Enga mellom fjella: where from across the meadow, poems sing from mountains and molehills. |
My dilemma ... I must choose 8 of these: 1. Orange streaked blue sets south by southwest; summer's song's now autumn's cool. 2. Delicious, Viking, Empires. Red balls bend tree boughs until the cider. 3. Spicy tropical fragrances: sauce, pies, butter and cider from Winter Bananas. 4. Magpies squawk. Reminder that what's not picked and packed, won't waste either. 5. Orange salty beads wrapped in green, set on white, an Irish sushi. 6. Half a sucker; white chewy slice of tentacle; where's the other half? 7. Yellow or red, this tuna will not swim again, except inside you. 8. Go to heaven. When you find no one's waiting, go to hell. 9. Silent in flight, a great grey owl sails across the meadow grass. 10. As darkness unfolds, portulaca wraps its silk around itself, each lady alone. 11. Bumble bees buzz; tiny shadows flit among white clovers, sunshine and ebony. 12. The carpet spreads in royal golds and purples: knapweed and tansy. 13. How do you buy a friend? Wine and roses. Praise and lies. Remorse in the end. 14. Sunshine always cheers the journalist, the creative writer, the plagiarizer alike. 15. When a cat meows to wake me up, punctured covers fly. 16. Into your thoughts: your son, your lover, my dear-john letter, vying for room. 17. Riding two horses. One does not stop; one will not go. Mirror of my indecision. Which 8 would you choose? Which do you consider the best and why? 7765 |