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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/570318-Moms-Taxi
Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #1376358
Things that I think every mom wants thier kids to know
#570318 added February 27, 2008 at 2:19pm
Restrictions: None
Mom's Taxi
Yesterday was just crazy. Have you ever had one of those days when you just wanted to stay home but had to take everybody everywhere? Yesterday was one of those days. My daughters car isn't working right and she can't drive it any further than 2 or 3 blocks from her house. If she goes any further, the car dies on her. If her husband hadn't driven her car for about 3 wks, before he fixed his car, hers wouldn't be broken now. His car is all stock and he drives it like he is a nascar driver. She has a beretta and he drives it like he drives his car. He drove her car and blew some seals or something because there is water in the oil now. It is the 2nd time he has done that to her car. It is a control thing with him, if her car doesn't work right, he can keep tabs on her better than if it does work. I think he even has GPS on her phone. I say this because if she leaves the house and he doesn't know ahead of time that she is leaving, her phone will ring just as soon as we get out on the road. Doesn't matter if she is with me or not. If she goes anywhere and he isn't previously informed, she gets in trouble. I'm trying to talk her into leaving him but I'm not having much luck right now.
When she gets tired of it, she will leave. I know it has to be her choice, not mine, but the waiting is really hard. I can only do so much and take so much before I explode and I am just about at my limit. Anyway, yesterday, I had to take my daughter to the dentist. She has a tooth that needs to be pulled and the dentist would have pulled it yesterday but she had to take her daughters to the doctor, so we had to reschedule for next week. So, after the dentist, we had to go to Walmart and get her prescription filled. That took 30 minutes of running around Walmart and waiting for the prescription. Then I took them home so they could put thier stuff up and I went home to put my stuff up. Grabbed a quick sandwich, then went back to my daughters house and picked up her and her 2 girls and took them to the doctor. Then after about an hour or so, we were done with that, then I took them back home. I was home for about 30 minutes, then I had to go to the store again because my husband came home and didn't have cigarettes, so back out I went. I felt like I was going and going and going all day long.
Yesterday, I was the energizer bunny!!!!! Today, my day started normal enough. Got up at 7 a.m. and got my husband's stuff together for him to go to work. He left at about 7:25 as usual and then I had to get dressed and take my son's friend girl to an all day company meeting. I had to take her because she didn't know how to get there and it is about 30 minutes away and her car wouldn't make it there. So, I got to her house about 8:15 or so and dropped her off at 8:45a.m. Got back home at about 10:00 because I had to stop at Burger King and pick up sausage biscuits and ham&cheese cres'sanwiches. Dropped the ham and cheese at my daughter's house and brought the sausage biscuits back home for my son and I for breakfast.
I still have to go to Walmart and return the car charger for my husband's cell phone because it is the wrong one. It looked like the right one but it wasn't, then at about 4:15 this afternoon, I have to pick up my grandson from after school care and then go pick up his mom from her all day meeting and take them home, then go home and try to start cooking dinner so that we don't eat at 7 tonight! I'M TIRED!! When my oldest son gets home he is going to try to take his friend girl out for dinner for her birthday, which is today, and I am babysitting so they can go out to eat. sometimes being a mom and grandma is totally exhausting. It has it's rewards though. You get those special pictures from your grandchildren that take up all the space on your fridge for months on end. I have four of them on the fridge now and they have been there since christmas. Those are the favorites for now. When I get new ones, the old ones go in the picture book for the grandkids later on in life.
Guess that's enough for now. I'll add some more in a day or two.

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