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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/570936-Live-from-the-Niagara-River
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1371715
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#570936 added March 1, 2008 at 5:31pm
Restrictions: None
Live from the Niagara River!
That's right folks, we're here on location in the Riverside/Black Rock section of Buffalo, on my aunt's computer. Been a busy couple days moving everyone around. The next time I have to help someone move, it better be because they're dead.

I read a quote someplace the other day, I don't remember where, but it stuck in my head: "What makes us different is what makes us beautiful." Discuss amongst yourselves.

Overheard during friday night's Sabres' game: 400 Lancaster high school students were watching the game in their auditorium in support of a student inflicted with cancer. Proceeds of the event will go to Sabres goalie Ryan Miller's Steadfast Foundation. For more info, please go here:

I'm spent after helping my bro and stepmom move into their new place Friday (almost 11 hours of controlled chaos). Luckily moving dad earlier today was so much easier. Scary moment turned priceless: Uncle Steve wiping out while carrying his end of a tool chest. The mass of slushy snow stuck to his touque took forever to go away...it was like a football player who gets tackled into the turf and has that gigantic lump of sod stuck in his face mask. Son of scary moment turned priceless: Mike's friend slipping at the bottom of the basement stairs while trying to back up them with his end of the stove. Yours truly is on the other end, and the stove slides down my legs. If dude falls while we're at the top of the stairs, I'm fucked under the appliance. Instead, homeboy is laying on the stairs, laughing his ass off with everyone else. We're a sick bunch sometimes.

A big ole apology to the lovely Gaby ~ Way behind! for running out of minutes on my prepaid cell phone. I was (and still am) looking forward to that interview! "Poetic Soul" sounds like a sweet title, and I promise you it's coming really soon (tonight maybe?). She's a great girl by the way, regarless of what she (or anyone else) says about her! *Wink* And go enter her contest and give me some competition... "Gangsta's Paradise Contest Oh wait, it looks like all of you did!

To the idiots riding in the back of the empty rental truck: Yes, I cranked the music, and I drove it like I stole it. Hence y'all bouncing around like M&M's spilling on a tiled floor. Quote from Mike: "Dude, yo- I like smashed my face on the side of the truckm I was like 'what the fuck!?!' It was pretty sweet." Insert here: Dane Cook referencing his purchase of a cement mixer as his new, bad-ass vehicle- "Sometimes I put my buddies in the back of that big thing that turns, and they have a blasty back there. I even give 'em treats- I throw Jolly Ranchers in there. Don't worry, I padded it." Please wait later on in your life for the great Jolly Ranchers post in this here spot (hint: watermelon gives me headaches).

Biggest casualty of all throughout the moving festivities: not the 2 dresser drawers that cracked when they fell, my bad (Uncle Kenny'll glue them back into shape). Not the people left at Mike and Audi's when this dude tried hooking up the stove while the gas was still on (and while I can write poems that reduce people to tears, hook up incredible home theater systems, and simultaneously praise and insult someone in the same sentence, do not trust me to know which valve in the basement cuts the gas to the kitchen...that and repairing cars are just not my thing). No, the biggest casualty of the day was my blue pack of Marlboro 72's, foolishly left in the front pocket of my jeans. Crushed. Thankfully, they're still smokeable, although they look terrible and tend to send flaming shards of ashes and loose tobacco everywhere (a la the terrible Old Navy jeans incident, which happened not once, but twice...and then I went out and bought another pair to replace them). The only prob is when I wear the famous pajama pants that I cut into shorts, the only thing that will go up in smoke will be the hair on my legs. *Shock*

That's about all I got today from Buffa-snow, NY. On to check out a few things, make my way around the room for some hellos, and go home and pass out.

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