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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/523883-Stupid-is-as-stupid-does
Rated: 18+ · Book · Biographical · #1141791
Ummm...this is my blog. Yeah, that's it...my blog.
#523883 added July 26, 2007 at 4:10pm
Restrictions: None
Stupid is as stupid does
I'll give you two guesses who this blog will be about but you'll only need one. Give up?? Yep. That's right. FIL is at it again.

His future is still very uncertain at this point as far as the trial and jail and whatnot. I'm not saying he should hole-up and stop living, but this man is like the grasshopper who sang all summer.

So where am I going with all this?? Well, first of all I wouldn't trust this man to be the banker in a game of Monopoly. He just can't manage money to save his life. And hubby and I feel he is making some very poor decisions for someone who may or may not go to prison. But whatever. So anywho, this donkey decided to buy (on top of EVERYTHING else) a boat. Not a large one. Hell, not even a ski boat or anything like that. It's just a little 4-seater boat. Not big deal. You can probably just fish and joy ride in it. But let's take into account that first of all there was the expense of buying said boat. Then you have to get insurance for it. Now you have to register it. And let's not forget that we live in Maine where winterizing a boat is a necessity. Okay fine. Great. Grand. Whatever. So you are so freaking depressed with your life (I would be too if I were married to that shrew) you have to spend money to have moments of happiness. It's your money, not mine. Well, I asked hubby if they were boat people when he was growing up. He said no. I said really?? Never?? He said they never, ever owned a boat. I found this a little bizarre. The way FIL wanted a boat, it was like he'd had a boat forever then he had to give it up for a period of time and now he finally got to have his boat back. Nope. He just needed to have that boat. I guess the good thing is that he's actually using it. I find it somewhat comical though that MIL is terrified of the water and boats. I'm sure that was a major driving force for the purchase as well. Just to piss her off. That is one messed up marriage.

A couple of nights ago, FIL and BIL took the boat out asked if step-daughter wanted to go. We drove her down to the docks and sent her on her merry way to have fun. FIL is one of those people who think he's really funny when in all reality he's just a complete tool. His ridiculous pranks finally got the best of him. There must have been a dead fish lying around on the docks or the boat ramp and he thought he would scare step-daughter so he kicked it at her.

Now, I'm no fish expert by any means. Hell, I've only been fishing 3 times in my life and all of those were when I was a wee lass. But there were 2 rules I remembered A) be careful of the hook and B) if you do catch a fish, for the love of God, watch out for the gills.

Back to the kicking of the fish...

The jackass cut his foot all the way to the bone. Now a couple of days have gone by and guess what. The cut is infected. And this man used to be a PA who owned his own walk-in clinic for such injuries and the like. Thank goodness I've never maimed myself in his presence. He'd probably be like that medieval barber, Theodoric of York that Steve Martin used to play on SNL. "What you need is a good bleeding." "But I'm bleeding already." "Hey, who's the barber here??"

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