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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/542449-Flossies-61st-Lesson
Rated: E · Book · Biographical · #973799
My lessons with Flossie, a roan Standardbred mare
#542449 added October 17, 2007 at 10:05pm
Restrictions: None
Flossie's 61st Lesson

When I got to Des� this morning, Flossie was in the little paddock where
I used to work her months ago. I had to go in and get her so we could
start her lesson because she wouldn't crawl under the wire fence.
She was willing to work with me today; she seemed very glad to see me,
for one thing, and really wanted to do well! She was such a pleasure!

I know I�ve said this before and before and before, but she has the
neatest half-halts! They are like poetry! Getting her ready for the
canter is the best; I pull her down to a nice slow trot and just before
she comes to a stop, I move her into a canter with my seat; it�s like a
dance; I lead, she follows. It�s almost as though we are one! If there
is such a thing as ESP, then I�ve got it with Flossie.

At the end of her lesson I had her working on large circles at a walk
and at a trot. At first she didn�t want to cooperate, but once I got
her attention, she circled like a well-trained mare. She didn�t throw
her shoulder out; she didn�t fall in; she didn�t try to run off the
circle as she usually does. She was on the bit; I held her loosely in
my hands while I used gentle, but firm legs. If we had been being
graded or judged on her circles today, we would have won the highest
score possible! It was SWEET!

At one point she went out of control, like the way she did last time I
rode her, but I discovered it�s not me that�s causing it; she throws
herself off. When she feels she�s had enough of the canter, she�ll
throw her leg down in such a way that bounces her spine into the air
which throws me out of the saddle. When she does that, her nose goes up
which jerks the bit. I had thought I had put too much pressure on her
mouth the last time this happened, but now I know that�s not the case.
When that happened today, I wouldn�t let her stop even though the ride
was uncomfortable. I kept her going and would not allow her to walk
until I asked for it. I�ll be aware of this next time and hopefully she
won�t be able to get away with it again.

I absolutely love my new bit! I love bits with shanks because I can
feel the horse�s mouth. The better I can feel it, the softer my hands
become. I think Flossie, too, likes her new bit for this reason alone
if not for anything else.

After my ride I rubbed her down with a towel and groomed her as I always
do. Since neither Bambi nor Magic Harry came into the yard to get their
share of the carrots I had brought with me, Flossie and I spent some
time alone together. Once she had enough, I took the remainder of the
carrots out to the paddock for the other two horses. I gave Flossie one
in the yard, and then walked out of the yard to the paddock. A few
moments went by before I heard the unmistakable sound of trotting hooves
from behind. I looked over my shoulder; sure enough, there was Flossie
trotting up behind me!

She followed me out to where the other two were grazing and when they
were done with their carrots, she followed me back into the yard again.
I had left three carrots behind in case the three of them followed me
back to the yard, so I gave each of them one more carrot as they came

When they were done, Bambi herded Flossie back out into the pasture, but
Harry stayed behind in the yard with me. So I gave him some water out
of a bottle. He opened his mouth and made a ditch with his bottom lip
where I could pour the water in. He didn�t really want the water,
though; he was more interested in chewing the bottle and trying to see
if he couldn�t act cute enough to warrant another carrot. There�s
something about that horse that I like. I have a feeling, if I got to
know him better, I�d find he�s a regular corker.

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