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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/517915-A-Long-Time-Ago
Rated: 18+ · Book · Family · #1216860
The comments and opinions of me, J_Bryon.
#517915 added June 28, 2007 at 2:20pm
Restrictions: None
A Long Time Ago....
So, it's been a while since I last posted to my blog. The main reason behind me not adding to my blog is I only have time to do this from work. I know it sounds weird but just believe me, there are perks to working where I work and not having ANYONE of authority looking over my shoulder. Anyway, my work computer was having problems with Internet Explorer suddenly shutting down without warning. So, here I would be typing away here at writing.com or any other place and then *POOF*! All my work would be gone. It happened to me so often I said, "To Hell With It!". So, I just stopped doing anything important online until yesterday when I finally called my IT people and told them the problem. Of course I didn't tell them any specifics other than I couldn't start IE at all. Which was the truth. So, long story short, they fixed it!

What was the cause of the problem you ask? Um, spyware and adware. Yup, it was probably my own fault, but they don't and won't need to know that!

How has my home life been since I last wrote. Well, let me think for a moment....I guess it depends on who you ask. My wife would say nothing has changed, which is probably the overall truth. As of late we have been having sex a little more often. The last time was Tuesday night. It's becoming a little more work as the growing baby is taking more and more of the space of her lower abdomen. That normally wouldn't be an issue as she would just go on top except she hurt her ankle a few weeks ago and hasn't been able to walk normally. She's been to the doctor a couple times for it and the keep saying to don't over do it and they have given her two different braces to wear. She's not getting better quickly enough but we're getting by. She just can't be on top until then which really sucks as having her on top is my favorite position to have sex.

She also has been having some significant problems with her gall bladder. She hasn't had a normal gall bladder for years. No a major problem but more of an "inconvenience". We have always just had to buy low fat meats for her. Well, a couple weeks ago she had really bad pains in her stomach and was sick every morning. Normally she would not worry about it and just chalk it up to Morning Sickness from being pregnant. But these occurrences had been harsher, more frequent and they'd last all day. Turn out my wife has gall stones and her gall bladder, in so many words, is shot. So, she was given a couple options on what to do. One would be to have it taken out now with a slight risk of losing the baby in the process. We vetoed that option. The second option is to regulate her fat intake very, very closely and control her gall bladder problem with diet. Really it was an easy choice as she has been doing that for years now, except now we have to do more closely. Basically, she has to limit her total fat intake to 45 grams a day. If you know anything about the amounts of fat in the food we all eat 45 grams is not a lot at all.
If you don't believe me take a look at the packaging your food comes in. Take a look at the fat content per 1 serving and then take a look at how much a serving a this food actually is. We have discovered with most foods a serving isn't very much at all. We got a book that shows the fat, carbohydrates, and calories of most foods people can buy and for nearly all of fast food and "sit-down" type restaurants. (I don't have the book here but I'll get the name and add it later.) This book is incredible and, well, it really makes you think about what you eat and how much you eat each day. It's actually almost scary.

Money. We don't have any extra. Our mortgage (which includes escrow for taxes and insurance) went up nearly $100 a month and will remain there until early next year. It leaves very little left over. SUCKS! It's a good thing I like to use Vaseline for my masturbatory practices as it also makes the ass raping each month a little easier to take! lol

Well, I need to get back to work.

I'll try to get back to updating this blog more often.

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