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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/575605-more-of-the-same
Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #1376358
Things that I think every mom wants thier kids to know
#575605 added March 25, 2008 at 9:49am
Restrictions: None
more of the same
OK, I'm not having a very good morning. It got down to freezing last night and the heater decided to quit working. I have little electric heaters but they just don't work good enough to keep this house anywhere near warm. I have the oven on but that just seems to accentuate the cold right now. Later, it will probably feel warmer but right now, I'M FREEZING!!!!!!!!

Enough of that, today I'm hoping to get started cleaning out the room that we use for storage. It is full of stuff that I need to get rid of but just haven't gotten off of my lazy butt to do it. Yes, I am a procrastinator and a darn good one too. I hate housework and cleaning out storage rooms and doing dishes and folding clothes and dusting and all of that other stuff that goes in the realm of house work. Man can work from sun to sun but woman's work is never done! That is an absolute fact people. I have been cleaning my room since I was little and I am still cleaning my room. You think about it. I'll give you a minute..................................................................................................................................................................................OK, times up. When you were little, your mom or dad would tell you to go clean your room and you did. We were told the same thing, but my brothers got married and they don't have to clean thier room anymore, their wives do it. I, on the other hand, am a wife, therefore, the job of cleaning the room falls to me. It just isn't fair. I would rather be outside doing the guy things than I would be inside doing the girl things. I do enjoy cooking and baking but I don't like to clean up the mess I make. I do clean up the mess though. If I don't do it, it doesn't get done.

As for doing the guy things, I have to fight with my youngest son over the lawn mower. He thinks that I am too old to be out there pushing it. I usually try to cut the grass when he isn't home. But, here lately, I have had to wait on him to be home because the lawn mower won't start and I need his help to get it started. We have sort of worked out an agreement, I get to cut the front yard, which is smaller than the backyard and he does the backyard. I can deal with that. At least I get to cut some of the yard. He gets really mad when I do the yard and he isn't home. After thinking about it, it is a good thing that he gets mad when I do the yard without him, it shows that he cares and that is a good thing.

I think that I have raised my boys to have less caveman mentality than most men of my era. No offense meant to any of my generation, but, come on, most of the guys back then had the caveman mentality and still do. You know the old saying, you can take the boy out of the country but you can't take the country out of the boy. It is the same thing here. Once the caveman attitude is in there, you can't get it out. I married one, so I know what I am talking about. Yes, his attitude about women in general can be very annoying at times. I have to remind him to keep his comments to himself occasionally. After years of hearing those type of comments, it gets very, very, very old. Sometimes I just don't feel like hearing them. Sometimes I can tune him out but that isn't easy to do these days.

I can say that my sons don't let that attitude out when I am around and they are very respectful of women and their feelings on certain subjects. They tend to think before they say something rude, crude or socially unacceptable. Unlike a lot of the guys now days. They know how to talk to a female without the sexual insinuations(?). That is a very good thing, because they will pass that on to their kids. I like to think that anyway. Guess that is all I have for today, who knows. Maybe I will ad some more in a little while, maybe not.

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