was to rule.

Along with the eleven around him, the Leader knew that Retonan thought alike, having carefully selected and moulded him during their time together. Retonan's dark eyes gleamed as the thoughts of power rushed through him. The eleven stood up with smiles and matching gleams as they welcomed him.

The first Eraser group was born.


I pulled out of my reverie realising that one of the Elders had spoken. I looked to the speaker, sat directly to the Leaders left. His dark eyes weren't as piercing but they still rocked me slightly on my feet, exhaustion still very present in my head. With a strain I managed to recall what Retonan, the old curator, had said.

"We are glad to see you return, Squadleader Norral, and hope to hear much better news from you than your old squadleader. Report."

I nodded my head slightly and began, just managing to hide a wince at what would happen to Darak.

"Grenton Bridge is captured Sir. My second, Kewor, holds it now, along with three more of my squad."

"Excellent," he began, but the Leader cut over the top, eyes burning into me again. "Casualties?"

"A..er..one Sir. Captain Hunt had an unknown mage in the Keep. Took us by surprise. Also Kewor suffered an arrow injury."

I mentally slapped myself for stammering. The Elders said nothing and the silence grated on me.

"But I captured the mage and have brought him back. He's in the cells."

"Did anyone witness these casualties?" The leader persisted. I suddenly felt more confident, realising I'd done the right thing.

"None left alive now Sir, save for the captive."

"Can you explain why you left so few Chosen to hold the bridge?"

"Yes sir. I needed the rest of my team to bring the mage back. We were all pretty drained after the battle, and it took every one of us to maintain the bubble until we got back."

I mentioned the bubble specifically to appeal to the Leader. As its inventor he would be well aware of the complexities and power demands for maintaining it during the march. It seemed to work as he slowly nodded, but his eyes were suddenly glazed as if looking far away, and then they closed briefly.

The action tickled a memory, a memory from long ago...


"Just keep watch would you," the voice cried out impatiently.

I was nervous, looking around urgently. "I am doing," I whined in reply. "But hurry up. Drew will notice one of his pets missing soon."

I watched the glazed, far-off look with agitation, a rune ready on my palm if necessary.


With a gasp I recognised it. The Leader was spirit-travelling. I'd only known one other mage capable of that!

His eyes suddenly snapped open, cutting off further thought.

"We must question this captive immediately. Have him brought here now."

"Yes Sir."

I retreated out the room and found a Chosen wandering down the hall idly.

"You, bring the captive mage quickly."

He turned with a sneer that vanished when he recognised me, nodded and stalked off. I returned to the chamber and was surprised to find all the Elders now had their eyes closed. Could they all do it? The door closed behind me clearly announcing my presence yet they didn't move, their eyes remained closed.

Gently moving just one finger of my hand I slowly traced out the delicate rune of my own discovery that would reveal some of what the Elders did. As softly as I could I released the spell and watched it travel around the room, barely touching their heads. The spell altered my vision and I stared at the Elders. A pale green cord seemed to float over the top of them, thin tendrils hanging down to connect to each one. A much thicker one connected the Leader's head to the main trunk. The shock almost made me gasp aloud, but I managed to clamp my mouth shut. We could share power in a manner, when completing spells like the Doom Cloud, but this was more intricate by far. It seemed like they were all connected mind-to-mind in a...

Before I could consider more detail the Leader's eye popped open, and the rest of the Elders followed suit. My spell collapsed with my surprise, and I stood straighter hoping they hadn't noticed my spying.

"We see the mage you brought back."

Ah so that's what they were doing. Spirit travelling to watch the mage being brought. With a wince I couldn't control I suddenly thought of the implications. They could, and probably were, always watching without us ever knowing. All those times I'd wondered how they knew everything so quickly. What was their range? I struggled to control my thoughts as the Leader went on.

"He is in great pain, but very much alive. You have done well to bring him back." The Leader suddenly smiled, causing even me to shudder at its malevolence. "And in such a malleable condition too," he added.

"He killed a Chosen. He didn't deserve a quick death." I replied with a smile almost as good as the Leader's. He nodded his agreement and a flash of courage kept my tongue speaking.

"I'd ask that if he survives the Teacher's...tuition, and he outlives his usefulness, that I be given the chance to end his life personally."

The Leaders grin widened. "I shall see the Teachers keep him alive for that very reason. Such restrictions rarely causes them any problems and it is a reward you deserve."

I bowed my head briefly.

"Thank-you Leader."

His eye's flickered closed for the briefest of seconds and then he looked to the door behind me.

"Ah, and here he is now."

The door opened as if he'd spelled it to, and in walked three Chosen. Close behind them floated the mage, safely contained in a bubble. At some unseen gesture he drifted through the door and into the middle of the room in front of the Elders. One of the Chosen flicked a hand and the bubble rotated until the mage was positioned upright, facing the Leader.

