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Rated: 18+ · Book · Women's · #1268197
Drop by drop the snow pack dies, watering the arid lands below.
#574011 added March 16, 2008 at 8:12pm
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thirteen ways of looking at a blank page.
There are more then "Invalid EntryOpen in new Window. The human mind, however, can only hold so many ideas at the same time. The human soul is different and can see beyond both the blank page and a given point in space and time.


The blank page is a lover beckoning to the writer hidden in an individual’s souls.


The blank page is a child growing in the womb of the mother waiting for the moment of birth.
At birth the child begins acquiring knowledge of this world and learning to reflect the attributes of God.


The blank page is the cloudy sky I see when I look out my living room window.
It rained last night and when I woke up this morning the black top on Bracken Ave. glistened.
The rain left puddle in my driveway that slowly shrunk during the passing of the day.


The blank page is the sun coming from behind a cloud at the end of a dismal day.
The sun smiles on the planet and chases the darkness away.
The sun dances from behind gray and charcoal clouds giving my muse a new view of life.
The sun encourages growth after the rain gives water to the planet.


The blank page is memory of traumatic events that creeps forward in time to cast a shadow across the present.
There was a time when I thought that if I could go back in time I would change certain events that left scars on my soul.
If I went back to change those events I would not be the person I am today because the events shaped me.
If time travel is possible then at the end we would live on a different planet and be different people.
I wouldn’t want to go back in time any more, at least not to change the events in my own life.


The blank page is the potential for awkwardness’ a human being shows at any age
To learn something new each day of live is to keep young
I learned that it takes five quarts of oil to fill and empty engine, but I still don’t know how many quarts of love it takes to fill an empty heart.
I learned that the routing number on the bottom of a check is different from the routing number on the bottom of a deposit slip so of course the routing number on the human body has to be different then the routing number on the human soul.
Only a human being who is at peace within can live at peace with the rest of the world.
The reason cloning will never catch on is because people have a difficult enough time getting along with themselves as it is (not sure where I picked this up, but I think it was from a quote someplace).


The blank page is any color you want it to be.
I have no idea what I’m writing but I’m going to continue this exercise until I get to the end.
The best way to memorize something is to read it over several times before going to sleep.
The best way to memorize something is to copy it ten times in long hand.
The idea behind a free write is to write long enough and fast enough so that the deep-seated fears come out in the writing and we face the ghost of our past.
I’m just writing random thoughts that come to be when I think of a blank page.
Free association is a good journal exercise and I’m going to have to try it again sometime.


The blank page is the past that hides our fears in dream symbols.
I don’t believe in reincarnation for several reason; I know I wouldn’t want to go through my teenage years again.
I remember events from my past in shades of emotion.
It’s nice to be an adult and look back at one childhood and teenage years and laugh at the awkwardness’; I hope I get to that point sometime.
When I was in junior high school, a bunch of the in crowd played a trick on me; it must be nice to have so little regard for your class mate that you can play unfunny practical jokes on them without feeling guilty.
I glad I was never part of the in crowd.
I’ve always known I liked men, the problem is not liking them or wanting them; the problem is trusting them.
I wore short shorts when I was young and foolish; now I know how ugly my legs are and fat my rear is and won’t wear short shorts or mini skirts.


A blank page is my muse sleeping in on a sunny day.
My muse misses the elm tree that the wind took out on Valentines’ Day.
Palm Sunday and Christ entered triumphantly into Jerusalem; I’m still waiting to enter triumphantly into … my train of thought just derailed.
I remember locker in junior high (middle school) and high school they always had in interesting and funky smell; my car now has a funky smell but nothing like the lockers in high school.
I had a crush on a boy when I way in grade school; it was about the time my mother was pregnant with my youngest brother thus my brother’s name – Tommy Joe.
Who were my friends in high school; I don’t remember having a lot of friends at that time of my life.
The names of the classmates in high school that I remember are those who were mean to me;
Maybe I need to say a prayer for each of the people I remember in high school; they say forgiveness is good for the soul.
Some time in the near or far future, I want to go back to Blackwell and Shawnee Oklahoma.


A blank page is the beginning of a new journal.
I like blank pages because there is lots of potential.
Isn’t life wonderful and weird the things we remember from our child hood become the fodder for our poems and stories as adults.
My grandfather knew a magic trick; he could pull a quarter from behind anyone’s ears; I could sure use that trick, but with $100 bills.
My grandmother did housework in the middle of the night because she couldn’t sleep.
I’m pushing myself with this entry and listening to the television that is on in the dining room.
In the middle of my dining room is a hospital bed.
My dining room table is in my living room.
I have to get the bed out of the dining room and get my house back in order.
I don’t mind getting older as long as I become wiser; by the time I’m 100 years old I’ll be really wise.


A blank page is a new game of free cell.
The secret to free cell is to find the aces.
The secret to solving your problems is to find the aces
Playing free cell helps focus the mind to look for the aces higher in the deck.
There are 1,000,000 games of free cell and every game has a solution that will let you win.
We face problems everyday each problem has a solution.
Every problem has a solution
To find the solution to each problem we must look for the aces.
I think I need to get back from some of my problems and look higher in the deck.
To find the solution to a problem change the direction you’re looking at.
Free cell is my favorite game at present, but one I play all 1,000,000 games I’ll have to find a new favorite game.


I wonder how many trees have to die to create a blank page.
Each new day is a blank page.
Each new century is a blank page.
Each new month is a blank page.
Each New Year is a blank page.
Life is so full of potential.
A writer’s past gives a lot of fodder for writing.
What if we could rewrite our lives like we can rewrite a story?
I’ve put a number of ideas in this entry that I can use.
Maybe I should write a thank you note to everyone from my junior high and high school days and thank them for the story ideas.
I went to high school with a girl who had a nephew the same age as her; he really knew how to piss her off.
I enjoyed remember my high school days more then I enjoyed living them.


I think I’ll write an ode to a blank page.
This may be the longest entry I’ve made in Snow Melt.
I just realized that I enjoyed writing this entry and thinking about high school.
A person’s life unfolds like a rose, one petal at a time revealing beauty each day.
If I could live my life over again, I probably wouldn’t change one thing.
If I could live life over again and know what I know today from the moment of my from the moment of my birth I think I would make different decisions.
I think I’ll expand on some of the thoughts in this entry in my off site blog.
I just realized that writing is the most fun a person can have sitting down.
I have a computer and an internet connection therefore I have a social life.
Some of my mother’s meds cost less then the price of gas.
The wind is blowing through the stone pine tree and she is waving at me.
There is only two times in my life when I am happy one of those times is when I’m writing.
The other time I am happy is when I am reading the writings of Baha’u’llah.

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