Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/554434-New-day-Summer
Rated: E · Book · Supernatural · #1345032
The prologue to my story.
#554434 added February 18, 2009 at 3:52pm
Restrictions: None
New day-Summer
"Summer! Get your @ss back in here right now!"
The girl feels the tug of her mothers words at her heart, but this time her self control has come to close to breaking. She doesn't care anymore.
"Damnit child, don't think you can come back here. If you leave this time, your no longer welcome here!!"
Summer wheeled back to face her mother stopping her in mid step.
"I never was welcome here you hag! You and Dad have never cared about me. There isn't even any point in staying, you won't notice either way! I can't do this anymore. I have to be somebody!" She flung her arms up into the air. " Don't pretend like your some sort of mother. You've never been anything but a new wound to me. Every time I turn around there is one more slash. Don't you get it? I'm big enough to fight now. If I don't leave. I'm going to kill you." With that she calmed herself, turned, and began back down the walkway. Her mother stood there for a small while completly dumbstruck.
"No." Just as she whispered this Summer turned her head to look at her mother. Summer's face was completly open and her Mother took that oppurtunity. A smack errupted from where hand met cheek. "You bitch, I've given up everything for you!!"
That was Summer's final straw, with her fist clenched into a white mass she brought it across her mothers face with all of the force she was capable of." You've never given me a single thing I didn't deserve." Where her simple words as she stood above the woman.
From the ground her mother looked up, bloody and hurt." I gave you life!" Her voice now sounded hurt.
"I never asked for this. I wish you wouldn't have! I make no difference to the world, it wouldn't even matter! Just let me go." Then, no longer feeling the pull on her heart she walked away. It wasn't until later she could see and feel again. It always went numb when her mother hit her.

Many people might have looked at that and seen a teen angst, a disrespectful little girl, a spoiled child who wasn't getting what she wanted so she thew a fit. But none of those are even close to true. To truly understand, you would have to know some things about the family. The Batiis family consists of three people, although most people only know two. Mother, Cheryl, and Father, James, few know of the child. The girls mother and father met roughly fourteen years ago at a rodeo, and fell deeply into love. Without consent, marriage or any of the proper requirments, Cheryl gave birth to a child,  Summer Anne. Her father loved her from the second she was born, she was his little angel, his beautiful princess, his everything. And when you put something between a woman like Cheryl and her lover, that she could see as a threat, she has one instinct. Destroy. She hated Summer, because some attention that she believed should be all hers was now given to their daughter.
The first memory Mila had of her mother was being pulled me off of her bed in the middle of the night and kicked until she couldn't breath. The entire time all Cheryl would say was something about James leaving again and it being all Summer's fault. From that time, when she was about six until she turned thirteen, she was afraid of her Mother. Petrifid of her. She cowared, at all times with a tight reighn upon her neck.
When James was home, she was safe, for a short time. He would walk in the door from work and pull her up into his lap, and say;
"How's my sunshine doing today?" He would pull her face up to his and plant a kiss on her nose. Then Summer would tell him what she had done that day, no matter whether it was mischeivuos and naughty or not, she told her Daddy everything. Back when he was still her hero. Her protector, always there, to help through the things she could not understand, and in the begining the one who saved her from Cheryl. But time and rodeos wear your body and mind down, and eventually he was little but a ghost to others. He could be standing ten feet from them and watch as Cheryl slapped their child for a simple mistake.
Summer had come to a conclusion long agon; Heros die, even if they're not dead.

She continued walking, with no idea where she was going, what she did know was that she needed to get as far from her house as possiable. Cheryl would soon regain herself and come after her, she needed to be at a safe distance from her. But the fact that Summer was in sweats, and it was 80 degrees outside didn't really help. She looked around, she had never been this far from the house at least not that she could remeber. Maybe when  she was younger perhaps her family had taken a trip, but since mother started "teaching  lifes lessons" using her fist and anything else that could hurt, she had not gone any farther from my house than the schools. Despite that fact she knew that she had to keep going. Cheryl would take the fact that Summer was sheltered and use it to her advantage, if she got scared and stuck around Cheryl would find her. So she just kept walking, jogging when she could away from the only thing she had ever had to fear.

She looked around. She wasn't sure of how long she had ben walking. The heat was sweltering and she had no water. It looked like there were houses up ahead, maybe there was a store there. Maybe she could get some water, and maybe a ride far away form here. Although her entire body hurt and her vision was going blurry she picked up her pace in a rush to get some sort of nourishment, or at least cool air. As she entered the store, the bell above the door jingled, just as her face met the wood floor.
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