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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/555403-Wait-until-Friday-Do-NOT-open-this-before-then
Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #464720
You supply the reading. I'll supply the writing.
#555403 added December 16, 2007 at 2:10am
Restrictions: None
Wait until Friday. Do NOT open this before then!
Didn't you read this entry's title?

Wait until Friday. Do NOT open this before then!

You're not very good at following directions are you. I even capitalized NOT and put an exclamation mark at the end. Well it wasn't only an entry title but a warning. Unfortunately you've now been cursed! Hey, I don't wanna curse you but now I gotta. You're not the only one who can be naughty, I have an evil side too ya know. Everyone reading this entry is cursed with one thousand days of one thousand itches on one thousand different parts of their body. Sorry.

Ummm...I just realized something. You may be reading this on a Friday. Oops. I really should put more thought before issuing curses. If you're reading this entry on a Friday then I still gotta curse you, (I have that evil side remember), but how about instead of one thousand days of one thousand itches on one thousand different parts of your body we make it seven scratches on any day of the week, (you can choose what day works best for you), but they gotta be serious scratching. No light touches and at least some of that scratching has to be on an embarrassing part of your body. (Again...you choose)

So here's a list of some of the interesting, thought provoking subjects I had planned for this entry, but which I now forbid you to read. (I'll have to come up with more curses to cover this part)

1..."Embarrassing body parts". Why did God give us parts we find embarrassing? Was it to keep us humble? Please don't tell me you're one of those people without any embarrassing bits. How can you not have one part of your body that doesn't embarrass you? If you're perfect then I hate you. You're the reason the rest of us feel so bad about ourselves. And why are you here reading my journal anyways? Shouldn't you be posing for photographers somewhere? Perfect people have no buisness reading about what the rest of us find embarrassing. I curse you with an extra thousand days of itching. Let's see how sexy that makes you look. *Smirk*

1a...Mail quota warnings. I hate mail quota warnings. I keep getting them, despite having deleted almost 200 emails. These are "sent" emails I wrote over the years. (Some of my best stuff has been written in private emails) The deleting is taking time as I find myself reading these old sent emails, some to people who aren't even members here anymore. They bring back memories, not only of the people I wrote to but remind me what was going on on Thumbland back then. What I found compelling and interesting. I still can't bring myself to delete emails others wrote me, so I'll continue to hack away at my sent list. If you've been trying to email me but can't get through, then I aplogize. I'm now not getting any new emails other than mail quota warnings. Surely all those deleted sent emails should have taken me well below the mail quota warning level.

1b...Power. I love power. I'm drawn to it. Addicted to it. I don't mean power in terms of money, fame, or some sort of hierarchy. I have no interest in being the top dog with millions of mindless minions bowing and scraping to me. I mean power as that invisible and immensly powerful force that certain special beings, items and places possess. The kind of power that sends a shiver up your spine whenever you hear that favourite song, the sense of wamth and comfort a kindly touch can give, special places...places you never grow tired of visiting, places that refresh and inspire, words...on their own simply ordinary but when combined with others suddenly become very powerful and moving, like "we the people", "love your enemies", or "come to bed". Certain sounds and smells are powerful. The feel of silk is powerful. Earlobes are powerful, (even more so when combined with dangly earrings). Laughter is power, as is confidence. Nothing is quite as sexy as funny and confidence. My little cat, Cricket, is powerful. He can bring a smile to my face simply by looking at me. Not all cats do that for me. The sound of gurgling brooks, waves, ponytails, certain movies, bubbles...all make me smile, and anything that always brings a smile to your face is powerful. Power shouldn't be about taking, but about giving. Mother Teresa, sparkling Christmas tree ornaments and campfires...now that's power.

1c...Kindly touches. I do hope you have kindly touches in your life. It doesn't have to be from a lover. Kindly touches don't have to be sexual or sensual, although they can be. More often than not they're simply a physical reminder someone cares about you. That you matter and they're glad you're in this world.

2a...Old photographs. Ever seen a really old photo and thought "everyone in this photo must be dead now"? Or how about an old photo of someone you find attractive? Some old photos of Lauren Bacall I find gorgeous. She always strikes me as being very confident. Ingrid Bergman...what an attractive, classy woman. Audrey Hepburn...again another very classy, elegant lady. That's just three off the top of my head, (and in no particular order), but I've seen other old pictures of women I've found attractive and would have liked the chance to have met.

