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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/575398-reality
Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #1376358
Things that I think every mom wants thier kids to know
#575398 added March 24, 2008 at 9:31am
Restrictions: None
Hope that everyone that celebrates Easter had a good one! Mine was pretty uneventful. I went to my son's house and had a ham dinner, then a few hours later went to my daughter's house and had a ham dinner. Like I said, pretty uneventful. My husband was in a pretty crappy mood, so he stayed home and played video games all day. Actually, he played until about 9 last night. I don't know how people can play a video game for that long. I can play for a few hours but then I have to quit. It gets boring or something. It isn't like reading or writing. I can do those things for hours on end. Of course I'm sure that you can tell that because of the rambling nature of my blog. I did learn how to use the photo printer that I got for christmas. I had to go buy a USB cable to connect it to my computer and then I printed some pictures for my son's current ex significant other. I printed some for my son also. I have told my kids, if you want me to print pics for you, you have to buy ink and paper for the printer because it isn't cheap. I talked to one of my sisters and found out that my other sister isn't going to go back home for at least another week.
They found out that the valve in his heart that was repaired when he was 16 is leaking. He was supposed to be having surgery for pancreatic cancer today, but since that valve is leaking, the surgery has been postponed until the first week of April. Also found out that the surgery that he is having has a 2 week recovery time in the hospital. So, when my sister goes home, she isn't staying with her husband at thier house, she will be staying with her daughter at her house. It is confusing at best.
Hopefully, when they do the surgery, they can remove all of the cancer and only part of the pancreas. But the risk is that they can't remove it or if they disturb it while trying to remove it, it will spread and then that is that. Pancreatic cancer has a 90% mortality rate. He has heart problems on top of that, so the risk is significant.
It really sucks that we are becoming cancer survivor experts. Not that we have survived it but we survived watching others lose thier battle with it and we know what is going to happen when it goes untreated or when the chemo does no good. It happened to my Aunt, my step dad, my mom and now it might happen to my sister's husband. Even though they are seperated, she would not wish this on her worst enemy and I am sure it is tearing her apart right now. I know that she loved him at one point in thier relationship and that he destroyed that love. I know, that sounds like I am choosing sides, but I am not. After all of the years that she has put up with taking the blame for everything from him, after raising his 2 sons and her 2 daughters, now he wants to give everything to his sons, not thier kids. He just didn't appreciate what he had when he had it. Now, he might lose everything, literally. I sure hope that the surgery is ok and that he is ok also. I hate that my sister might have to go through this again. It was too hard for her to deal with when it was my step dad and when it was my mom, it was on the verge of being too much for her. She shouldn't have to go through this again. It isn't fair to her.
I know that life isn't fair, so no one needs to tell me that, it just shouldn't be piled on her like that. I think it might break her if something happens to him, even though they are supposed to be getting divorced some time in the near future. It was supposed to be in the near future but now I don't know. I'm going to call her in a little while and see how she is doing. Guess that is all for today. I didn't have any major revelations and I don't have any little morality statements , just the facts as I see them. This blog doesn't seem to be going the way I thought that I wanted it to go, but, that is normal. At least for me. Until tomorrow.....

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