Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/591452-Chapter-4-Arrogance
by Kyle
Rated: 13+ · Book · Emotional · #1433254
My new interesting novel. Note: This is NOT a true story!!!!
#591452 added June 22, 2008 at 3:54pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 4: Arrogance
Chapter 4: Arrogance

I didn't sleep much more for the rest of that night. That name still rang inside my head. Abby. I was sure I didn't know anyone by that name. But at that moment, I knew that I soon would.

Abby. I assumed it was the name of a little girl. Very young. I couldn't imagine any teenage girl using the name "Abby". It had to be a little girl.

Wait. What was I doing? Why was I so sure that I would meet this Abby? As far as I was concerned, I didn't know an Abby and that wasn't about to change. I erased the thought from my mind. Premonitions? Since when have I believed in those anyway? I wasn't going to start now.

Still, I couldn't resist. I had to ask Stephanie.

"Ummm.....no I don't know anyone named Abby," she said when I asked her about it the next day. I was relieved. It was now time to put that average ordinary dream behind me. I would now accept that it was just was some unusual disturbance created from too much stress and nothing more. 

I had something more important to do. Something I've wanted to do for so long. Something that would raise my pigheadedness 20 levels above what it was then. It was time to show off my new girlfriend.

What? Where'd that come from? I'd never do anything that arrogant. But....I wasn't me anymore. I was a entirely new person now. I deserved it. At least that's what I thought. I thought since everyone else the same thing every day....it was now my turn. Right? I mean....why not?  It's one of the reasons that guys want girlfriends. To show them off. And boy did I have something to show off! It was my turn. It was my time. This was about me.

I took Stephanie's hand. She smiled, but looked away. I think I had embarrassed her.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"I.....this....I've never held anyone's hand other than Brett's."
She let go of my hand.
"I'm not sure I'm ready, Brad. I'm sorry."
She looked down.

That pretty much ruined my day. No. I had waited for this for this for so long. I wouldn't be defeated so easily.

I looked at her hard and put my hands on her shoulders.
"Stephanie....you have to let Brett go. Don't let him control you anymore."
I saw tears in her eyes. I was used to it now.
"I don't know if I can do this, Brad!" she yelled.

Then she closed her eyes and walked away. Just like that.

I think I was mad, but if I was I was mad at myself, not Stephanie. I didn't move from that spot. I couldn't. I was even late for my first period class. Now what? I thought. I wasn't sure what would happen next. What did I do? It's not like I can just force her to never think about Brett again. Maybe that's what I had done wrong. That's it. This is all because of me and my arrogance. And now it just cost me the hottest girlfriend I could or would ever get in my entire life! Ugh! I felt like shouting. I would try to find her at lunch. If anything I just had to apologize to her. Apologize for my arrogance.

It didn't take me a particularly long time to find Stephanie since the cafeteria wasn't really that big. All the Juniors and Seniors ate lunch in the designated areas outside. I saw her sitting down at a table talking to her friend, Alex. I waited until Alex went to get her lunch to approach Stephanie.

"Hi," I said, walking up cautiously.
She stood up and hugged me.
"I'm so sorry about this morning, Brad. I...just....I just needed time to...."
"No, I'm sorry. You don't have to apologize."
"You're right though. I was letting Brett control my life. But no more. I'm not his girl anymore. I'm your girl now."
I felt like laughing. I was on top of the world again. Unfortunately, my nasty friend "Arrogance" returned as well. 
"Are you sure?" I asked.
"Yes," she said as she removed me from her arms.
It was then  I saw several people that were eating lunch were staring at us.
Stephanie suggested we go somewhere more private.

She led me around the school building to a secluded area where we were alone. There was a small bench against the wall, and we sat on it.
"Brad...can I ask you something?"

She told me that she was that she was a member of a secret after school club that only a few select people knew about. Not even teachers or staff knew about it. The club was called The Runaways' Guild, and its members were called Runaways. It was a club that was said to "allieve problems of teens without the supervision of an oppressor (teacher)."
That was the slogan.

