Hope is here. By hope i mean university life. |
When I say dreams, I'm referring to both ' a series of mental images and emotions occurring during sleep' and also ' the aim/desire of a person in their life'. Why am i talking about dreams? Well first of all, when you sleep its always great to have a dream. I love to see what my brain is cooking up, for me its always exciting and I always get into my dream, like really get into it. I grit my teeth, i clutch my fist, i grasp into the air... I love it. And when wake up im always sad its over and wish I could go back to that specific point in time... Don't know.. just had to express that :) Now dreams in terms of your aspirations, this is particularly important. In order to get somewhere in life you need to have a dream. You can go through wandering in life, but most times this will take you longer to find out what you're destined to do/destined to be. I was talking to my great grandfather and he was telling me that all of the time he's lived, he never expected to reach the age he's at now (86 years old). And one of the things he's noticed in his many many years of living is that many people he knew fell short/went astray because they never had a dream. He said one of his dreams was to live to an old age where he could see his daughter have children and her daughter have children and he's achieving his dream, He was telling me that by having a dream you'll have something to focus on and you'll have a sense of purpose in your life. He was saying that he has been on this earth many days and that by him having a purpose and working to achieve something, it helped him get through alot of the days, he had something to look forward to, something to live for. I think alot of people should listen to that particular message... nothing is wrong with having a dream. It is in fact encouraged for you to dream because everyone needs a dream. Everyone needs something to look forward to. Everyone needs something to live for. Take care of yourself till next time i write |