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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/576365-The-more-things-change-the-more-things-stay-ridiculous
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1371715
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#576365 added March 29, 2008 at 3:42pm
Restrictions: None
The more things change, the more things stay ridiculous
So I'm in a better mood today. Went to lunch with Scottie K, a dude I used to work with and one of those people that if you knew he was working, it was probably going to be a good day. Scottie filled me in and I must say, I'm glad that some people there still remember me and can tell some pretty good stories.

I was an Assistant Manager for Rite-Aid, and were one of the former Eckerd stores that was bought out. I didn't particularily enjoy my job, nor was I very good at it. My boss was kind of a bitch at times (I know, who's isn't) and a lot of time it was "her way or no way" (which is probably why she's the boss) and liked to tell the same stories over and over. And never took any bit of criticism well. To top it off, we had different senses of humor. I never found her funny and vice-versa. Needless to say, I was the "cool" manager. The "fun" manager. Didn't wanna tuck in your shitr? No prob. Five minutes late? No prob. I let a lot of little things slide, so long as whatever I gave you to do got done.

Me and Scottie were basically the only males in the customer service/photo lab/management departments. And he's easily 10-12 years younger. We got along well.

So anyway, I stopped working there shortly after the merger, but still talk to Scottie once in awhile. So, picture a pharmacy. Any pharmacy. The one in your hometown...CVS, Walgreens, Rite-Aid...they all pretty much look kinda similar, and they've all got pretty much the same shit. Now, imagine the photo lab being moved halfway across the store, where the manager's office is, and the manager's office being relocated to the vacated photo lab. How nuts is that! He also said that when the pharmacy itself was being updated and renovated, there was a makeshift temporary pharmacy in the back corner of the store...where the food and soda pop display is. Insanity, these big-money drug companies. Insanity. I'd be even crazier if I was still there.

Speaking of the Rx dept...our store categorically was one of the lowest-volume Rx dept's in the entire 30-some odd store district. Conversely, we did a huge amount of Photo Lab business. So let's bury the photo lab in another part of the store where no one's gonna see it, and dump a ton of money into renovating an Rx dept. that nobody goes to, with a pharmacist (that, while I personally think he's a great guy) has his head up his ass and has no clue what's going on around him, just to make it all high-tech and fancy. Makes no sense.

Scottie told me a few other stories, caught me up on how everyone's doing, and I finally got to share the biggest secret that I couldn't tell anyone...only one other person in the whole company knew (who also happened to be my crazy ex-girlfriend). Finally, I could tell someone what I'd been waiting for so long, and not have to worry about repercussions or word getting around or the wrong people finding out. I got to tell him that right before I got transferred to his store, I went out with a bunch of friends, including my girlfriend, and his and my soon-to-be bitch of a boss got wind and asked if she was invited (this was before I thought she was a bitch). Sure, no prob. She didn't seem like the party type, nor have the stamina to hang all night with us. Boy was I wrong. Around 3am approaches, and it hits her...she's drunk. Oh hell it's 3am, we're all pretty drunk. So I invite her to stay on my couch cuz I live very close to the bar, and she takes me up on it. Long story short, my best friend on the couch with my soon-to-be boss, who is engaged, well, they decide to hook up. Scottie K's reaction? I think he was shocked. I was shocked. But it felt good to tell Scottie...to hold that secret for a year and a half, was killing me! I had to tell someone! And my boss and I? Nary a word was ever spoken about that night. Ever.

Anyway, things are a little better today. No sightings. No drama. Dad's coming over around 7 to drop off a carton of smokes so it'll be good to see him. I think I'm gonna head off for lunch soon, haven't eaten yet today And I could go for a chili dog. Mmmm. Hope everyone's enjoying their weekends so far.

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