"Would you want to join?" she asked me. "I think they would let you, especially since you're my boyfriend now. There's a meeting after school....we could ask then."
I think she forgot that I was grounded.
"I'm still grounded," I said.
"Oh," she said, remembering.
"I'm sorry."
"It's okay. I'll ask for you."
It was at that time Alex returned with her lunch and found us.
"Ahem," she said, wondering what on earth was going on.
"Alex," Stephanie stood up. "This is my new boyfriend, Brad."
Alex didn't say anything. She looked at me, and then at Stephanie. And then she whispered something to Stephanie and they walked off. Stephanie told me to wait there.

They walked a few feet away and I clearly heard Alex say, "You can not be serious."

I was disappointed. This day wasn't going as I had planned. As long as I had waited for this day.....this was it? Yippie.

Alex kept looking over at me while they were talking. What was her problem? Hell, what was my problem? Why was it so impossible for Stephanie to go out with me? I didn't understand.

I didn't really want to be there. So I left. I got up and walked away, not unlike the same way Stephanie did to me earlier. I just wanted to restart this whole day. Nothing had gone right, everything had gone wrong. And unfortunately, the day wasn't even close to and end. Maybe I deserved this. Maybe I just deserved it. It was punishment for my arrogance. Or.....punishment for my disregard of that dream. What did it mean? God only knew. And at that moment, I think he wanted me to know too. And he made the message loud and clear.

"Wait," I heard from behind me. I didn't have to turn around to know who it was, but I did anyway. And then.....there was a flash. I saw Stephanie running towards me....then, with a flash....there was a little girl running towards me in Stephanie's place. At least I thought it was. I didn't even see it for half a second. In another flash, the girl was gone and Stephanie was back.

She eventually caught up with me.
"Hey. What's wrong?"
I couldn't speak. I didn't know what just happened. I didn't know if I had just saw that or not. 
"Brad? Why are you just staring into space like this?"
I finally blinked twice and came to again to see a beautiful face in front of mine.
"Are you okay?" Stephanie asked.
"Umm...I don't know."
"If this is about Alex  then...."
"No, it's not," I interrupted. I really didn't want to hear about Alex.
"She just thinks Brett was the only guy for me. It had nothing to do with you."
"This isn't about Alex," I snapped.
"Oh. I'm sorry, Brad."
"Don't be. Why are you sorry?"
"Because of everything. For this morning, for just now, for everything."
"It's okay. Don't worry about it."

I hugged her. She hugged me. There were a lot of witnesses. Finally, some good luck.

After lunch I went to the library where I finally checked out the Harry Potter book. I had to have a book by today, because today Mrs. Dolly was going to do a check to make sure we had all chosen one. And God only knows what she would do to any poor, unsuspecting soul that didn't have one.

I managed to avoid Rachel again today, but I knew that eventually we would inevitably meet again. She kept to herself a lot and didn't talk a lot in class, except to a select few people. I was afraid I had really broke her heart. I knew she might have been mad, and I hated confrontations, so that's why I chose to avoid her. She was smart, at least she appeared to be. I considered talking to her....to apologize.

Nah. I would do it tommorrow. 

"You all better have you books!" Mrs. Dolly announced as began seventh period. "Put them on the table."
The sound of over 20 books slamming desks suddenly echoed through the room. Stephanie had her Bridge To Terebithia and I had my Harry Potter book. Only two people did not have a book, which was less than I had expected. Mrs. Dolly sentenced them to sing a short song in front of the class. Whoa...that was a new one.

"Twinkle twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are....

The class laughed at the amusement. I knew the singers well. They were twin brothers whom I had known for a pretty long while. Their names were Admen and Arden Pruden. They rarely did any of their schoolwork. I guess they thought they were too cool for school.

Some time later after school they approached me. We usually had a "once a month" chat. I guess it was that time again.

"Hello, Bradley", Arden said.
"You sure have been making a name for yourself these days," Admen continued.
"What do you mean?" I asked, though I knew exactally what they meant.
"That hottie you sit next to...I think she's already taken," Admen said.
"And I don't think her boyfriend would be very...."
"I am her boyfriend," I interrupted.

Admen and Arden looked at each other...and then at me. Similar to what Alex did.
"You'll find out soon," I added then got in my car and drove home.

© Copyright 2008 Kyle (UN: animeiscool18 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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