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Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #464720
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#566402 added March 4, 2008 at 11:51pm
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Dream Decisions
Do you behave differently in your dreams than you do when you're awake? I understand a person can't be hypontized to do something they normally wouldn't do. Does the same apply when you're dreaming? Do you have any control over your actions while dreaming? I really never considered this before. As I've mentioned in other entries, I usually discount my dreams. I seldom remember them, unless I wake up during them, as I did last night. For the most part, I feel dreams are the mind's way of making sense of that day's experiences. It's a mish mash of experiences, feelings and imagery with the relevant stuff remembered and the rest discarded. At least that's how it works for me. Other people may be able to see future events or find lost objects or talk with dead relatives while asleep but that's never happened to me. I don't discount other people's dreams though. Who am I to say you must dream the same way I do? We all have different abilities and experience the world in our own unique way. Until last night I never considered the possibility that dreaming may also be my mind's way of "running test scenerios" in which my mind creates hypothectical situations to experience. A what if test. Or maybe I wasn't given a what if test at all last night but only interpreted it that way after waking up. I'm not sure.

In a nutshell here is what I remember of my dream. (The first paragraphs are just dream related drivel)...

It was night time, in a city, and I was with a small group of people I didn't know. We were at the side of a six or seven story building which was next to a vacant lot. There was a small, waist high chain link fence between the vacant lot and the pavement that surrounded the building. It must have been raining slightly as I seem to recall I was wearing a light raincoat and had the hood up. (All this doesn't relate to my "real life". There's lots of snow here, so I haven't worn a raincoat in months, it's been several weeks since I was last in a city and I don't as rule stand around buildings at night in the rain with small groups of people I don't know)

I remember going around to the back of the building by myself with the rain hood on and looking at the ground which was covered in lily pads or paintings/photos of lily pads (or some similiar plant). I then came back to the side of the building where the people were spread out, leaning against the waist high chain link fence. (Thrilling huh?) I took off my hood and leaned on the fence. A woman was beside me and I snuck a quick peek her way as I was taking off the hood. I remember feeling a bit embarrassed she had caught me looking her way. The section of fence I chose to lean on wasn't attached at the top of the two nearest posts so when I leaned on it it was wasn't taunt, instead my back arched backwards.

Apparently we were all leaning against the fence beside some six or seven story building, at night and in the rain looking at a roof top. (I told you this was drivel...but here's where it got interesting) So no one is talking, we're all just looking upwards when two women come and find a place on the fence next to me...a younger one and an older one, the older one standing closest to me. She said something, I can't remember now, and I gave a brief reply to be polite. (I remember I was more interested with looking at the building rooftop than talking) She said something else to me, (I guess she wasn't very good at taking hints), to which I said something or other and the next thing I remember is she's now leaning tightly up against me, (which forced us both to lean quite far backwards on the chain link fence), and she suddenly started giving me numerous small kisses on my cheek. (It was probably at this point that I started paying attention to this dream, as most of my dreams usually involve me falling off cliffs or getting chased by giant turnips) Her quick pecks on my cheek turned to a full on the lips kiss, (like I said, it beat giant turnips any day). I remember at this point wondering what's going on. One second I'm leaning on a broken chain link fence at night, in the rain, staring up at some boring building and the next moment a complete stranger is passionately kissing me. It was when her tongue found it's way past my lips that I pushed her back and asked what was going on. It was also at that exact moment that I woke up.

So now I'm not sure what that was all about. Did I wake up because I pushed her back and thus spoiled the mood? What if I had gone with the flow? How far would it have gone...but I now suspect not too much further. I suspect I acted the same way in my dream as I would have in real life. If a complete stranger came on to me like that, and seemed to be getting increasingly frisker, and with other people only inches away, no doubt I would have been just a tad curious why. At the very least I would want to know her name and what was going on. I'd also be suspicious. The old saying "if it's seems too good to be true, then it probably is" would be ringing in my ears. I don't just let anyone stick their tongues down my throat ya know...but I must admit there was a side of me that wondered what would have happened if I had realized it was simply a dream and just seen where it was going. (It didn't feel like a dream at the time though)

So now I wonder if that could have actually been a scenario dreamed up by mind to see how I'd react or if it was just a random mish mash. I'm also not sure if I had any actual control of my actions while dreaming, as I feel I behaved the same way as I would have in real life, but this has left me with other questions...

Do you ever do anything completely out of character when you dream? (I don't think I do, but for the most part, I don't remember my dreams unless I suddenly wake up while dreaming)

Do you feature, (at least in some way), in your dreams or have you dreamed without ever being involved in the dream? I don't think I have. (That probably sounds egotistical huh? That must be like watching a movie. All my dreams star moi) *Smile*

Do you have control over your actions when you dream? How about the actions of others? (I'm not sure if I do or don't)

Do you dream in colour? (I honestly don't know. I don't think I do. I can't recall ever noticing colour in one of my dreams. It doesn't seem to be a factor, or if it is, not a noticable one)

Do you ever realize you're dreaming while dreaming? (I have, but only the one time)

Are you able to have intelligent conversations with others when you dream? (I'm not sure if I do or not)

Perhaps that dream was supposed to tell me something about myself. I really don't know. It did comfirm I have a suspicious side when dealing with complete strangers...especially complete strangers that seem too good to be true. It got me thinking...what if you were waiting at a bus stop, (I haven't been on a bus in years), and some guy handed you some money. No explanation, just simply handed you money...would you take it? (I think the more he tried to give me, the more suspicious I'd be) No doubt there would be many people who would simply take it, even if it was a suitcase filled with stacks of bills. (Now that would REALLY start sending off alarm bells to me) Of course I'd be tempted, VERY tempted, but stuff like that just doesn't happen in real life. Complete strangers don't just walk up and hand you a suitcase full of money. I'd no doubt want an explanation and want to know what was expected of me, but if none was given, and instead you were simply told to "take it or leave it" and you only had three seconds to decide what would you do? Would this be a difficult decision for you or a no brainer? Weren't we all taught not to take candy from strangers, but then again, it is a suitcase full of money, just for the taking. In those three seconds I'd probably think about all the uses I could find for the money, but also about all the predators that use trickery and greed to deceive their victims. Not just human predators but ones in nature too. Snapping turtles lie on the bottom of rivers with their mouths open, wiggling their tongues...the tips of which looks like a little wiggling worm. Fish come swimming along and not notice the huge snapping turtle with it's moth wide open. They only see the juicy wiggling "worm" and swim right into the turtle's mouth. It would be a very difficult decision to make in three seconds. Maybe that was the point of my dream...for me to give some thought beforehand to hypothetical situations like this, even is they are extremely unlikely hypothetical situations.

Oh and for those who are interested, I now have less than 200kbs worth of emails to delete from my inbox. I'm slowly getting there. *Smile*


This was a real navel gazing entry wasn't it?

*Right*Check This Out*Right* "The Amazing Race Club *Left*Check This Out*Left*

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