{size=1}*Many have asked questions about the otherside of the deadzone, but the Leader has never answered to this day.


Chapter 14b : Options

The Leader glanced at the three guarding Sempa, and with some satisfaction I saw that they flinched under his gaze.

"Release him and leave," he ordered.

They looked agitated for a moment, torn between obeying the Leader and leaving a mage unguarded in his presence. Their heads bowed in obedience, the bubble dissolved and they walked out.

The mage collapsed to the floor as if a puppet with cut strings. Retonan gestured quickly and the prone figure was dragged upright and his eyes came to rest on the Leader.

"What's your name Shokun?"

"no..nothing...I'll tell you nothing ..you s...scum."

The voice was weak but harsh, as if he were old enough for white in his hair. Yet it held a power of defiance still.

Anger flashed through me and before I can hold back I lashed out with a spell. The mage cried out and crumpled to the floor again. Retonan gaze flicked to me with annoyance but the Leader's eyes never wavered from the captive as if he were already reading everything he wanted to know directly from his flesh.

"He is still strong, even with his injuries. It seems a time with the Teachers must come first before we will get anything of use. Let them work on his mind for a time."

The Leader's voice was quiet, almost as if talking to himself, but it seemed to carry around the room and I didn't doubt the captive heard every word. I moved to the door and opened it slightly. Wathe, a Chosen I recognised, was stood to the side of the door. A nod quickly sent him off and he returned with the three guards. A bubble swiftly enclosed the captive once more and without a word he drifted out along with the guards. As Wathe turned to follow them out, his eyes caught my own. I mouthed the word 'Teachers' and he nodded swiftly and left.

Not sure whether I was dismissed or not, I closed the door and turned around again, facing them as patiently as I could with lead eyelids. Damn I was tired.

"You did well with your first assignment Eraser Squadleader Norral."

My head swung to the speaker, an Elder several to the right of the Leader. Mosuren was a sour-faced man with a perpetual sneer, but despite appearances often spoke as if he were relaxing on a picnic in some woodland clearing, his voice light and friendly. Fair hair covered his head and fell to his shoulders completing the look of an arrogant Lordling. Indeed he was, or had been before meeting the Leader. His father had the money required to pay for his son's magical education during the first days of the school and Mosuren had been an apt student for anything the Leader would teach him.

"Thank you Elder," I replied cautiously. Despite my success capturing the mage I had still lost a Chosen and brought the rest of my Squad back in not much better condition.

"The war changes and shifts into a new realm. If this is in anyway a co-ordinated retaliation from the Shokun then we need to change too, otherwise the balance will shift from our favour."

Even with his light relaxed voice he managed to drip venom when speaking of Shokun; an ancient word, loosely meaning 'Unenlightened', that had been adopted for mages not of the Chosen. I shifted my gaze for a second and saw that the Leader was watching me much the way he'd been watching the captive on the floor. Did they want some sort of plan from me? Thankfully Mosuren continued.

"Your successful efforts to capture one of the Shokun means that we will once again give you a choice as to your next assignment. Listen carefully and decide which one your talents will be best suited to work on. Impress us again and you will be richly rewarded."

The almost musical voice stopped abruptly, to be replaced by the raw power of the Leader's.

"You know of the death of four Chosen under the command of your old squadleader. Someone needs to track down the mages responsible and deal with them."

Retonan spoke up next.

"With Chosen being killed and some Shokun joining the war we need to recruit more Chosen. Someone needs to seek out those who recognise our cause and bring them in for training.

Without a pause Mosuren continued once again.

"Some artefacts were left safely hidden in Sosulv when we left. Someone needs to travel there and recover them."

Silence cut through the room and I felt all their eyes on me. Although I got a choice it seemed they weren't about to change their habit of providing little information to choose on. I quickly thought through them, my mind buzzing from idea to idea despite my exhaustion.

Tracking down those responsible for Darak's time with the Teachers would be a pleasure. I owed that much to Darak without my own desire to see them scream and answer to the Leader. Rumours of the battle for the caravan with trees moving, and eyes watching from the air, tugged at old memories that I couldn't hold on to.

Go find other potential Chosen. High honour indeed that they trusted me with the first encounters that are so important in cementing our hold on someone new. An old idea about Emflikars flashed through my head along with memories of my recent power-drawing experiments. There were certainly interesting possibilities on that path.

So the Leader left artefacts behind in Sosulv! My first time in the Capital would certainly be an experience, and I felt my curiosity twitch at the thought of what the Leader might have thought valuable enough to hide behind. Weapons of some sort perhaps, and if I fetched them then surely I'd be offered the use of them.

They sat expectantly awaiting an answer.
© Copyright 2007 Smee (UN: smeedyer at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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