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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/554134-Things-are-looking-pretty-decent
Rated: 18+ · Book · None · #488496
Only rule you must follow if you know me: You can't get mad at me for what I write.
#554134 added December 9, 2007 at 3:42am
Restrictions: None
Things are looking pretty decent.
Alright, so I haven't talked to Corinne in about a week...and I'm doing ok with it. I haven't had the urge to talk to her or call her and it feels fucking great. Plus, I bowled ahead for bowling this week so I won't even see her for another week. Now, it wasn't because I didn't want to see her. Monday night RAW is starting at 8pm this Monday and there's no way I'm missing that. I did absolutely horrible for scores though. 78,70,78 with an 86 average. I should've just pulled a no show. The funny thing is I can almost guarantee a call from her. I'll be interested to see what happens.

Anyways, I've been talking to this girl Margie as of late. Me and Margie have known each other for quite a long time and to be honest, I've always had a thing for her. Cute as hell and one of the happiest girls I know. Ironically, she's going through a break up as well. Her boyfriend broke up with her in just about the same fashion as Corinne did to me. Just saying: "I don't love you anymore" with the reason being: "I dunno." She's very much in the irrational state of the break up right now. Very emotional, thinking very unclearly about the whole situation. So I've been talking with her to try and get her to cheer up and try to move on with her life.

Now to get with Margie, no doubt, would be excellent, but that's not my motive. I really just want her to get out of the rut she's in for right now. Obviously rushing into a relationship with someone else will just spell disaster. But spending time with her to realize there's more to life than just her ex would be a great boost to our friendship and even more of a springboard to starting a relationship in the future. We're planning on meeting up when she gets back from college over vacation which will be great and I cannot wait for it!

The second good news is a blast from the past. The girl that Steve has drooled over for...I don't even know how long, sent me a message today! Now she was kinda chunky back when we first met in 2004, but now? Holy Freakin' Hell! She's fucking HOT!!! Now we got to talking and it seems like she's changed her attitude a bit, and hell, when I asked, she said she'd want to go out for drinks...with me!!!

Now, to remind our viewers of Steve, he's been out of the friends circle for quite some time now. We would be hanging out for awhile and then he'd go off and disappear. So after some recon and stalking, me and Ashton were able to bring him back to the group. This is where Steve met Maggie and thus, in a sense, I got Steve laid for the first time in his adult life. So then, after a week of that, he disappears again. Rinse and repeat, he's back in the group after a couple months. But then after only a week, he runs and hides again. I mean, I just don't get it. He doesn't want to hang out, but he doesn't say exactly that to our faces. Of course, when we run into him and say he should hang out, he makes up dumb excuses that he and I both know are bullshit. So that's why, months ago, I decided to give up on friendship with Steve and to try and never contact him again.

So it's been about 5-6 months since I last talked to Steve...and in comes the wildcard! Now, the good guy in me says to sacrifce this sweet fox and let Steve know she's back in the picture. But the devil in me says "Fuck it!" and fend for myself. I know I'm a better boyfriend than Steve would be. I know I could show this girl a way better time than him. But the idea of having Steve back in the group...it's something that I long for. Of course, the thought of Steve coming back, getting this girl's number from me and then splitting the scene...at this point in time, I wouldn't put it past him. So I'm really at a crossroads here. I'm not quite sure of what to do.

But all in all, my mind isn't on Corinne. And when it's not, I'm pretty damn happy with myself.

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