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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/574511-Hear-ye-Hear-ye-
by Eli
Rated: 13+ · Book · Comedy · #1402285
Just a journal for me to write,vent, or express.
#574511 added March 19, 2008 at 10:30am
Restrictions: None
Hear ye Hear ye !!!
Doo.....dododo....I have an announcement to make. For all you paragraph/grammar nazis,who I am sure will hound for me the rest of my blogging experience, upon further scrutiny, and the fact that I woke up in a good mood, I have decided to add paragraphs to my first entry. So if it makes you feel better you can go back and re read my entry with your precious little paragraph breaks. Hahaha
Honestly though any constructive criticism is a good thing. I love to learn and be taught, besides the fact that I have not written anything since highschool paragraphs were the last thing on my mind. Thanks for the reminder haha.
Moving on, upon waking up this morning,due to the fact that my monstrous hundred pound chocolate lab Maverik had me pinned up against the wall while he enjoyed the rest of my comfy and warm queen size bed. I realized how much I love my dog.
You see unconditional love is something I have come to believe no longer exist, With a rather jaded dating history I am somewhat cynical toward the female gender. Lets just say I have not had the best of l luck. I consider myself an attractive person thus allowing me to have a rather unlimited chance to meet and date different girls. While I have been very efficient at finding the insecure,clingy,and super emotional everything is your fault type believe it or not that is not what I am looking for.
Back on topic, unconditional love, as stated earlier I love my dog Maverik, who is a year and a half old,and completely adores me. He stays at my heal every second of the day, he cries when I leave,stands at the window and watches me drive away every time and is always running to the door, taking out anything in his path, to greet me when I come home.
Everyone says a dog is a mans best friend, and no matter what you do or say to them they will still be your best friend. The reason for me saying all this is because, well lets just say Maverik and I had an argument before I went to bed last night! I was eating my dinner and wanted to watch television and be left alone. Maverik has a bad habbit of begging, therefore he was sitting right next to me tall and proud staring holes into me skull and nudging my arm every few seconds. I instructed him to lay down and wait till I was done eating then I would allow him to have my leftovers, if indeed there was some. Well Maverik didnt like that idea and chose to ignore my commands. Me being the "alpha dog" of this relationship again, in a more stern voice, instructed him to lay down. Again Maverik decided that was not in his agenda, so for the third time I spoke louder and more sternly at Maverik to lay down, as he is supposed to do when we eat in the house.
This is the routine Maverik and I have agreed upon for the times that myself and my family members eat. For the most part it has worked well, but last night Maverik decided he was not really feeling that idea. So after the third attempt at having Maverik lay down and leave me alone while I eat,and Maverik not doing so, I became irritated. I grabbed his collar and made him lay down he proceed to stand right back up and I made him lay right back down. This see saw continued for a few more minutes becoming more and more irritating with each second. Knowing I could not let him be stronger willed than me I remained steadfast in my decision and finally managed to have him lay down.
By this time my food had become a bit cold and I was extremely irritated,because for the most part Maverik listens well, no longer hungry I gave up on the meal.
I went through the rest of my nightly routine of brushing my teeth,getting some water,and having Maverik perform his nightly duties also. Maverik did not wish to comply with this routine either, therefore making things difficult and doing anything else he could think of the defy me. So needless to say Maverik and I were at odds upon going to sleep.
Waking up this morning with Maverik snuggled in close to me, like there was no problem in the world. I began to think and laugh to myself. Imagine if this situation,with different terms of course, had taken place between a significant other and myself. If the arguement had become heated enough, A. I would have most likely woke up alone or on the couch, B. I would still be pissed this morning because the arguement would continue through the rest of the day and who knows how much longer.
But fortunately the argument was between my dog and I. Maverik does not hold a grudge and was my best friend once again this morning, as a matter of fact  his head is in my lap as I type. So through all these babbles the point I am trying to make is, maybe we should begin having dogs train us, or more so women in my biased opinion, in the rules of love.

© Copyright 2008 Eli (UN: maverik at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/574511-Hear-ye-Hear-ye-