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Rated: E · Book · Romance/Love · #1286369
Ace is a normal teen, except for the fact she's part vampire and angel!
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#519196 added July 6, 2007 at 12:58pm
Restrictions: None
Chp. 1: New School, New Friends, New Problems
It was the first day of school at South Pacific. The school was for grades 9-12 and was huge, it was made from stone and pretty much was a castle, like one you would find in a book. It was about 63 stories high and had a flysball Stadium, swimming pool, dance studio, movie theater, and a lot more.
You might want to know what flysball is. Well, it’s basically football, but flying on brooms instead of running. It also is a lot harder because if you get closelined100 ft. in the air it kind of hurts.
Anyway. This story is about Ashley Ciara Eagleson, aka, ACE, Ash, and Eagleson. She’s 5’5”, icy blue eyes, blonde hair which was a little past her shoulders. She had tan skin and had an athletic body figure. Personality wise she was nice, to most people, but if you make her mad I suggest duck and cover. She played flysball for fun and she had great style. Her style was a tomboy/punk/a little girly girl. It was her 12th year, but her first year at South Pacific. She just moved from New York to LA, California. It was different I guess you would say.
“The train is leaving in a hour,” said Lillian, Ashley’s step-mother. Ashley looked at the clock it was 9:00 a.m. They were at the train station eating at one of the restaurants. Ashley ate her breakfast quickly and gave her dog, Misty, piece of bacon. Misty was a black lab. You see you could bring any animal to South Pacific as long as it didn’t bother anyone else.
They walked right through the wall to where the California South Pacific Express was. Ashley walked down the rows trying to find an empty compartment. She finally found one for herself. She sat down on one of black leather seats in the compartment. She took her MP3 player out of her band new Gucci handbag. She was listening to “Rockstar” by Nickelback. She drifted to sleep and woke up about 2 hours later to find she wasn’t alone, 3 really hot guys were in the compartment with her.
“Sorry if we woke you,” said one of them. “It’s okay, I’m Ashley Ciara Eagleson by the way,” said Ashley. “I’m Leo Teddy Condor,” said one of the cute guys. Leo was tall, had brown hair, and brown eyes. “Hi,” said Ashley shaking hands with Leo. “I’m Mason Zachary Brown,” said the other guy. Mason was sitting in the seat across form her by Leo. Mason was shorter then Ashley was, he had black hair, and green eyes. They shock hands to. “And I’m Austin Joe Parker,” said the cute guy sitting next to her, “and if it’s not my place, please say so, but you look adorable when your sleeping.” Ashley laughed and said, “Yeah, well, I bet my hairs a mess now.” “No you look, I-I mean your hot, I mean your hair l-looks f-fine,” said Mason. They all laughed and talked for the rest of the train ride. Ashley really thought they were all hot. Austin on the other hand though was a bit annoying and really cocky; she hated that and him so she thought. I mean he was the cutest though, average height, brown eyes, blonde hair.
They all arrived at South Pacific. It was just like the picture Ashley was looking at, at the train station. When Ace walked in, a teacher showed everyone to the dining hall and it was HUGE! 2,762 kids went this year. Mr. Stern told the new students to take their seats. Ace sat next to a red headed girl, a blonde haired girl, and a black haired boy.
“Hi, I’m Ashley Ciara Eagleson,” Ace said, sticking out her hand. “I’m Brigitte Ann Jones,” said the red head. “I’m Maria Jazelle Nicholson,” said the blonde. “And I’m Zachary Scott Williams,” said the black haired boy. They all shook hands.
Then, Mr. Stern clapped his hands and 300 waiters came in with sliver plates full of food, and sat them on the table.
“Sorry to ruin your first day, but Austin is staring at you,” said Maria. Ashley turned around to look at the table behind her. Austin was staring with a huge smirk on his face. She waved at him and Brigitte, Maria, and Zac’s jaws dropped to the floor. “What?” asked Ace. “You waved at Parker, nicely,” said Zac. “Yeah he’s okay, really cocky though, I met him on the train,” said Ace, not really knowing what was so wrong with Austin. Okay so he was annoying, cocky, and got on everyone’s nerves. “Look, I know him he’s a jerk he’s only friends with people is their rich, hot, or rich. He’s a heartbreaker he turns on the charm and makes girls hate him which makes them love him. He cheats, lies, and steals. His heart is black and frozen. No girl has ever been able to melt it and no girls will, it’s not possible,” said Bri. “Hey Ace,” said Austin. Bri gave Ace the ‘he’s no good, hate him, turn him down’ look. “Maybe I don’t want to talk to you, Parker,” said Ace. “So the trio said I’m no good right, I’m a heartless loser. Well, then believe them if you want, but it’s a lie,” said Austin leaving with that smirk still on his face. “Great, now he’s gone, I hate Parker,” said Maria. “Same here,” said Bri. They all started talking about how much they hate Parker. Ace got bored with it so she headed back to the house.
