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#605068 added September 2, 2008 at 9:33pm
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The Divine Dragon Lord Returns
Coty, turned to the head of the Fourth Hokage to see a man with unkempt blond hair wearing a black, and orange jacket with black pants.
His blue eyes stared at Coty for a few seconds only from his point of view all he saw was the top of the second Hokage's head.
Coty, sighed he had nearly been caught by someone who would have recognized him in a minute if he hadn't put.
The cloaking spell on

"I know you're there so you can reveal yourself"said Naruto.

Coty hesitated at first

'He, can't see me' he thought

there was clop of someones sandals hitting the dirt on the mountain.

"Oh, hi honey"said Naruto as a woman with dark hair wearing black pants with a purple jacket that hid most of her figure very well.
Her, pale eyes shined like two moons pupiless yet able to see everything within a 360 degree area around herself.

"Who were you talking to?" she asked

"There's someone, or something on the Seconds head I can't see him though"said Naruto.

The woman nodded then muttered


the veins around her eyes popped out of the sides of her head her pupiless eyes seemed to have focused into.
Something that looked like pupils she then looked right at Coty

"You're right there is someone there"said the woman.

"Well Hinata I must say you're Byakugan is as sharp as ever"said Coty as he dispelled the cloaking spell.

"Who are you?" said Naruto drawing a kunia from the holster on his right leg as did Hinata from hers.

"I'm a friend that's only going to be here for a short time"said Coty with a smile on his face.

"A friend I don't remember you ever visiting the village before"said Naruto

"Nor I" said Hinata.

"Hinata you've got over your stutter I'm impressed"said Coty

"How did you know I stuttered"said Hinata.

"I told you I'm a friend"said Coty as he hopped off of the head and onto the plateau behind it as did Naruto, and Hinata.

There kunia still pointed at him Coty kept his smile even thought he was out numbered and out gunned.

"Why are you smiling"asked Naruto

"Because I never thought I'd see the day that Naruto Uzumaki would get that Hinata Hyuuga actually likes him"said Coty.

"Uh it's Hinata Uzumaki"said Naruto

Coty had a look of shock on his face

"Did he threaten you?" asked Coty.

Hinata's face went a deep shade of scarlet

"N-no, he didn't" said Hinata.

"Well its obvious that I'm not going to attack you, and you aren't dumb enough to attack me so why don't you just put those away, and I'll be on my way"said Coty.

"No, dice how do we know you won't attack us from behind?" asked Naruto

"Darn it no choice then"said Coty.

"No, choice about what?" asked Hinata

"You asked me how I knew your names I responded I'm a friend which was true I am a friend I haven't seen.
This village since I was sixteen remember me now?" asked Coty they both shook their heads in unison.

Coty sighed

"Then allow me to refresh your memories I'm Coty Hockenberry the Divine Dragon Lord" said Coty it wasn't to long after he said this.
He, found himself being hoisted into a hug by Naruto

"Why didn't you tell us it was you, you dote we could've killed you" he said.

"Not likely see if you would have attacked me I would have blocked the attack"said Coty

"I think we should see about that don't you hm" asked Naruto.

"No, I don't think so sorry I don't like to bring him out unless I have to"said Coty Naruto pouted upon hearing this.

"Sorry its safer for the village"said Coty shaking his head

"So, what made you come back Granny Tsunade said that you'd left forever" asked Naruto.
"That is my business"said Coty

"So, how long are you staying this time?" asked Hinata.

"As long as it takes to finish my business"said Coty

"Why not tell us we can help you"said Naruto.

"Not with this you can't"said Coty

"Why not?"asked a voice beside them they turned to see Sasuke, and Sakura standing on one of the Hokage heads.

"Because if it wouldn't have been for what I am I wouldn't be here right now"said Coty

"Well what about me I've got the nine-tailed fox"said Naruto.

"That'd just make you an easier target"said Coty

"How" asked Naruto.

"Because they are demonic items they would make you an easy target for possession"said Coty.

"That's not true an enemy ninja tried that once and the fox pushed him out"said Naruto

"Yes, key word they were human not demon"said Coty.

"Coty please tell us what you're looking for, or we could fall prey to them" said Hinata

"Sorry, but unless you've got an enormous amount of magical energy the items won't effect you"said Coty.

"That doesn't matter we still want to help if we find one we'll inform you at once to destroy it"said Sakura.

"The answer is still no I could never forgive myself if any of you were transformed"said Coty he then slapped himself in the head.

"Transformed I thought you said that we would only be possessed"said Sasuke crossing his arms over his chest.

Coty sighed

"Well cats out of the bag now might as well tell you" he said as he explained about the Soul Gems of Estraw.

"You're saying that you were almost transformed into a demon, but an invisible dragon saved you" said Sasuke nearly laughing.

"I don't see anything funny about the Divine Dragon, or Estraw"said Coty

"That's just it those creatures are myth nothing more"said Sasuke.

Coty sighed

"Well unfortunately for you I'm not taking the bait the dragon will remain inside its sealed room until I've need of his power"said Coty.

He, then felt a sudden wave of magical energy he turned to the direction his eyes glowed a fierce gold color.

He, could see a dark aura emenating from the forest where he had just traveled threw then a great roar shook the village as.
A demon with scarlet red skin as tall as the empire state building appeared from the trees.

"No, he's free and even stronger than the last time" said Coty

A man with dark hair wearing the same robes as Sasuke walked threw the forest his snow white skin.
Showed brightly in the sunlit forest as he made his way to Konoha when he felt a sudden wave of energy.
He, followed the energy thinking it was his quarry only to be disappointed to find it was nothing more than a green emerald necklace.
He, was about to leave when a voice spoke in his head.

"Hello Orochimaru" said the voice in his head

"Who are you?" asked Orochimaru

"I am the Soul Gem of Estraw I hold the means to ultimate power if you care to allow me to enter your body I will.
Give you the power you need to crush Konoha once and for all"said Estraw.

"I'm not usually one for making deals, but I think this is one that I can't pass up"said Orochimaru.
An evil laugh echoed threw his mind as pain shot threw him like a thousand red hot knives his skin turned scarlet red.
His yellow eyes became black and pupiless then he began to grow as the demonic energy filled his body.
He, left out a mighty roar as the land cracked beneath his feet he then turned to Konoha with a wide grin on his face.
He, then began his advance with the intent of destroying everything in his path even the Kyuubi brat that stole his second body from him.

© Copyright 2008 The Divine Dragon lord (UN: bull at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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