Online journal capturing the moment and the memory of moments. A meadow meditation. |
THOUGHTS: Paris Hilton got shafted. They should've given her a contract for making d.u.i.s sexier and more relevant to the general public. She's a poster child for a transformed heart. After-all she spent 23 difficult days in the hoosegow. That's 23 more than Scooter Libby will suffer for having exposed a government operative to possible death because his wife opposed the questionable invasion of a sovereign nation in a pre-emptive strike that has now been proven unfounded. Piss off President Cheney and you may be targeted to die; kiss his ass and his buddy Bush will "pardon" you. Gosh darn ... mabbe the almighty powers that rule us can award me the Nobel Prize for the following poem that has nothing to do with the above tirade: Old regrets This is the place that no one speaks of, a forgotten island, group of old homes that cling to unforgiving shore. No one comes here that chooses to stay; those who leave do not return and never speak its name. The paved road that passed it by births potholes and the telephone lines lean with the wind. No birds of kindness seek refuge there. There is no view of there from here. No way to find this tea-stain on the map. What died here died here long ago. Who eeks out life there's but a ghost. Pass on. Pass on. Forget them then as time forgets itself. This is the place that no one speaks of. This is the shore of old regrets. © Kåre Enga [164.128] 07-07-01 IMAGES AMOK: Rabbit crouched on a stump, still, one with the old tree's rings. It hopes that Death has had his supper, or wanting change has begged off hassenpfeffer. A recipe: 21,685 |