On South Pacific’s campus there were 100’s of houses and about 28 people in one house. Austin, Ace, Maria, Leo, Bri, Mason, and Zac, plus others all lived in one of the houses. There were 5 floors and all 7 people were on the same floor, the 3rd one up. On the first floor there was a kitchen, living room, dining room, and a library. On the third floor there was a bathroom, a closet, and a balcony. Ashley’s room was between Leo and Mason’s rooms. She was also right across from Austin, lets just say it wasn’t the best arrangements in the history, of well, arrangements.
Ashley went into to her room and sat on her bed. Her room was plain and bare. So with a flick of her wrist her room was so awesome. Her walls were green with a black border and black bed set. A disco ball hung in the middle of her room. Just then Austin walked in without a single knock.
“Hey babe, what’s up? “ asked Austin. “What do you want? Parker?” asked Ace. “Don’t call me, Parker, like the trio does, we both know you love me,” said Austin. “I don’t love you,” said Ashley. “You know lying isn’t good for you health,” said Austin. “That’s why I’m not lying, I’m telling the truth, and showing you the door,” said Ace. “Come on, Ace don’t hate me because the trio does.” “I don’t hate you because the trio does, I hate you because your, well, your you.” “I thought that’s why you loved me.” “I don’t love you,” said Ace, pushing Austin out of the room and closed the door.
She laid on her bed and listened to her Mp3 player. About an hour later the trio walked in. “Oh my God, Parker is such a pig,” yelled Bri. “Doesn’t anyone knock?” asked Ace, “wait Parker’s a pig, no way.” “Hahaha, no I’m not kidding you should’ve heard him, he was downstairs talking about you and I don’t think I need to get into details,” said Bri. “Doesn’t surprise me he was in here about an hour ago,” said Ace. “Are you okay, did he hurt you?” asked Zac. “ No, he just tried to convince me that I loved him, you know normal stuff,” said Ace. “Normal, right! Normal to Parker is getting whatever and whoever he wants, but you turned him down so he likes you more,” said Maria. “So you either date him and he loves you or you turn him down and he loves you more. God why can’t things be simple,” said Ashley laying on her bed again. “One thing you should know about South Pacific, nothing is ever simple. Well, most things aren’t simple anyway,” said Maria. “Great!” “Okay that’s enough talk about Parker you guys want to go to a movie?” asked Bri. “Yeah anything to get away from Parker gossip,” said Ace. “Oh, but it’s so much fun making fun of him,” said Zac. They all started laughing and went to the movies.
When they got back later that night, Ace decided to go to the lake. She sat there for along time staring at the scene. It was about 3 hours until someone else came. “Oh sorry I didn’t think anyone else came out to the lake at midnight,” said an unfamiliar voice. “Oh well it was getting a little cold anyways so I’ll leave,” said Ace . “No! I mean you don’t have to here,” said the guy handing Ace his coat. “Thanks, I’m Ashley Eagleson, or you can call me Ace,” said Ashley. “Why Ace?” asked the guy. “What?” “Why do people call you Ace?” “My initials, Ashley Ciara Eagleson.” “Oh well I’m Keith Harrison and you can call me Keith.” “Okay Keith it was nice meeting you but this coat isn’t helping,” said Ace handing him his coat back. “Well, then jump into the lake,” said Keith. “Are you crazy? It’s freezing,” said Ace. Just then Keith pulled out his wand and said, “freddo ed amaro aggiunga una fiamma scaldano queste acque come dico.” “What did you just do?” asked Ace. “I turned the waters warm,” said Keith. “Are you serious?” asked Ace. “Yup,” said Keith pushing Ace into the lake. “Oh my God you are such a jerk,” said Ace laughing. Keith jumped in, “I thought we agreed to just call me Keith.” They laughed and talked , they played a few games and 2 hours past by.
The lake was abut 8ft. deep so when Ashley went under she went down pretty far and got her shoe caught on something, but it was to late to see. “Ashley, Ashley, Ashley!” screamed Keith not knowing what happened. Then he saw bubbles coming up from under the water he swam down. Ace tried to kick her shoe off, but she couldn’t, he went down, but ran out of breath. He quickly came up and went back down. He quickly untangled her shoe and brought her to the surface. She was lying there not breathing. “Come on breath!” screamed Keith. “What’s going on,” said Austin as he was walking up to the lake. He then saw Ace, lying there, still, pale, lifeless. “Oh my God, Ace, “ cried Austin, “Do something, Keith.” “Austin you know I have trouble breathing,” said Keith, “It was hard enough for me to hold my breath underwater.” Austin looked at Keith, then back at Ace. He gave her mouth to mouth. “Come on, come on,” said Austin. She was still, she didn’t move. “Get help, she’s still not breathing,” screamed Austin.
Minutes later, the nurse came out and carried her to the hospital. “Is she going to be okay?” asked Keith. “Hard to say, she’s breathing slowly if her heartbeat doesn’t beat normal in about an hour, she’s not going to make it,” said the nurse. “Can we see her?” asked Austin. “No, it’s best if you get some sleep,” said the nurse closing the door.
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