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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/563464-Who-knows-and-some-quotes-maybe
Rated: 13+ · Book · Sports · #1343724
This is me rambling on and on about...whatever I feel like. Nice, eh?
#563464 added January 26, 2008 at 12:26am
Restrictions: None
Who knows? and some quotes, maybe
So today, I want to say I was thinking about something, but I was pretty much void of all thought. I just moved through the day. It was wierd.

I'm living in a shadowland
Where the lights are merely
smoldering coals
dying like
the sun on the horizon
its hazy
soft and dark
like a warm summer night
when the air smells like
barbeque smoke
and freshly cut grass
like tired and
a deep breath

So I thought that I'd follow through with my quote idea...because there are all too many ideas that don't get followed up. Like, oh, let's go do this sometime and then its three months later and nothings been done. That happens a lot. And that's not cool. Time...is something I don't like to mess with. It was easy to leave it alone before I made all these...ideas...that people expect me to uphold. And I want to, I really do. But there are a lot of them, and I don't want to hang out with someone too much and some not enough, because then I'll forget how fun the others are. I don't want to neglect my friends. But I want to make time for everyone else too. And my parents want me to be home more and work on stuff around the house, and I'm like, time time time. I wish I could drive, then everything would be so much easier. But for some reason I'm a crap driver and I'm not to happy with my instructor. Whatever, it doesn't matter.

You see how pointless my thinking is today? I move from one thing to the next like my head is a hot potato. Geez. I'm in the clouds or something. Anyway.

Quotes. Right.

I really like ones that are to music, because then the tone affects the emotion that is conveyed by the words. So maybe you need to hear them to understand. So just look em up if you're actually that curious.

1. "They say that good things take time, but really great things happen in the blink of an eye." -Hannah Montana's 'One in a Million'

A lot of people, including myself, imagined Hannah Montana to be just another lame Disney star, but her music is actually very good. Anyway, this quote is actually pretty true. Examples: final buzzer of a winning hockey game, a goal, a one word answer, etc. It's kind of hopeful too, like what might happen in the next 5 seconds, eh? It's pretty nice to think about.

2. "I dunno what I want, so don't ask me, 'cause I'm still tryin to figure it out." -Taylor Swift's 'A Place in this World.'

Yep, that's me. I like listening to words I can identify with. It makes me feel less wierd.

3. "I wanna trip inside your head, spend the day there. To hear the words you haven't said, see what you might see. I wanna hear you when you call. Do you feel anything at all? I wanna see your thoughts take shape and walk right out." -U2's 'Miracle Drug'

This has got to be one of my favorite songs, just because the lyrics are amazing. I mean, a lot of songs are great, but this one always sticks out. Don't we all just want to break into someone else's head? It would be pretty sweet. Then again, there is probably a lot of stuff I would rather not hear. But I will always be curious. Then later there is another pretty great line "Freedom has a scent, like the top of a newborn baby's head." That quote, on the other hand, I do not understand. Wow. I just like it for some reason.

4. "At night on them banks I'd lie awake, and hold her close just to feel each breath she'd take." -Bruce Springsteen 'The River'

This is one where the tone makes it sound really meaningful. Then again, it is when you actually think about it. Feeling someone else breathe, regardless of whether they are your child, spouse, etc, is a pretty powerful thing. Breath=life. duh. It is real. Don't worry, you aren't alone.

Argh my mom wants me to go to bed now. It might take me awhile to think of some more. There are a lot out there, and I will find them, muahaha. I think I might write a book on it. Another idea that I'll probably forget about for years and years till it's too late to do anything about. Yuck.

Told you I was acting wierd today.

But alas, finals are done. I am trying to not worry about them, but I'm pretty sure that's not working. Math went fine, history not as well, but it's all done, and new classes begin on Tuesday. Woo.

This is the end of the entry, before something stupid comes out.
I didn't talk about him the entire entry. Muahaha.

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