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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/522947-Not-much-time
Rated: 13+ · Book · Experience · #1188536
Ink is the strongest drug, the deepest ocean, the longest journey and the strangest love..
#522947 added July 22, 2007 at 5:29pm
Restrictions: None
Not much time...
Well, I forgot to tell you all I was going out of town Friday morning and that I would have gotten back Sunday night, but it didn't really matter, because I ended up not going anywhere. However, I was not able to get to my computer either, so I might as well have been out of town.

My mom, little sister and I were supposed to go out of town on a buisness function (my sis and I were going to stay at the hotel and go to the mall, swim, etic.), but then on Thursday, my mom passed out in the checkout like at a store. So I had to go with her to the hospital while my little sister went with a friend of ours (who happened to be in the line beside us... Thank God for that) to play with her daughter.

Now, before I go any further, I have to inform all of you that I have never been to a hospital, other than being born in one. NEVER, EVER, ZILCH, NADA at all. Okay? Never visited, never toured, never nothing... So my mom's on the trolley and we go into the emergency room and I totally broke down. I almost had a panic attack right there in the ER. But I didn't, though my mom had a slight one. She was having sharp abdominal pain and she was freaking out and I was freaking out more because she was freaking out.

Oh, and if things aren't already bad enough, my dad and two brothers were out on a camping trip in the middle of no where with no cell phone signal, and my aunt who lives a few minutes away was pregnant bedridded with morning sickness. And the friend who took my little sister couldn't leave her kids alone. AND everyone else we knew from my mom's buisness were all going out of town to the same function we were supposed to go to.

But it turned out fine. I called the guy that was supposed to give us a ride to the function and explained that we weren't going to be able to make the ride (this was before I really began to freak out... I was pretty calm actually until I got on the phone with him...) and he asked if there was anything he could do. I didn't know at the time, but he ended up calling a mutual friend and he came over to sit with me and my mom.

At that point I was so stressed and panicked that I was crying and so on and so forth. Never been to a hospital, sixteen, mom screaming in pain, ER people looking at me like I was a freak (they scared me, except for the ambulance driver and a fireman who came with the ambulance... he was really nice) so I was just a little upset. I just needed to go home and I said so, sounding just like a scared little kid, which I was: "I need to go home."

Well, the friend that took my little sister was able to come and get me after her husband got home and I took my little sis and we went home together. We were there for about two days, during which time the phone rang like ever ten minutes with someone else asking if we were okay. YES WE ARE ALREADY PEOPLE! Then our phones began to go AWAK and our neighbors came looking for us after they tried to call us three or four times. They scared me because I didn't hear them knocking and only heard them when they came past the window. I didn't see them and freaked out, wondering who was stalking around my house. But we talked to them and everyone was fine. I love my neighbors.

Anyhoo, my dad and bros got home Saturday (my dad was so funny.. when he got back in range, he listened to the messages I had left "hey dad, we're in the hospital, ummm, mom passed out..." and called, sounding really worried. My mom got out later Saturday night and is now fine.

Apparently she was low on potassium and that was all, but she had to go through like two days of tests to figure that out, and she is fine now. And I totally need to chill after spending two whole days alone in the house with my five year old sister. *passes out and is rushed to the ER hehe... just kidding.*

So yeah, that was my weekend. Please forgive for not posting... After all, circumstances beyond my control prevented me...



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