2b...Or not 2b. Sorry. I couldn't resist.

4a...YouTube. (I skipped 3a as I've never been a big fan of the number 3. I've always been wary of 3) Recently I got to spend a day fooling around with someone else's computer. It's a beautiful brand new computer with a friggin' huge monitor and all the latest bells and whistles. They also have high speed. I've always been content, (for the most part), with this woefully outdated desktop and dial up. I basically only go online to play my tiriva quizzes, email and visit Writing, but even so, I know I'm addicted and don't want to encourage this internet addiction. I've often seen links to YouTube and I knew what they were, but trying to watch any video on this computer is painfully slow. I mean REALLY slow. As a test, I've tried to watch an ordinary 6 minute YouTube video and it took like 5 or 6 hours before it finally downloaded. I got to see it in 2 or 3 second chunks. Then the video would go black while it downloaded another 2 or 3 second chunk in half a minute or more. Needless to say, I don't watch a lot of YouTube videos on this computer. It was such a treat being able to download and watch any YouTube video I came across, and without ANY waiting. *Bigsmile* I happened upon a series of Youtube videos posted by a 17 year old girl which I found very funny and compelling interesting. To bad I never met someone like her when I was 17. She seems to have the same sense of humour and randomness that I do. I found myself watching many of her videos because I liked her humour and quirkyness so much. Now that's power. The power to draw others in and keep them coming back for more. *Smile* I was however disgusted to see some of the truly hateful comments her vlogs received. Many were totally uncalled for. They were viscous, cruel and hurtful. I've also found MANY females seem to get similar comments all over the internet. This brings out my paternal, knight in shining armour side. There's no way I like to see anyone singled out and picked on, and especially females getting this sort of disgusting treatment simply because they're female. I realize most of my reader here are female. Do you get dismissed, insulted and hated simply because of your gender? Do all females have to put up with this on a daily basis? I find it very sad there are such insecure, heartless bastards that feel the need to make themselves feel important by putting others down. I feel these scumbags are true cowards. They target those they perceive as weaker than themselves. I should pity them, I know, but I find myself despising them. Fortunately it's not in my nature to dwell on despising others or else I could become just as warped and twisted as they are. I was most impressed however how the young YouTube girl handled her haters. She addressed them in a vlog, in a very mature, understanding way, ending up with her forgiving them and saying she loves <b>all</b> YouTubers. Even though I don't know her, I was very proud of her for what she said. She handled it much more maturely and better than I would have. Now she has power. *Bigsmile*

4b...Fancy ice cream. Being a vegetarian means food is often boring and less appealing than it used to be. Luckily many of the junk foods are still available to me, and I wasn't forced to give up my beloved ice cream. It's one of the few foods that excites me. (Sad isn't it) For years I've passed by the extra special quality ice cream in my local grocery store, opting to buy the cruddier, but cheaper stuff instead. I can buy two of the biggest containers of crud for the price of one of the smallest containers of yum. I have bought Hagen Dass for example, but it's usually as a little gift for someone else. I find it difficult to splurge when it comes to myself, however recently, after years of walking past the more expensive ice creams I decided to buy myself some. I got a container of Drumstick, Rolo, Turtles and Smartie ice cream. No doubt many of you buy this stuff all the time, or maybe the more expensive kinds but this was a difficult move for me. Just like with my trivia quizzes, I know I can become addict to stuff, so I have always been wary when it comes to exposing myself to new ice cream products. I was disappointed with the Rolo and Turtle ice cream as it had few solid pieces. They were more like a Dairy Queen Blizzard, and I found I use way more Smarties in my home made Smartie ice cream, but I was impressed with the Drumstick variety. I bought another last night, as well as a Very Chocolate Cherry, (or something like that). I like this new very cherry/chocolate stuff as much as choclate mint, (a flavour they seldom seem to keep in stock around here). I also noticed there didn't seem to be all that many Dairy Queens around when I was travelling in the States, at least not where we were. I had a real craving for a simple dip cone and had to wait three days before we finally came upon a Dairy Queen. Maybe they're just more popular up here in Canada?

Well that's all for this entry. I know some of you don't like long entries. I had MUCH more to say too, but too bad. Blame it on the folks that don't like long entries.


*Right*Check This Out*Right* "The Amazing Race Club *Left*Check This Out*Left*

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